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After Qin Yu and the others started, the lineups of Rong Di, Lu Guanjie, and the others also had their own hands. Naturally, they would not miss this kind of heavenly material earthly treasure.

However, there are a total of 8 lava Fire Ponds, Qin Yu and the others occupy 4 of them. As for the remaining 4, Rong Di and Lu Guanjie and the others only occupy 2 of each.

The expressions of Rong Di and Lu Guanjie and the others looked towards Qin Yu. Qin Yu has the weakest lineup but occupies a full 4 Fire Ponds, making them extremely unhappy.

However, Qin Yu turned a deaf ear to these gazes and stretched out his hand. The four flame Spirit Crystals in the Fire Pond he was in fell into his hands one after another, and Qin Yu slowly put them away.

Lan Yue, Hu Lie, Ruozong, and the others were all the same, but their actions attracted countless cold eyes, making them tremble.

“This flame Spirit Crystal, we can’t keep it.”

After feeling those countless cold eyes, Hu Lie couldn’t help but shudder.

When he couldn’t use the bloodline of the giant heavenly demon tiger, he had at most the power of the 3 Heavenly Layer Initial Stage of the Tianhe Realm.

Facing the experts of 3 Heavenly Layer Middle Stage such as Rong Di, Lu Guanjie, Yuan Wu, Miao Yuan, etc., he naturally could not keep these flame Spirit Crystals.

Lan Yue’s complexion is also extremely gloomy, her strength is not as good as Hu Lie, and she can’t keep these things, in the end, I’m afraid they must be in order to make wedding dresses.

However, when the two of them were embarrassed, Qin Yu slowly opened the mouth and said: “You three now keep one of them. Refining on the spot. Give me the other flame Spirit Crystal. When the matter is over, I will distribute for you all.”


Hu Lie and Lan Yue hearing this, both of them moved in their hearts.

When they can’t keep the flame Spirit Crystal, handing things over to Qin Yu is naturally the safest way.

However, in this way, Qin Yu will have the most flame Spirit Crystal, become the target of everyone, and be attacked by everyone.

“Senior Brother Qin, we are relieved to give you the Flame Spirit Crystal, but in this way, it is difficult for you to stop them.” Lan Yue said worriedly.

Faced with so many experts, no matter how strong Qin Yu is, it might be difficult for him, so Lan Yue suddenly became worried.

“I also don’t think this method is appropriate. Since it can’t be kept, it’s better to send some out to preserve your strength.” Hu Lie said.

Ruo Zong didn’t have any opinion. Although his strength was weaker than Lu Guanjie and Rong Di and the others, there was no big problem in keeping these Spirit Crystals.

“Don’t you believe in my strength?”

Qin Yu smiled slowly, and said: “Don’t worry, since I dare to take over this matter, I have absolute certainty. As for handing over the flame Spirit Crystal I got and letting it change ownership, this is not in line with my rules.”

What you get is Qin Yu’s own. Qin Yu can give it to anyone, but if others want to fight more, it is wishful thinking, unless Qin Yu’s corpse is stepped under his feet.

Moreover, now that these flame Spirit Crystals are handed over, and after being refined by the opponent, their strength will inevitably be greatly enhanced. When the time comes, it is even more dangerous for Qin Yu and the others.

The lineup formed by Qin Yu and the others is the weakest among the three major lineups. After the opponents improve their strength, I am afraid they will kick Qin Yu and the others out without the slightest hesitation.

Hu Lie heard Qin Yu’s explanation, his heart moved slightly, and finally gritted his teeth and said: “Well, then, we will hand over the Flame Spirit Crystal to you, but you have to be careful.”

“Senior Brother Qin, be careful!” Lan Yue also agreed, and handed the Flame Spirit Crystal to Qin Yu’s hands.

Qin Yu received a total of ten Flame Spirit Crystals in the hands of two people, not at all, in the storage bag in time, but extended the hand palm, indifferently said: “Whoever wants Flame Spirit Crystal, come to my hands to capture them.”

The eyes of Rong Di, Lu Guanjie, Yuan Wu, Miao Yuan and the others sank, and Qin Yu gathered Hu Lie and Lan Yue’s flame Spirit Crystal in one body. This approach is completely igniting and somewhat overbearing.

Everyone was silent for a while. Faced with the temptation of the Flame Spirit Crystal, Miao Yuan finally couldn’t help but wanted to be the first to do it. Moved towards Lu Guanjie took a look and said, “Brother Lu, take the battle for me.”

“Go ahead, when you are fighting, I will kill whoever dares to do it to you.” Lu Guanjie said in a dull voice, nodded.

The other two assisting experts behind him also trembled all over, tense up like Lu Guanjie, and fought for Miao Yuan.

“What do we do?” Rong Di whispered, discussing with Yuanwu.

The seductive power of the Flame Spirit Crystal is too great, and it is currently the best way to improve their strength, they are naturally very greedy and refuse to give up.

“Staying at it!”

Sarutake indifferently said: “Whether Miao Yuan and Qin Yu 2 win, they will inevitably consume the strength of the opponent’s lineup. We take advantage of the profit, and then find the right opportunity to attack the defeated side.”

If the defeated side loses an expert, its strength will inevitably be greatly reduced. If you start at this time, it is the easiest to get the benefits, and you can smoothly kick the opponent out.

Rong Di heard Yuanwu’s suggestion, his eyes lit up, and he immediately agreed.

In this way, no matter who wins or loses in this battle, it has great benefits for them, enough to make them invincible.

Under the gaze of everyone, Miao Yuan slowly stepped forward, looked at Qin Yu, and said, “Brother Qin, your battle strength out of the ordinary, but after all, it is weaker, since these flames are Spirit Crystal If you can’t hold it, it’s better to give it to me directly. If you agree, your previous enmity that killed Miao Luo and Miao Kong will also be cancelled.”

Miao Luo and Miao Kong, two of his generals, were both killed by Qin Yu. Naturally, this hatred is not small.

But if the lives of two people can be exchanged for the flame Spirit Crystal in Qin Yu’s hands to maximize the benefits, he doesn’t mind abandoning this hatred.

“If I were you, I would definitely kill the people who oppress my clan and exchange the lives of dead people for benefits. Don’t you think you are shameless?” Qin Yu said indifferently, very disgusting with Miao Yuan’s approach.

Miao Yuan’s face was slightly ugly, and he sullen.

In his opinion, he kindly traded with Qin Yu to protect Qin Yu, but Qin Yu insulted him. This action angered the anger in his heart.

“Hmph, it’s something that can’t tell good from bad.”

Miao Yuan is coldly snorted, but he also knows that it is best not to solve this matter, otherwise, if the strength is consumed, it will inevitably lead to the black hands of Rong Di and the others.

In this desert, the temperature is extremely high, like a hot hell, just to get rid of the heat, the consumption of Spiritual Qi is very large, and it will be worse if you do it.

In short, he could not do it without doing it. Therefore, Miao Yuan forcibly held back the anger in his heart and said with a smile: “People are dead, even if they fight for them, it is difficult to bring them back to life. , I wonder what Brother Qin thinks about?”

“Do not change!”

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