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The billowing blood dyed the desert red, and the air was filled with blood and a strong murderous intention, making everyone’s eyes suddenly shrink, looking at this scene with shock.

3 Heavenly Layer Middle Stage 2 Heavenly Layer Middle Stage, 2 2nd Layer Peak warriors, such a powerful lineup, was even wiped out by Qin Yu.

However, Qin Yu’s realm has never even entered the Tianhe Realm.

Even powerhouses such as Jinsang and horse like a dragon were shocked by this scene. Qin Yu’s sword is probably the formidable power of the 2nd Layer Peak of the Tianhe Realm.

The 8 Heavenly Layer Middle Stage of a Earth Spring, the formidable power of the 2nd Layer Peak of the Tianhe Realm broke out. How terrifying is this?

“This guy, why has he become stronger again?” Ouyang looked at Qin Yu and said with an ugly face.

Qin Yu killed 5 people with one sword, not at all, which made him happy, but he was extremely upset.

Qin Yu’s strength has surpassed him too much, and he can kill him in seconds.

If it weren’t for Gu Ru here to support him, with his current battle strength, he could not afford to offend Qin Yu. If Qin Yu wanted to kill him, he could kill him.

“Rulong, you can’t stay here for a long time, you move closer to me, we join forces to kill from here, leave the others alone, or no one can leave.” Jin Sang said suddenly, a sly expression flashed in his eyes.

Qin Yu is guarding the outside, below the 3 Heavenly Layer of the Tianhe Realm, it is impossible to escape, so he can only abandon it and escape with a horse like a dragon.

The horse like a dragon expression got cold and looked at the dead and wounded members of the Tiansha Gang, and then nodded and quickly gathered with Jinsang.

“Hmph, if you want to run, save your life first.”

Gu Yu saw a horse like a dragon and wanted to run, so she rushed forward.

However, at this time, Jinsang and horse like a dragon silhouette staggered, Jinsang directly moved towards Gurust and slapped it down.


As one of the ten branch Lords of the Tiansha Gang, Jinsang is an expert of the 3 Heavenly Layer Middle Stage of the Tianhe Realm. With a palm of his hand, he took the ancient rust back several steps, making the ancient rust complexion greatly changed.

After this gap, Jinsang jumped out of the encirclement and escaped. Only this time, the horse like a dragon was miserable and was obliterated by Ruozong who was chasing Jinsang.

Jinsang asked him to approach him, but completely sold him to Ruozong of the Snake Spirit Race. Ruozong killed the horse like a dragon with one palm, making the horse like a dragon violent death.

After Jin Sang jumped out, he quickly drew a distance from the expert Ruozong. Before he fell into the night, he suddenly turned his head and looked at Qin Yu. Fiercely said: “little bastard, you broke the branch Lord major event, don’t want to go out. Fire Cloud Desert.”

“Oh, if your Tiansha gang doesn’t abandon the destruction gang, then I’ll wait.” Qin Yu sneered said, unceremoniously.

However, Qin Yu didn’t try to chase Jinsang. After all, Jinsang was an expert of the 3 Heavenly Layer Middle Stage of the Tianhe Realm. Even the powerhouse of the same realm, Ruozong, was taken advantage of by Jinsang. Qin Yu’s strength has not yet arrived. Which step.

Of course, if Qin Yu lets Dragon Soul take the shot, Jinsang will definitely die here, but it is not necessary to do so now.

Dragon Soul consumes a lot of Divine Sense every time it takes a shot, and it takes a long time to recover.

This hole card, Qin Yu will not use it until as a last resort.

But if we meet next time, Qin Yu will surely let Jin Sang hate him on the spot.

Jinsang escaped, and the horse like a dragon died in the battle. The remaining Tiansha gang warriors suddenly looked like frightened birds. They were quickly besieged and killed and died on the spot.

After killing the Tiansha Gang, Ouyang immediately jumped over in a rage and scolded coldly: “Qin Yu, you were guarding outside just now. Why didn’t you chase Jinsang? What’s the crime?”

“Hmph, are you blaming me?”

Qin Yu gave a cold voice, turned around, his sword energy shot, staring at Ouyang and said, “If it wasn’t for you idiot who suspected me, how could Jinsang and the others succeed in a sneak attack? And if you dare Scream at me and I will kill you with one sword.”

At first, Qin Yu asked Lan Yue to inform everyone that Ouyang jumped out to oppose it for the first time and doubted Qin Yu’s words, but now he was the first to jump out and trouble Qin Yu.


Ouyang was berated by Qin Yu in a cold voice, and he couldn’t speak.

The entire team was rescued by Qin Yu. Without Qin Yu, they would all die here. How could they be qualified to question Qin Yu?

By doing this, Ouyang was completely offending Qin Yu.

“Ouyang suspected that you were right, but in the end you were defending outside, so Ouyang’s words were right. It was your fault to let Jinsang go. Also, if you want to kill Ouyang, ask me the leader first.”

The ancient rust sleeve robe flicked, coldly said, this time they were able to survive, the credit belonged to Qin Yu, but the more so, it made him unhappy.

The greater the credit of Qin Yu, the more and more threats to his leadership status, so Gu Ru believes that he must suppress Qin Yu when necessary.

“Ask you the leader first?”

Qin Yu sneered completely, sneered: “If I kill him, why don’t I ask you, there is no need to ask you.”


The Tianyue Sword in Qin Yu’s hand suddenly swung, and a sword glow moved towards Ouyang, making Ouyang’s complexion shocked, and hurriedly said loudly, “Old Rust Senior Brother, save me.”

“Qin Yu, you dare to kill someone in front of this leader, impudent, too impudent.” Gu Rust suddenly furious.

He protects Ouyang as a leader and wants Ouyang to work for himself. However, Qin Yu doesn’t give him the leader’s face at all. He actually wants to kill people face to face in front of him.

If Qin Yu is really allowed to kill Ouyang, then his leader is equivalent to a fake, and there will be no more majesty in the future.

Ruo Zong and the powerhouse of the tiger beast clan killed Ouyang when he saw Qin Yu shoot out his sword, and his brows were slightly raised. Didn’t expect Qin Yu to really dared to disobey Gu Rust’s orders.

Although Ancient Rust made a mistake, it was after all an expert of the Tianhe Realm 3 Heavenly Layer Initial Stage. It was the most powerful existence among the disciplines of the Heavenly Cang Sect. What Qin Yu did in this way seemed a bit “impudent”.

“Gu Rust Senior Brother, Ouyang made a mistake in this matter. Ouyang made a mistake, not to mention it, and the wicked person sued first, so he must be killed.

Just when Gu Rust wanted to make a move, two figures suddenly appeared in front of Gu Rust. It was the discipline Blue Moon and Dry Blood of Sky Sword Summit that blocked Gu Rust’s path.

“If you make a mistake, you will be punished. The Old Rusty Senior Brother protects Ouyang like this, but it can’t convince me.”

“Yes, what happened before, Senior Brother Ancient Rust, you are no longer qualified to be our leader. The position of this leader must be handed over.”

“As the leader I waited for, I didn’t have the slightest help, but bully people by flaunting one’s powerful connections. Suspecting Qin Yu’s words caused our army to be almost destroyed. For such a leader, there is a shit.”

After Lan Yue and Dry Blood shot, many disciplines also shot, all blocked in front of the ancient rust, making the ancient rust complexion greatly changed.

What he was worried about finally happened, and everyone wanted to deprive him of the title of leader, which made his heart sink to the extreme.

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