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If before, Chen Gong might directly enter Qin Yu’s Cave Mansion, but now even Elder Nie calls Qin Yu “master”, he naturally can’t be too reckless.

Although Qin Yu is a discipline, after this incident, his status has become equivalent to that of Sect Elder, and there are so many Sect Elders behind him who still want Qin Yu.

However, Elder Chen’s hearty voice fell on the ears of many disciplines, making many of them shocked. How respectful is Elder Chen to Qin Yu?

You know, inner Sect Elder has a much higher status than the discipline. If you want to see the discipline, you can just summon it directly.

But now Elder Chen actually lowered his posture and asked Qin Yu to come out, and he also had a Qin master.

“Chen Gong?”

In the Cave Mansion, Qin Yu recovered a little bit, and he frowned when he heard the voice coming from outside the Cave Mansion.

Qin Yu doesn’t know any Chen Gong Elder, and this Chen Gong Elder seems to be too polite to himself.

Since Elder came to visit, Qin Yu naturally couldn’t neglect, and hurriedly walked out of Cave Mansion, but what caught his eye was the discipline of 1000 to 10000, gathered in front of his Cave Mansion door, and all looked at him.

What was even more shocking was that in front of these disciplines, neat and tidy stood with dozens Elder level and other experts, their faces were extremely respectful, and their eyes were full of fervent expressions, staring at him coming out of the Cave Mansion. .

Among them, Elder Nie and Elder Su, Elder Han, Gu Youfeng Peak Master, and Qin Yu all know each other, but the others, Qin Yu, have never met them.

And these people look at his eyes too hot, just like Qin Yu is a peerless beauty, standing naked in front of them makes Qin Yu a little uncomfortable.

“Uh, you are…” Qin Yu said.

Chen Gong went forward and said with a smile: “Master Qin, do you still know the old man, the old man is here this time to thank you for the grace of pill.”

Qin Yu looked at Chen Gong and remembered that he had encountered Elder outside the cultivation technique hall, nodded with a smile, and said: “Elder Chen is polite, I naturally recognize you, and thank me…”

But Qin Yu hadn’t finished speaking, but the many Elders who stood neatly shouted together.

“Master Qin, please give me pill.”

Numerous Elders moved towards Qin Yu and bowed together, their voices said loudly, resounding through the sky.

“Gift pill?”

Qin Yu was slightly stunned. He refined medicine pill. When did he become so famous, he said in confusion, “You came here to ask me to buy medicine pill?”

“Exactly, the old man took the 2 Spiritual Pills given by Master Qin and broke through, so they also want Master Qin to give pill to see if they can break the current realm bottleneck.” Chen Gong explained with a smile.

Qin Yu hearing this suddenly cleared the comprehension. During the 3 days of his pill concocting, he gathered a lot of Elders and disciplines. Finally, Chen Gong told the story of Qin Yu’s alchemy again. That’s why we have this scene.

“This is easy to say, but, my medicine pill is very valuable.” Qin Yu said with a smile.

After he finished refining the medicine pill, he originally wanted to hand over the medicine pill to Qian 3 and let Qian 3 to sell it, but this way, it would not be so troublesome.

“Hahaha, this old man knows that Master Qin refining medicine pill, one hundred thousand contribution value, the old man has long heard of it.” Chen Gong said with a smile.

The contribution value of hundred thousand equivalent to 1.5 million middle grade Spirit Stone, for Grade 6 Medicine Pill, is simply the sky-high price among sky-high prices.

However, their Elders do not lack contribution points. The most important thing is that Qin Yu refining medicine pill is better than Elder Nie and Elder Su refining medicine pill, allowing them to make a breakthrough.

Compared with Qin Yu’s refining medicine pill, Elder Nie and Elder Su refining medicine pill are rubbish. As for Grade 6 Medicine Pill refined by other disciplines, it is rubbish among rubbish.

As long as they can break through once, the hundred thousand contribution value is nothing, and if the contribution value is gone, they can still earn again, but Qin Yu refines medicine pill, which may not be every day.

“Hahaha, Master Qin, don’t worry, the hundred thousand contribution value of us Old Guy is still taken out, as long as Master Qin is willing to give us medicine pill.”

“Yes, Master Qin has refined the twenty six medicine pill this time. Old Guys like us, but we want them all, Master Qin hurry up and speak.”

“Master Qin, don’t worry, as long as you sell an old man 2 medicine pill, the old man will not only give you hundreds of contributions, but also owe you a favor.”

Many Elders all laughed and said with a smile, promising to come up with hundreds of thousands of contributions.

However, many disciplines have heard that hundreds of thousands contribute to a medicine pill, but their faces are all darkened. Qin Yu refining medicine pill is too expensive.

If so many Elders are greedy by medicine pills, they naturally want to buy some, but at this price, they cannot accept them. After all, they are not as rich as Elder.

When Elder Su heard the price, he was slightly stunned. He opened the mouth and said: “This kid really dares to speak. For a Grade 6 Medicine Pill, he dares to ask for 1.5 million middle grade Spirit Stone.”

Even if the Grade 7 Medicine Pill refined by his Grade 6 Medicine Refining Master, there is only a hundred thousand middle grade Spirit Stone, but Qin Yu is ten to five times more than him. This is too black-hearted. .

“Hehe, the hundred thousand contribution value wants to buy medicine pill from this kid, Elder Su, you are too naive, as everyone knows, this is the price of the past.” Elder Nie shook the head and said with a sneer.

Elder Su was taken aback for a while, not understanding the meaning of Elder Nie’s words, and said: “Why, the contribution value of hundreds of thousand is still too small, how much does he want to sell?”

“Hehe, have you forgotten what happened to you and Elder Han in my Cave Mansion?” Elder Nie said with a smile.

Mentioning this matter, Elder Su and Elder Han’s face turned dark. Qin Yu in Elder Nie’s Cave Mansion not only pitted their 200,000 contribution points, but also pitted their countless precious materials.

Now, this matter is afraid that it will fall on many Elders.

Sure enough, as soon as Elder Nie’s voice fell, Qin Yu said with a smile: “Elder Chen, you probably heard it wrong last time. I said a medicine pill with a contribution value of 200,000, and this time, I don’t want to contribute. Just Spirit Stone.”

“What? 200,000 contribution worth one, and only the Spirit Stone, why don’t you grab it?” Chen Gong immediately said with a black face.

Originally, he admired Qin Yu. After all, Qin Yu gave him 2 medicine pills. He was able to break through the bottleneck that has been used for many years. But now, Qin Yu actually sits on the floor and raises the price, which is simply too black-hearted.

The contribution value of 200,000 is equivalent to 3,000,000 Spirit Stone. You can buy at least 30 medicine pill. You can eat medicine pill as a bean. However, Qin Yu can only buy one.

Many Elders also have a black face. The hundred thousand contribution value is enough and they can accept it, but now Qin Yu is raising the price, which directly reduces their sense of Qin Yu.

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