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After Ruozong returned to the Snake Spirit City, he naturally investigated the matter of being ambushed by the Tiansha Gang and told Qin Yu about the matter.

“Oh? There is such a thing?” Qin Yu surprisedly said.

“Well, I have investigated this matter very clearly. It was indeed Xu Wenjie’s work. Moreover, he and I were rivals before. It is not strange to do this kind of thing.” Ruozong complexion is gloomy said.

He went out to invite the helper, but was betrayed by Xu Wenjie’s subordinate Xu Tianying, which made him fall into the hands of the Tiansha Gang. If it weren’t for Qin Yu’s appearance, he would be a dead man now.

“For this enmity, I must seek Xu Wenjie’s report, but this is what will happen later. What I am worried about now is that Xu Wenjie will definitely target us deliberately while helping the fight for a while.” Ruozong said with a calm face.

Qin Yu’s brows sank slightly. There was a gap between Ruozong and Xu Wenjie, and Qin Yu previously suppressed Xu Tianying at the city gate, making Xu Tianying shame in front of everyone, and Xu Wenjie would naturally retaliate against them.

“If he wants to come, let him come.” Qin Yu said coldly.

Looking at Qin Yu and not afraid of Xu Wenjie, Ruozong’s mind was calmer.

Not long after the ten great spirits appeared on the stage, a beautiful woman of the snake Spirit Race stood up and said: “Everyone, next, the snake spirit queen of our snake Spirit Race will appear. Please be quiet.”

As soon as these words came out, the scene immediately became quiet, everyone closed their breaths, and breathed tightly.

Snake Spirit Race Every generation, they will choose a snake Spirit Race woman, as the queen of the snake Spirit Race, psychic the entire snake Spirit Race, now this generation of the snake spirit queen, is rumored to be beautiful and beautiful.

Under the gaze of everyone, one after another silhouette appeared at the end of the square. It was 20 women from the Snake Spirit Race. Each of them was extremely beautiful, fresh and refined, but absolute beauty.

However, in the center of these women stood a Fairy dressed in white cloth with a Purple Gold crown on his head. It was extremely dazzling, comparing the absolute beauty of the surrounding 20 giant snake Spirit Races.

20 The maid of the Snake Spirit Race, placed there, is fresh and refined, beyond the existence of everyone, but in front of the white clothed woman in the center, it is like pink and pink, which is not worth mentioning.

“It’s so beautiful, just like Fairy walking down from above the sky, not interested in mundane affairs.”

After seeing the Snake Queen of this generation, everyone was stunned. Even many women were attracted by the Snake Queen of this generation and were tempted by it.

“Ruo Yunfei!”

Qin Yu’s heart also moved slightly. A few years ago, when Qin Yu met Ruo Yunfei in the deserted Tian City, Ruo Yunfei was not so pretty.

However, in recent years, as Ruo Yunfei has grown in age, she has become a generation of peerless fairies, and the breath of the snake Spirit Race on her body has made her incredibly enchanting.

“Is this Snake Queen reincarnated as a fairy? How could it be so beautiful? My heart jumped like a peng~ peng~ peng~.” Lan Yueshen took a deep breath and said blushingly.

Her beauty is also Unparalleled. There are many people in the Celestial Sect who pursue her, which also makes her extremely confident. However, compared with the snake spirit queen Ruoyunfei of this generation, she is ashamed of herself.

Ruo Yunfei walked across the red carpet in the center under the support of everyone, and then sat on the highest throne, but her face was blushing.

Obviously, although Ruo Yunfei was selected as the Snake Spirit Queen of this generation, she is still a young girl in the season after all, and she is a little flustered by 10000 people.

After Ruo Yunfei sat down, a beautiful woman on the side opened the mouth and said: “You all come to my Snake Spirit Race. I, on behalf of the Snake Spirit Queen of this generation, thank you all, and please take your seats.”

Seeing this beautiful woman who spoke, Qin Yu’s eyes trembled a little. This person is Ruo Yunfei’s aunt, who suppressed her to the ground in Mu Family that day.

However, this matter has passed. Ruoyunfei’s aunt is also for Ruoyunfei’s safety, so Qin Yu doesn’t care.

“Your Majesty, Your Majesty is polite!”

Everyone hurriedly cup hand to hold fist, said very politely, and then they all sat down, but their eyes were always on Ruo Yunfei’s body and never moved away.

Qin Yu’s gaze also fell on Ruo Yunfei for a long time, but unlike everyone else, Qin Yu didn’t have any non-discriminatory thoughts, but simply was an old friend with Ruo Yunfei.

Ruo Yunfei sat on the throne of the Snake Spirit Empress, her expression panicked slightly, looking at the crowd in the audience, she felt uncomfortable, but suddenly Ruo Yunfei felt a familiar look.

“Qin Yu !”

Ruo Yunfei recognized Qin Yu at first sight, and it came to mind that she was living in the deserted city and was auctioned off as a martial slave. Qin Yu rescued her.

She stayed with Qin Yu for a while, but when she aunt found him, she left, which also caused some displeasure with Qin Yu.

She has also participated in the 100 clan battle, but she has been secluded among the crowd, not at all revealing her identity.

She personally watched Qin Yu standing on the ladder of the battlefield of 100 races, crushing many powerhouses and turning them into perfect weather.

After the 100 clan war ended, she returned to the Snake Spirit Race and was guarded by the clan and could not get out. She thought she would never see Qin Yu again, but she didn’t expect that Qin Yu actually appeared in front of her. .

All these are buried deep in Ruo Yunfei’s heart.

Especially when Qin Yu was on the ladder and suppressed the handsome posture of the number one genius Feng Tianhao on the battlefield of 100 races, it buried her deeply, so that when she saw Qin Yu, she almost lost self-control.

Qin Yu indifferently smiled, waved her hand, and sat down with Ruo Yunfei. Only then did Ruo Yunfei calm down, but the joy in her eyes could not be concealed at all.

This scene, falling in the eyes of Hu Lie next to him, shocked Hu Lie’s heart. Didn’t expect Qin Yu to know the snake spirit queen, and she seemed to be familiar with it.

Qin Yu looked at Ruoyunfei up and down. Ruoyunfei’s strength has been enhanced a lot. Now he is also at 3 Heavenly Layer Peak in the Tianhe Realm, which is pretty good.

However, the battle strength of Heavenly Layer Peak 3 Heavenly Layer Peak does not seem to be qualified to control the giant snake Spirit Race, right?

“If Brother Zong, are you Snake Spirit Race more than just a queen, right?” Qin Yu curiously asked.

“Brother Qin clearly knows that our Snake Spirit Race is indeed more than one queen, but after the previous generation of queens retreat, a new queen will be selected to control the race, and the previous generation of queens will enter the Holy Land cultivation of our snake Spirit Race.”

Ruozong explained with a smile: “We now have 12 queens of the snake Spirit Race. They are all extremely powerful and beautiful, but the most beautiful is the queen of this generation.”

Qin Yu was a little dumb in her heart. Ten 2 generations of empresses are afraid that they are all super powerhouses, and each generation of empresses, with the help of ten souls, is 120 super powerhouses.

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