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After all, Qin Yu didn’t even think about it, and ran towards Rong Di, and soon came to the river, standing with Ruozong.

Yuanwu saw that Qin Yu didn’t care about him, and moved towards Rong Di and Li Lin directly, his eyes sank slightly, and he stood next to Rong Di.

Qin Yu and Ruozong stand together, Yuanwu and Rong Di, and Li Lin stand together. The two sides are deadlocked together, with swords drawn and bows bent.

Lan Yue and Hu Lie saw that the battle on Qin Yu would start at any time, and the number of people was still weak, their expressions were extremely anxious, but they were stopped by their opponents and couldn’t come forward to help.

“Brother Qin, 3 vs. 2, do you still think you are sure of victory?” Rong Di smiled and opened the mouth and said, his face was full of spring breeze.

Their 3 experts from the 3 Heavenly Layer Middle Stage played against Qin Yu and Ruozong 2 opponents, occupying an absolute advantage in numbers, so they are extremely confident.

Qin Yu frowned slightly, glanced at the other person, and said, “If Brother Zong, you can be sure of Zhan Rongdi?”

“At least 70% sure!” Ruozong replied.

His strength was originally weaker than Rong Di, but the gap was not very large, but after finally absorbing 4 Flame Spirit Crystals, he surpassed Rong Di.

If Rong Di absorbs some flame Spirit Crystals, even if 3 are good, Ruozong is not sure to defeat Rong Di.

But Rong Di obeyed Yuanwu’s suggestion, and in order to be the expert of 2 Heavenly River Realm 3 Heavenly Layer Middle Stage long ago, he gave up all the flame Spirit Crystal to his warrior, but he did not absorb this one.

As a result, Ruozong’s strength came from behind, much more than Rong Di, so he was not small.

“In that case, Na Rong Di will leave it to you to deal with, and I will block Yuan Wu and Li Lin.” Qin Yu said indifferently.

“What, are you blocking them 2?”

Ruozong heart startled and said: “The strength of the two of them is not weak, especially Yuanwu, who is still above Miao Yuan. How can you stop them?”

If it is said that Qin Yu defeated Yuanwu alone, Ruozong believed, but facing the expert of 2 Heavenly Layer Middle Stage of 3 Heavenly Layer Middle Stage, Ruozong couldn’t help but retreat in his heart.

It’s not that he doesn’t believe in Qin Yu, but that the opponent’s strength is too tyrannical.

“If Brother Zong doesn’t believe me?”

Qin Yu smiled slowly, and said: “If Brother Zong only defeats Rong Di and kicks the lotus platform, just leave the rest to this Qin.”

Ruozong thought for a while, nodded agreed, and solemnly explained: “In this case, Brother Qin, you are confident and careful!”

After speaking, Ruozong moved towards Liantai again and rushed away. Rong Di and the others saw this scene, just about to act, but was stopped by Qin Yu, blocking the way of the three people.

“Rong Di can go there, but Brother Wu Yuan and this Li Lin can’t go there!” Qin Yu said indifferently.

“What? So, do you want to block the two of us alone?”

Li Lin sneered and said: “Qin Yu, I know that you are strong, but you are fighting against me and two experts of Wuxi Wuxi. This is a little fail to appreciate somebody’s kindness.”

Saruwu’s strength was already terrifying, but now with his Li Lin, how could he think that he was blocked by Qin Yu alone? Therefore, in Li Lin’s eyes, Qin Yu’s move is completely wishful thinking.

Qin Yu did not speak, but stopped in front of the two people, with a faint smile on his face, an expression of incomparable confidence.

Yuan Wu’s face sank slightly, he thought about it, and said, “Brother Rong Di, you go to fight for the lotus platform. After we defeat him, we will help you.”

“Good!” Rong Di nodded said.

Qin Yu not at all blocked Rong Di, but allowed Rong Di to pass smoothly. However, Qin Yu didn’t mean to let it go.


After Rong Di left, Li Lin and Yuanwu started together, almost without hesitation, the two broke out with their own punches, moving towards Qin Yu and killed them.

At the moment when the two of them took their hands, the two of them erupted into an extremely majestic Spiritual Qi, like a volcanic eruption, exploding from within the body of the two of them.

The majestic Spiritual Qi swiftly walked around the two people, and finally all gathered on the peaks of the two people, making the peaks of the two people’s fist peaks, each bursting with incomparable attack power.

Because Li Lin has just advanced to the 3 Heavenly Layer Middle Stage, his strength is not very strong, and he can’t even compare with Miao Yuan before, but Yuanwu is different.

After being immersed in 3 Heavenly Layer in the Tianhe Realm for half a year, Yuanwu’s strength was already close to the 3 Heavenly Layer Peak level in the Tianhe Realm. After the Spiritual Qi above the Fist Peak burst, it immediately formed a killing.


The two attacked together, extremely powerful and terrifying, and the power of the attack was extremely amazing.

The killing light in the hand, the vibrating space air, and the violent explosion, even the river water on the ground was lifted up by the attacking force of two people.

Qin Yu’s eyes sank slightly, and a long sword suddenly appeared in his hand. On top of the long sword, the Sword Intent of the Fourth Stage world reached 30% strength, causing a strong sword light to bloom around the long sword.

This sword light swept through 2 people, first fell on Li Lin’s killing light, Li Lin’s killing light was instantly cracked, his eyes changed, and he quickly stepped back 2 steps before avoiding Qin Yu’s sword light .

However, Li Lin seemed to take a few steps back, but under the power of the 3 Heavenly Layer Middle Stage of the Tianhe Realm, Qin Yu’s sword light was still obliterated a lot.


This a sword light continued to sweep, and finally collided with Saruwu’s Fist Peak. The two stood in a stalemate in midair for a long time, and each was wiped out.

The three powerhouses collided and each displayed extremely powerful power. The power eventually poured on the river, causing the river to set off a huge wave more than ten meters high.

The river water under the feet of a few people is not ordinary river water, which is full of majestic Spiritual Qi.

Therefore, the wave caused by the wave of more than ten meters slapped down, and it should not be underestimated. If it falls on the warrior, it is enough to knock anyone to the ground.

Seeing the ten-meter-high huge wave attacking and killing them, the faces of the three people changed slightly, a little under their feet, all moved towards the sky, and they were able to avoid them.

“Hmph, do you really think that only you have a middle grade Venerable Artifact?”

Li Lin’s blow didn’t work, coldly snorted dissatisfied, and a long knife appeared in his hand. The blade was one hand wide and 2 meters long. There was a skull-like shape on the handle, Yin Qi Sensen.

“Heavenly Ghost knife!”

Seeing this Long Blade, the martial artist who intercepted Lan Yue and Hu Lie’s 3 Heavenly Layer Middle Stage, his eyes narrowed slightly, revealing a solemn expression, and he lost his voice in amazement.

This sound also made Lan Yue and Hu Lie a little surprised. While guarding each other, they asked: “Heavenly Ghost knife? What is this?”

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