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Pedestrians in the desert are rare, and there are not many opportunities to come together, so Qin Yu guessed that they lit a fire to keep warm, which attracted this group of people.

When Lan Yue heard Qin Yu’s explanation, her face immediately became ugly.

As Qin Yu said, everyone has been on the road for a day and is exhausted. At this time, if they are attacked, even if the entire army is not destroyed, it will suffer heavy losses.

“I’m going to wake them up now.” Lan Yue nodded hurriedly, to wake up everyone.

After Lan Yue left, Qin Yu’s silhouette suddenly turned, but instead of meeting everyone, disappeared into the darkness.

Soon after Qin Yu disappeared, Ouyang’s furious voice came from the sandpit: “Blue Moon, what do you dare? You wake us up most of the night without rest. What is your mind?”

They drove for a long time without talking, and he was constantly attacked by sand snakes, and he was the most exhausted, but shortly after he fell asleep, he was awakened by Blue Moon, and suddenly thunderous.

Gu Rust was also awakened by the sound of everyone getting up. Seeing Lan Yue constantly yelling to everyone, she was a little angry, and asked: “Blue Moon, what is going on? Give me an explanation.”

“Gu Ru Senior Brother, someone took advantage of the night and quietly touched it.” Lan Yue explained hurriedly.

“What, someone touched it quietly?”

Hearing this news, everyone’s complexion changed drastically. They were all asleep just now, and if they were quietly touched and killed, it would have been eight lifetime’s bloody bad luck.

Everyone immediately stretched out Divine Sense, moved towards all around and glanced away, but they didn’t find the silhouettes that touched.

The whole desert was silent, with only the sound of the breeze, and no one existed except them.

Perceiving the existence of not at all people around, Ouyang’s anger was even greater, and he asked: “Blue Moon, tell me where people come from, the surrounding area is obviously dark.”

“This one……”

Lan Yue was also a little uncertain. It was not that she did not believe in Qin Yu, but that she had not perceived the shadow of who before, but she gritted her teeth and explained: “It was Senior Brother Qin Xu who said, and Senior Brother Qin Xu Very sure, nothing can be wrong.”

“What did Qin Yu say?”

Ouyang sneered and said sarcastically: “Lan Yue, you spent 2 days with Qin Yu, did your brain break down? He is a trifling martial artist of the 8 Heavenly Layer Middle Stage. Even though the battle strength is strong, Divine Sense must be pure. Very weak, how can you listen to him?”

“Yes, even the leader of me didn’t perceive it. Why does Qin Yu say that someone is here.”

Gu Ruan also said angrily: “Blue Moon, because you are relatively simple, so this leader does not embarrass you, but Qin Yu, the culprit must be punished, call him over, and I will personally punish him.”

In the daytime medicine powder matter, he had been suffocated a long time ago, and there was no place to vent.

Good news now, Qin Yu took the initiative to spread false news and teased everyone, just to give him an excuse to punish Qin Yu.

Although this matter will not kill Qin Yu, it can deflate Qin Yu. Fiercely insults Qin Yu and teaches Qin Yu a lesson.

Seeing Gurust and the people didn’t believe in Qin Yu, Lan Yue felt helpless for a while, but still brace oneself and said: “Gurust Senior Brother, regardless of whether this matter is true or false, I think we should pay attention to it. Now we should put out the fire immediately. , So as not to be followed by a fire light sneak attack.”


Gu Rust sneered and said dismissively: “Hehe, the night temperature in this desert is extremely low. If the fire is extinguished, everyone will endure the severe cold. Can you afford this guilt? Just shut up for me who knows and go quickly. Bring Qin Yu to me and be punished.”


However, at this time, an arrow struck shatter void suddenly, moved towards everyone, and landed on a warrior in the 2nd Layer Peak of the Tianhe Realm beside him.

The chest of this warrior was directly pierced by the arrow, and there was no chance to breathe, and he was completely dead.

After death, this warrior continued to spit out foam!

“Not good, on the arrow is poisonous.”

Seeing this warrior being shot by an arrow, violent death, everyone panicked and shouted: “Enemy attack, enemy attack!”

Ouyang’s face couldn’t help but changed drastically, because he was sitting next to the dead warrior just now, and if the arrow was a little bit off, the dead person would be him.

The expression of Ancient Rust also changed drastically. He also stopped Blue Moon from putting out the fire just now, but the other party shot and killed all of them with the help of the brightness of the fire.

Looking at the dead warrior, Gu Rust only felt the burning pain on her face, as if she was slapped fiercely, very crisp.

“The other party shot us at a long distance, hurry up and put out the fire!”

Thinking of the other party’s use of fire light sneak attack them, Gu Rust could no longer hold back, and took the initiative to jump up to extinguish the fire light, but still a step slower, and the opponent shot another person.

Seeing two people in the team were shot and killed, Lan Yue’s face was pale, and he directly faced the ancient rust angrily roared: “Gu rust, this is how you and Ouyang did not believe in Qin Yu’s fate, killing 2 people in vain.”

If Gu Xi and Ouyang didn’t doubt Qin Yu’s news, they immediately became vigilant and put out the flames, so that they would not be shot and killed two people in a row, causing heavy losses.


Gu Rust was already angry in his heart, feeling that his face couldn’t hold back, but now being questioned by Lan Yue, he felt even more angry.

As for Ouyang, he didn’t even dare to let go of a fart, because it was his and Gu Rust’s suspicion that caused the death of these two people.

The eyes of the people around him and Gu Rust also changed. Some people’s eyes became extremely cold and filled with anger.

“Well, now is not the time to argue about who is to blame. We charge ahead, join forces to kill the enemy, and survive the crisis of this time.” Ancient Rust brace oneself, giving orders.

Everyone also knew the seriousness of the matter, and each jumped out of the sandpit with dissatisfaction, and then lurked on the sand, waiting for the opponent to kill.

After the fire was extinguished, the sneak attackers moved towards the bunker and shot more than a dozen arrows before they walked over and lit the torch.

Torch illuminates the desert and saw more than 30 people walking across it.

Unexpectedly, these people were not Spirit Race, but Human Race, each wearing clothes made from the skins of the sand-swallowing beasts, surrounding the crowd.

Among the crowd, a big Human Race guy came out and glanced at the two corpses in the bunker. Said with a cold laugh: “Hehe, I just released more than a dozen arrows, but only shot 2 people. It seems we The sneak attack at this time was not successful.”

These people were all gathered in the bunker just now. If they were to shoot with more than a dozen arrows, they would kill at least 2/3. Now they only killed 2 people.

Moreover, the speed at which the opponent extinguished the fire seemed to be too fast, almost between the time they killed the first person and the second person.

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