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“Hehe, this guy Qin Yu is a freak among the freaks. Not to mention the strong battle strength, and he can stay with him at one time. If he stays with him for a long time, it is estimated that the body will be beaten.” Ruozong said with a bitter smile.

Hu Chai grinned and smiled bitterly.

The time he spends with Qin Yu is not too long, but the inner shock is also very important. If he stays with Qin Yu for a long time, watching Qin Yu’s various progress and breakthroughs, I am afraid that he will be beaten.

Everyone left on the 5th, and on the 4th day, Qin Yu had a smooth breakthrough to the realm of the 9th Layer Initial Stage of Diquan.

“The 9th Layer Initial Stage of the Earthquan Realm, one step further from the Tianhe Realm.” Qin Yu said with a smile.

Although his battle strength is very strong, every time because of the realm, he is looked down upon by others and repeatedly provoked, which makes him very puzzled.

Now, Qin Yu’s realm has reached the 9th Layer Initial Stage of the Earthquan Realm, which is one step further away from the realm of the Tianhe Realm, which can alleviate this situation.

In the early morning of the 5th day, the sun had just risen from the east, and as the grey dawn disappeared, under the dazzling sunlight, a huge city slowly appeared.

This huge city, hidden under the sun, is shrouded in glaring sunlight. It is not quite clear for everyone to see, only a huge outline can be seen vaguely.

But even if it was just a silhouette, everyone was still incomparable shocked by the sight in front of them.

The vast city wall is 100 meters high, and the constant gaze moving towards Everyone’s Eyes 2 makes people invisible to the end, just like a vast ancient city.

Here is the snake spirit city of Snake Spirit Race, even in the entire Huoyun Desert, it is second to none.

The Snake Spirit Race thrives in the Fire Cloud Desert. It has inherited countless years. From a small tribe that started, it now multiplies into a huge tribe that might shaking the entire Fire Cloud Desert. It has an extremely powerful background.

It can be said that the foundation of the Snake Spirit Race is several times stronger than that of the Barbarian Race and the Tiger Orcs, and only a woman can become the leader of Supreme, that is, the Snake Spirit Queen.

“Everyone, this is the snake spirit city of my snake Spirit Race. We are here.” Ruozong stopped and said with a smile.

Such a huge and majestic city, even if he was a spirit son from the snake Spirit Race, every time he returned, standing and witnessing, he was extremely shocked.

And this time, the inheritance spirit he is fighting for will be the peerless powerhouse at the top of this big city in the future, able to mobilize all forces and hold absolute power.

After the crowd stayed in the distance outside the city for ten breaths of Mo Yue, they followed Ruozong’s footsteps and walked forward and came to the Snake Spirit City.

The portal of the Snake Spirit City is extremely tall, with a height of more than 30 meters. The 2-meter statues made by two huge snake Spirit Race women stand beside the portal 100, appearing extremely majestic.

On the 2 sides of the portal, there are ten snake Spirit Race experts standing next to each, each with the cultivation base of the 2th Layer Peak realm, holding a black three-cornered fork, majestic and majestic.

These three horns are made of an unknown black iron. Under the shining of the sun, they reflect icy rays of light, giving people a feeling that no one should enter.

These guards, seeing Qin Yu and the others coming, immediately showed an expression of coldness and alertness in their eyes, each staring closely at Qin Yu and the others.

At this moment, above the tall tower, a middle-aged man of the 3 Heavenly Layer Initial Stage of the Tianhe Realm suddenly jumped down, a Dragon’s Might snake gall with sharp eyes, and blocked the way of Qin Yu and the others.

“Who is here?” the middle-aged man asked sharply.

“Qin Yu of Tiancang Sect, everyone else is my discipline of Tiancang Sect.” Qin Yu explained, not at all concealing his identity.

The middle-aged man’s gaze swept over everyone, and everyone felt an extremely strong hostility, so they all tightened.

“People from the Celestial Clan Sect are rare, but there is a big event in our Snake Spirit City recently. We don’t accept human warriors. Please take a detour.” The middle-aged man said coldly, rejecting others from beyond a thousand li.

Qin Yu frowned slightly, the snake Spirit Race under the jurisdiction of the Heavenly Cang Sect did not even accept their disciplines of the Heavenly Cang Sect, which really surprised him.

Not only Qin Yu, but even other disciplines can’t stand the cold behavior of the middle-aged man who refuses to be beyond a thousand li. One of them stepped forward and said, “The snake Spirit Race is under the jurisdiction of the Heavenly Cang Sect. If you expel us these Sky Cang Sects, are you not afraid to offend the Sky Cang Sect and let the Sky Cang Sect stop protecting you?”

Although the language of this discipline is a little overbearing, it is also true.

The entire Huoyun Desert is under the jurisdiction of the Heavenly Cang Sect.

All Spirit Races living in the Huoyun Desert are under the taboo of the Heavenly Cang Sect, and the Tiger Beasts where the Snake Spirit Race and Hu Lie belong are no exception.

These Spirit Races were able to survive by relying on the protection and majesty of the Sky Cang Sect. Without the protection of the Sky Cang Sect, their world would have been invaded by the Human Race long ago, and the tribe would be killed and wounded.

But now, the Celestial Sect’s discipline who sheltered them received such treatment here, which made the hearts of the Celestial Sect’s disciples extremely puzzled.

“Hmph, if it is a reception, we will only accept the inner Sect Elder of the Celestial Clan Sect. As for the discipline, I will not accompany you. Please take a detour.” This middle aged big man coldly snorted and said, still refused to let go.

Just when Qin Yu and the others were at a loss, Hu Lie sneered and said, “I have long heard that the snake Spirit Race not only recognizes relatives, but didn’t expect it to be true.”

The middle aged big man looked at Hu Lie and recognized Hu Lie as a warrior of the Tiger Orcs, and snered: “hehe, when did the Tiger Orcs mingled with the humans? It is really ridiculous, but I would advise Don’t worry about your business, just do your duty of the Tiger Orcs.”


Hu Lie was ridiculed by the middle aged big man, and suddenly couldn’t speak, because he really didn’t care about the snake Spirit Race.

“Hu Lie is a member of the Tiger Beast Race. Naturally, he can’t control my snake Spirit Race, but I want them to go in, I see who can control it.” Ruozong said indifferently, and stood out from the crowd.

“Ruozong Lingzi!”

After seeing Ruozong, not only the middle aged big man, but also the other snake Spirit Race experts, were surprised.

No one didn’t expect that Ruozong, one of the ten great souls of their snake Spirit Race, would actually get mixed up with humans.

“Meet Ruozong Lingzi!”

Everyone saw Ruozong and Qin Yu and the others mixed together. Although they were extremely surprised, they didn’t dare to neglect. They all moved towards Ruozong and worshipped deeply, respecting them.

If Zong Lingzi’s identity is destined to stand at the top of the snake Spirit Race in the future, these guards naturally dare not offend him.

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