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“Brother Hulie, if you insist on betting, then I will accompany you to gamble once, but you have almost no chance of winning me.”

Ruozong said with a smile: “You use Brother Qin as a bet, and I leave everyone else as a bet. Naturally, I will win you.”

There are more than 400 people requesting the blessing of the Queen of Snake Spirits.

In other words, Ruozong’s bet is the owner of these 400 people, and Hu Lie only bet on Qin Yu. The chance of the latter winning the bet is too small and too small to be ignored.

“I have Brother Qin alone.”

Hu Lie said with a smile, not at all, not at all worried, but full of confidence.

After everyone stood still, Ruo Yunfei slowly stood up from the throne among the empress, her soft gaze fell on everyone below.

Everyone looked at Ruo Yunfei’s beauty, almost suffocated, especially when everyone saw Ruo Yunfei raising his hand, the heart stopped beating.

If you continue this finger, you will select the luckiest one of them, which not only indicates that you will be favored by the Snake Spirit Queen, but you will get a bond with the Snake Spirit Race, in exchange for the 7-Colored Holy Spring.

However, just when everyone felt that this finger was likely to fall on them, Ruo Yunfei gently lifted the fingertips and pointed them to the back. A faint smile appeared at the corner of her mouth, and she smiled: “Qin Yu !”

“Qin Yu?”

When everyone heard this name, they were all stunned. Among the many races in the Fire Cloud Desert, they have never heard of such an expert as Qin Yu.

Soon, everyone followed Ruo Yunfei’s finger and found Qin Yu. When they saw Qin Yu cultivation base, furious anger floated on each and everyone’s face.

“What, it turned out to be him, a small warrior of the 9th Layer Initial Stage of Earthquan, and also a Human Race. How could the Snake Spirit Queen bless him?”

“No, no, definitely not, the Queen of Snake Spirit must have made a mistake, otherwise, it is impossible to bless a low-level human.”

“The queen blessed the choice of the most powerful warrior, which indicates that the two clan friendships are good, but now they are blessing a Human Race. What is going on?”

Many Spirit Race warriors, when they see Qin Yu’s identity and realm, all feel a little crazy.

No one would have thought that the Queen of Snake Spirits of this generation made such a shocking choice.

The expressions of Miao Kong and Miao Luo turned pale in an instant, because the blessed person is not someone else, but their enemy.

If Yunfei doesn’t bless them and the others, they can still accept it, but if Yunfei blesses their rival Qin Yu, the anger in their hearts won’t strike.

“It turned out to be him?”

Saruwu also murmured curiously, his face full of doubts.

Ruo Zong, who was sitting on the seat, was stunned at this moment. He really didn’t expect that Hu Lie had bet on the right. The blessing of the Snake Spirit Queen really fell on Qin Yu.

“This…” Ruozong said dullly.

He doesn’t doubt Qin Yu’s battle strength, but after all, Qin Yu’s realm is not high, and the Snake Spirit Queen has no way of judging, and Qin Yu’s standing position is remote and backward, and the Snake Spirit Queen has no reason to bless Qin Yu.

“Hehe, if Brother Zong, I said that the Queen of Snake Spirits would bless Brother Qin, but you don’t believe it. Now the result has come out. You lose it to me.” Hu Lie said with a smile, it seems that this scene, There is no accident.

“Of course I am convinced.”

Ruozong bitterly laughed, then took out a storage bag from his waist and handed it to Hu Lie, “This is 500,000 middle grade Spirit Stone, it’s yours.”

“Then I will be welcome!”

Hu Lie smiled indifferently, stretched out his hand, and unceremoniously put away the storage bag.

Ruo Yunfei’s aunt, that is, after seeing Qin Yu, the beautiful woman was a little stunned. If she remembers correctly, this person is Qin Yu she met in Mu Family back then.

It’s just that, in the small wild city of True Spirit Realm, the weak ants kneeling on the ground suppressed by her breath, went through the battlefield of 100 races and came to their snake Spirit Race site.

She still remembers that when Qin Yu was suppressed on the ground by her, the unyielding spirit and sharp eyes were too shocking.

Qin Yu was blessed by Ruo Yunfei and completely became the focus at this moment, one after another gaze fell on Qin Yu, with different expressions, envy and resentment.

Qin Yu didn’t care about these gazes. Instead, she passed through the crowd, walked slowly ahead, came to the front of the team, bowed, and said loudly: “Tiancang Sect Young Sect Master, I have seen the Snake Spirit Queen. “

Ruo Yunfei is no longer the little girl she rescued from the martial arts market, but the Fairy who came out of the water, and the queen of the snake Spirit Race, with a noble status.

Qin Yu naturally wanted to come up with the corresponding identity to interact with Ruo Yunfei, the snake queen, so she claimed to be the Young Sect Master of the Sky Blue Sect.

“Tiancangzong Young Sect Master!”

After hearing this, everyone was shocked. Even though they hated Human Race, they knew that their Huoyun Desert was under the protection of Heavenly Sect.

As for Ruo Yunfei’s aunt beautiful woman, she was taken aback for a moment. She didn’t expect 1000 and 10000. The young man who was crawling under her powerful breath a few years ago is now the Young Sect Master of the Celestial Sect. , The status is still above their snake Spirit Race.

Ruo Yunfei has no curiosity. Although she did not recognize Qin Yu on the battlefield of 100 races, she has seen Qin Yu’s extraordinary elegance.

In her mind, Qin Yu should have come to this step, even stronger.

“Young Master Qin Sect Master, my snake Spirit Race has been sheltered by the Heavenly Cangzong for generations. Today, this drop of 7 colorful holy springs is given to you, and it can be regarded as a gratitude.” Ruo Yunfei said with a smile, nothing more beautiful can be imagined.

Of course, the term repaying kindness is a pun in Ruo Yunfei’s case. One is the snake Spirit Race and Tiancangzong, and the second is the kindness that Qin Yu rescued from the Wunu market.

Qin Yu smiled slowly, but didn’t care about the reward, but when he was about to step forward and receive the blessing, an unkind voice sounded from the crowd.

“and many more.”

Miao Kong suddenly stood up and said: “The Snake Spirit Queen, Qin Yu claims to be the Young Sect Master of the Celestial Sect, but his identity has not been verified, can’t be considered, and his realm is too low to accompany you to enjoy your gift. blessing!”

As soon as this remark came out, everyone at the banquet brows tightly knit. The identity of Qin Yu is indeed self-proclaimed.

Regarding the authenticity of Qin Yu’s identity, only Xu Tianying and the others among the many Spirit Races know, but others do not.

Of course, when Xu Tianying saw that Qin Yu was deflated, it was too late, so naturally he would not give Qin Yu a clarification.

It is worth mentioning that Qin Yu’s realm is indeed only the 9th Layer Initial Stage of the Earthquan, and even the Tianhe Realm has not been entered. If you only look at the surface, you can’t be considered what young talents.

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