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However, Ruo Zong and Hu Lie who heard these words immediately turned gloomy, staring coldly at Gu Rust, revealing a trace of murderous intention, fiercely gleaming.

The reason why they can get together with Qin Yu and the others is because Qin Yu has a life-saving grace for them, but in the bones still hates human warriors.

Coupled with Gu Rust’s rude words, the two people immediately became angry.

Qin Yu was also a little angry at Gu Rust’s words.

It’s really stupid for this dog to say such a thing in the Snake Spirit City.

Although Spirit Race and Human Race are different in growth, there is no distinction between high and low, but Gu Rust wants to capture each other into martial arts slaves and abuse them, which is already against Qin Yu’s bottom line.

Moreover, here is the snake spirit city, not only has an incomparable number of snake Spirit Race powerhouse, but also gathered countless other Spirit Race experts, the ancient rust said this kind of words under the broad daylight, it is likely to attract them to the killing disaster .

“Fool, if you want to court death by yourself, then grab your hands, don’t cause us to die with you.” Qin Yu scolded coldly, his voice extremely cold.


There was a deep hatred between Gu Rust and Qin Yu, but now that Qin Yu is denounced as an idiot in front of so many people, his complexion suddenly becomes a lot worse.

However, after seeing Ruozong and Hu Lie next to him, Gu Ruo forcibly endured it without breaking out!

Ruozong is an expert of Heavenly Layer Middle Stage 3 Heavenly Layer Middle Stage. It is not difficult to kill him. He cannot tolerate him impudent, but this incident also deepens the hatred in his heart.

“Brother Qin, you are here to help me, so let me take you to the Inn to settle down first, and then go to a banquet to help me out after 2 days. In addition, I have something to prepare myself.” Ruozong suggested.

For Qin Yu, he is very relieved, but for other people, he is not very relieved, for fear that these people will make any movement here.

Qin Yu saw Ruozong’s concern and said with a smile: “If this is the case, then we will find a place to live, but we can do this by ourselves. If Brother Zong, let’s prepare first, we don’t need to do it for us. worry.”

Ruozong thought for a while, and then showed an awkward look, and said, “Alright, you can find a place to stay by yourself. You can also visit our Snake Spirit City just now, but before leaving, I have a few more words to explain. Everyone.”

“Please speak!” Qin Yu said with a smile.

“Our Snake Spirit City is different from other cities. The rules are extremely strict. Once you enter the Snake Spirit City, you are not allowed to use force at will, robbing and grabbing, strength to bully the weak, so you 10000000 don’t do it with others, or you will be caught by the snake spirit. The guard catches it, even I can’t save you.” Ruozong explained.

Qin Yu nodded, this rule is nothing, Qin Yu is totally acceptable.

As long as others don’t provoke him, he will not provoke others, so there is no difference whether there is this rule or not.

Ruozong knows what Qin Yu thinks, said with a smile: “I know Brother Qin is a calm person who will not cause trouble, but I am not afraid of 10000, I am afraid of 10000. If you really have to do it, go to snake In the battle stage, there is no need to taboo these things.”

Snake Spirit City has strict rules. This is indeed a good thing. It can maintain the stability of the entire Snake Spirit City, but not everyone is as calm as Qin Yu.

Where there are people, there is a fight, and there is a place to vent.

This snake spirit battle stage is the same as the Life and Death Battle stage of Human Race. The warrior can perform life and death duel on it, so that everyone can vent their destiny.

After talking about the rules, Ruozong left alone.

Hu Lie had no place to go, but was with Qin Yu and the others. As for the warriors who were imprisoned with Hu Lie and Ruozong, some left, and some followed Qin Yu and the others.

Although Hulie, the tiger beast clan and several Spirit Races followed, the group of nearly ten Human Race warriors including Qin Yu still attracted a lot of attention, and they were still cold.

Qin Yu and the others didn’t care about this, but said to Hulie, “Brother Hulie, please take us around. After we finish, we will find a place to live.”

“Okay, let’s go now!” Hu Lieda said carefreely, and walked forward with Qin Yu.

It was the first time everyone came to the Snake Spirit City, so they were extremely curious about this place, and many things here made Qin Yu and the others refreshing.

“Look, where is what, so beautiful!”

Lan Yue walked in front of a store, and walked into the store with a sudden excitement.

It didn’t take long for Lan Yue to walk out with a new look. The original clothes on her body had been disappeared, but instead she put on a new light blue skirt.

This light blue skirt is unusually beautiful, similar to the style of the woman wearing blue flames Qin Yu saw before, and it also has a sense of lightness like flowing water, which matches perfectly with the blue moon.

“Tsk tsk, a beautiful Human Race beauty, put on this one, it looks more beautiful, even my tiger or beast clan can’t help but feel moved.” Hu Lie exclaimed with a smile.

Hu Lie, like Qin Yu, has no prejudice against all races, and he didn’t expect to capture human women as martial slaves, but after seeing Lan Yue in his new clothes, he couldn’t help being tempted. .

“Hehe, many thanks, brother tiger praises!”

Lan Yue smiled lightly, and couldn’t put it down. This thing was not made of silk or other cloth, but was cut out of a very famous phantom yarn. It was cold in winter and cool in summer and was extremely warm.

The clothes cut out of this phantom yarn are suitable for the body, and can change in size with the figure of the warrior, so Lan Yue puts on it, there is no extra place.

“Thank me and I will be spared. I, Hulie, are not qualified to accept a beautiful woman like Blue Moon, but Brother Qin is a talent, and she is a perfect match for Blue Moon.”

Hu Lie laughed, then looked towards Qin Yu, and said with a bit of a mess of mandarin ducks, “Brother Qin, aren’t you tempted by the blue moon girl?”

Hearing what Hu Lie said, a blushing color appeared on Lan Yue’s face, and she looked a little shy. As a result, she became more beautiful and moving. After she lowered her head, she secretly looked towards Qin Yu.

“It’s tempting, but we missed it!” Qin Yu said with a bitter smile.


Seeing Qin Yu’s refusal, Hu Lie knew that he was talking too much, and he couldn’t help but say with a smile: “Sorry, look at me for talking too much.”

Lanyue also heard the meaning of Qin Yu’s words, and an expression of disappointment flashed in her eyes, secretly thought that she could not move Qin Yu.

“Senior Brother Qin, do you have someone you like, it must be a big beauty, can you tell me about it?” Lan Yue curiously asked, blinking, waiting for Qin Yu to answer.

Other people looked towards Qin Yu curiously. They had heard about Qin Yu himself, but they didn’t know Qin Yu’s private life at all.

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