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The violent Spiritual Qi condensed on the sledgehammer, forming a strong wind after swinging. The dust on the ground was quickly swept up by these winds, and accompanied by the dancing of the two sledgehammers, two incomparable waves A powerful salon.

The salon was flying, and the hammer shadow rioted one after another, making Qin Yu’s whole body almost a Land of Death.

It seems that as long as Qin Yu moves lightly, it will be crushed by these violent hammer shadows and 2 flying salons, and the killing will be bloody.

But if Qin Yu has been standing here forever, once these extremely powerful hammer shadows are gathered together, they will all fall on Qin Yu. When the time comes Qin Yu will end up even more miserable.

In this way, whether it is Qin Yu moving or not, it seems that the end is the same, that is, defeat and death here.

Qin Yu’s eyes narrowed slightly, and a solemn expression appeared on his face.

Immediately, Qin Yu’s eyes suddenly became extremely sharp, and Nine Revolutions Divine Dragon Art spurred again. The black streamer surged violently on Qin Yu’s double fists.

At the same time, Qin Yu’s realm power exploded, and the majestic and violent Spiritual Qi exploded violently above the fist peak, and the two arms shot out like two black dragons.

“Roar, roar!”

After these two dragons were killed, they seemed to be accompanied by bursts of sound of dragon’s roar, quickly and the hammer shadow strikes in the sky, one after another strong force riots, continuously erupted.

Under Qin Yu’s swinging arms, the peak of fist swept across a large area.

The hammer shadow that was originally permeating Qin Yu’s body was finally destroyed by Qin Yu one after another, making Qin Yu’s whole body clear again.

Double fists and double hammers!

The people who watched this scene were frightened, and they discovered that they had underestimated Qin Yu’s physical strength before.

Qin Yu’s physical strength has reached an unpredictable level.

“This guy’s physical strength is too strong, he used a pair of flesh fists to force Xu Wenjie’s double hammers, and he did not lose the wind.”

“Xu Wenjie’s double hammers are middle grade Venerable Artifact. Qin Yu uses his fists to shake hard. Could it be that the hardness of Qin Yu’s double fists has reached the level of middle grade Venerable Artifact, but how is this possible?”

“Able to cultivate his own double fist to such a level, this Qin Yu can be regarded as the Number One Person of the 3 Heavenly Layer Middle Stage of the Tianhe Realm, eh? No, he only has the battle strength of the 9th Layer Initial Stage of the Earth Spring Realm.”

Xu Wenjie’s face also changed drastically, the more shocked he became.

Qin Yu’s strength has exceeded his expectations too much, making him unable to deal with Qin Yu for a while.

Thinking of this, Xu Wenjie couldn’t help but get annoyed for a while. He was also the cultivation base of the Heavenly Layer Middle Stage 3 Heavenly Layer Middle Stage, the strongest genius of the snake Spirit Race this generation, one of the ten great spirits, and even a small earth spring. The Human Race warriors of the 9th Layer Initial Stage can’t be cleaned up.

In annoyance, the two sledgehammers in both of his hands were swung more violently and hit Qin Yu head-on. He didn’t believe it, he couldn’t clean Qin Yu by himself.

“hmph! ”

Qin Yu coldly snorted, the dragon formed with both arms suddenly became sharper, forming a state of strangulation, and quickly attacked and killed the salon on top of strikes 2 heavy hammer.

These salons are made of sand, and are condensed by the sledgehammer’s violent energy. The hardness is extremely hard, and the ordinary low grade Venerable Artifact cannot be broken.

However, under the impact of Qin Yu’s arms, Sharon suddenly burst open, and was directly dissipated by Qin Yu. With his sturdy fists and boundless strength, the strikes were above the hammers.

Hey, hey!

Two almost bursting sounds came, causing everyone’s eardrums to ache violently. Then, the silhouettes of Qin Yu and Xu Wenjie flew out respectively, where the latter was stunned.

Qin Yu’s physical strength alone is equal to his battle strength after using middle grade Venerable Artifact, which is incredible.

“really strong !”

There was a low whisper from the crowd, secretly thought Qin Yu’s fleshy body battle strength was too strong, and Jane reached the point of incomparable strength.

Xu Wenjie’s face turned blue and purple, as if being kicked by a donkey fiercely, extremely ugly, expression uncertain, gloomy face said: “hmph, even if you are unreasonably tyrannical, but you can’t help me, at most you can only fight with me. It’s just flat.”

“Hehe, you are very good at putting gold on your face. I shook your 2 middle grade Venerable Artifact with a pair of fists. You are ashamed to say that it is just flat?”

Qin Yu sneered, sneered: “Xu Wenjie, look at the heavy hammer in your hand again!”

Xu Wenjie took a subconsciously look, but found that the two heavy hammers in his hand were actually left with two clear fist peaks, which were caused by Qin Yu’s double fists.

“How is it possible?” Xu Wenjie lost his voice in amazement, extremely surprised.

In the confrontation with Qin Yu, he not only failed to suppress Qin Yu, the middle grade Venerable Artifact in his hand, but was also left behind by Qin Yu.

If the peaks of Qin Yu’s punches all fall on his fleshy body, wouldn’t he be able to burst into death if he couldn’t even receive a punch.

“There is nothing impossible, but it doesn’t matter anymore.”

Qin Yu shook the head slowly, took a deep breath, and said: “Next, everything should be over, because I don’t have the patience to mess with you here.”


Xu Wenjie said with a gloomy and uncertain face: “hmph, you are too big, even if you damage my 2 middle grade Venerable Artifacts, but this thing, I am not without the 2nd and the 3rd.”

As one of the top ten souls, although he does not have any high grade Venerable Artifact, but the middle grade Venerable Artifact this thing, he naturally has only one impossible, can Qin Yu still leave traces on it?

Besides, Qin Yu only left the marks of fist peaks on the 2 sledgehammers, and did not really damage the sledgehammers, and the formidable power did not drop much.

Looking at Xu Wenjie’s gloomy and uncertain expression, Qin Yu shook the head helplessly, and then slowly took a step.


This step seemed very slow and unremarkable, but when this step completely fell to the ground, there was an extremely heavy and dull sound from the ground.

Accompanied by a heavy muffled sound, the breath on Qin Yu’s body suddenly became extremely strong, and within the body there was a sound of bottleneck cracking.

At this moment, the breath of Qin Yu’s original local spring realm 9th Layer Initial Stage soared wildly, and suddenly climbed to the realm of the 9th Layer Middle Stage of the local spring realm.

“What, this guy has a breakthrough.”

Feeling the tyrannical aura suddenly coming from Qin Yu, everyone’s eyes trembled. Everyone didn’t expect, Qin Yu had a breakthrough in realm at this time, and the battle strength suddenly increased dozens of times. .

During the breakthrough, Qin Yu simply took a step.

This step, stepped out of a realm.

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