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Qin Yu is not Saint, so not everyone can help.

But Qin Yu was willing to heal a clambered, bloody man, and Bai Linfeng’s performance did not disappoint him, so Qin Yu was willing to save him.

“This is nature!” Bai Linfeng said with a smile.

However, at this time, Qin Yu’s words changed, said with a smile: “However, the bet is still to be counted, so let’s wash Qin Yuan Senior Brother’s socks for a month. This bet counts. It’s over.”

“What, wash my socks.”

Bai Linfeng didn’t say anything yet. Qin Yuan was stunned, and said with a bitter smile: “Junior Brother Qin, your request is too much. Bai Linfeng Senior Brother is also 7 Peak Peak’s genius anyway, you ask him to wash it for me. Socks, don’t you break him, besides, I can wash them myself.”

“Hehe, Bai Linfeng is indeed a 7-peak genius, with the pride of genius, but if it is too much, it will become a bad thing. I asked him to wash your socks to make his heart sink so that he can walk enough. Far away.” Qin Yu explained with a smile.

Bai Linfeng hearing this, immediately understood what Qin Yu meant, and hurriedly said: “Master Qin said, Qin Yuan, I will wash your stinky socks this month, and I promise you will wash them clean.”

Everyone also looked at each other in blank dismay. The so-called scholars can be killed and not humiliated. However, after hearing Qin Yu’s words, Bai Linfeng asked Qin Yuan to wash his stinky socks.

Bai Linfeng did this only because of Qin Yu’s words!

“I did this because I was helpless. I didn’t want him to return to the family. I couldn’t help but went to find someone to avenge my life.” Qin Yu murmured in his heart.

Someone wants to poison to death Bai Linfeng, it shows that Bai Linfeng’s status in the Bai Family is not low, and under the guardianship of a family, it is definitely not trivial to deal with Bai Linfeng.

Therefore, he wants Bai Linfeng to wash Qin Yuan’s socks and calm his mind in order to get revenge. If he can’t even do this, Qin Yu will save it for nothing. Why waste time.

Afterwards, Qin Yu took out a jade slip, used Divine Sense to drew it on it, and threw it to Bai Linfeng, saying, “This is what you need to detoxify your body. Within half a year, you must get it together, otherwise you will have to die .”

“Many thanks Master Qin, I don’t want to pay for it. If the master Qin needs it in the future, it will definitely be overwhelming.” Bai Linfeng took the jade slip and said solemnly.

After dealing with this matter, Qin Yu came to Qin Yuan’s booth and said with a smile: “Qin Yuan Senior Brother, these medicine ingredients don’t know what the price is, can I sell them to Junior Brother.”

“Haha, what more money, Junior Brother Qin, your medical skills are amazing. I wanted to befriend you a long time ago. Even if I gave you these medicine ingredients,” Qin Yuan laughed heartily.

“This is not to be taken seriously. These medicine ingredients are very old. They must have been obtained from the ancient forest by Qin Yuan Senior Brother’s life and death. How can they be given to me for nothing? Give me a 20% off. “Qin Yu said with a smile.

“In that case, okay, I will give you a 20% off. According to the market price, the medicine ingredients in my place require 200,000 middle grade Spirit Stone. You can give ten and 60000.” Qin Yuan did not sympathize, said Offer a fairer price.

Qin Yu nodded, threw out ten 60000 middle grade Spirit Stones to Qin Yuan, and then gave money 3 more than a storage bag, filled with Spirit Stone, heavy.

“More than 3, you put away all these medicine ingredients. In addition, I have 1,000,000 middle grade Spirit Stone here. I will purchase medicine ingredients and collect Pill Recipe in the future, and I will leave it to you.” Qin Yu instructed.

“What, 1,000,000 middle grade Spirit Stone.”

Hearing this number, everyone trembled. 1,000,000 middle grade Spirit Stone is not a small amount. Qin Yu didn’t even think about it, so he gave more than 3 dollars.

Even the powerhouses in super genius such as Bai Linfeng and Qin Yuan are a bit stunned. Secretly thought Qin Yu is too rich and deserves to be a Grade 6 Medicine Refining Master.

On the other hand, I had more than 3 dollars, but I didn’t dare to accept it, and said tremblingly: “Senior Brother Qin, there are too many Spirit Stones, and my own strength is not enough. Once 10000 is robbed, it will be a problem.

Hum, bang!

Qian 3 Duo had just finished speaking, and two extremely powerful auras burst out suddenly. It was Qin Yuan and Bai Linfeng, who formed great pressure, and moved towards the Inner Sect market, covering the entire Inner Sect market, with cold eyes scanning everyone.

Everyone in the market changed their faces, and hurriedly withdrew their greedy gazes from Qian 3 Duo, indicating that they had not seen what happened just now.

However, Bai Linfeng and Qin Yu are also a bit speechless. Qin Yu is too straightforward. If you give 3 Spirit Stones in front of so many people, don’t you really worry about the thief?

“3 more, don’t be afraid, whoever dares to snatch your Spirit Stone in the future, I’ll snatch his head.”

Bai Linfeng said with a smile, and then slowly took back his breath and returned to calm.

Qian 3 heard Bai Linfeng’s words and couldn’t help but nodded, secretly thought: “Sure enough, it is the peak genius of 7 Peaks, grab your head? Too domineering.”

“Oh, yes, 2 Senior Brothers, I still have 2 things I need your help. Can you help me collect some Grade 6 Pill Recipe, the more the better, and I also want some 4 spiritual blood, or It is the whereabouts of 4 Spirit Beast.” Qin Yu said suddenly.

Collecting the Pill Recipe is too much trouble. Qin Yu intends to give Qian3 more to do it, but the realm with more than 3 dollars is too low and it is too weak to do it.

If Qin Yuan and Bai Linfeng were to help, this matter would be much simpler.

“For Pill Recipe and medicine ingredients, the two of us can help, but the 2 spirit blood is extremely rare. In the past, only some low-level Demon Beast 4 spirit blood were encountered. Not less.” Bai Linfeng frowns saying.

Although Grade 6 Pill Recipe is scarce, as long as he works hard, he can even buy some from the 2 disciplines he knows. However, the 4 spirit blood stumped him and Qin Yuan.

“These 4 spirit blood are really hard to find!”

Qin Yu was a little disappointed in her heart, and immediately took out 6 6-patterned Spiritual Pills and said: “2 Senior Brothers, more than 3, this is the 6-patterned Spiritual Pill that I refined. You take it back for refining, and it will be great for you. benefit.”

“6 Green Spiritual Pill, isn’t it the medicine pill that Elder Nie can refine? Why do you have it, and there are so many?” Bai Linfeng said in surprise.

Even if Qin Yu is the Grade 6 Medicine Refining Master, it would be too extravagant to give away so many Grade 6 Peak medicine pills.

Qin Yu grinned and laughed and said, “I made this product with the help of Elder Nie’s medicine ingredients. It is worth hundreds of thousands of contributions. Three people should refining well. Don’t waste my mind.”

“What, the contribution value of hundreds thousand, isn’t that 1.5 million middle grade Spirit Stone, 2 is 3,000,000 middle grade Spirit Stone.”

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