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Saruwu watched being knocked down by Qin Yu into the river. Li Lin, who was struggling hard and could not be seriously injured, became extremely gloomy, and said in amazement, “What’s the matter with this guy? I haven’t seen him for 3 days. There is nothing in the cultivation base.” Growth, but the physical power is several times stronger than before?”

Even with his ability, he couldn’t touch the blade of Li Lin’s Heavenly Ghost knife with fleshy body palm force, let alone knock Li Lin down into the river with a single palm.

Therefore, Qin Yu’s strength is obviously much more terrifying than he imagined. It caused a violent wave in his heart, and his heart could not help but sink a lot.

“Brother Wu Yuan, Li Lin has no power to fight again, then you and I will determine the victory or defeat.” Qin Yu slowly turned around, said with a smile.

Saruwu thought for a moment. If he didn’t play his hole cards at this time, it would be impossible, so he agreed and said, “That’s it.”

Li Lin was defeated, and Yuanwu had been impossible to bypass Qin Yu and help Rong Di. Only after defeating Qin Yu could he leave here and help Rong Di.

Moreover, the battle between Rong Di and Ruozong has reached a fever pitch. Rong Di is still at a disadvantage. He can only fight Qin Yu.

If he wins this move, he can keep Rong Di on the lotus platform and let Rong Di follow the river to see the snake Spirit Race Old Ancestor, become the inheritance soul of the snake Spirit Race, assist the snake Spirit Race queen, under one person, above ten thousand people.

But if he loses, then it is very likely that Ruozong will be on the lotus platform.

The thoughts got to this point, Yuanwu is not hiding, the power of realm is urged to the extreme, the endless Spiritual Qi, like rivers and oceans, burst out from Yuanwu, turning into majestic power.

“Scorching sun white light!”

Yuan Wu drank lightly, and the Spiritual Qi that was surging all over his body suddenly condensed and moved towards his hands, compressed extremely quickly in his hands, forming a strong white light of the sun.

The white light of this scorching sun is extremely fierce, and there is something like a fire, burning in it, releasing a terrifying high temperature atmosphere, and it is extremely dazzling.

“The scorching sun is white light, Heaven Rank high grade martial skill, and it’s almost close to Small Success Realm.”

Seeing the white light of the scorching sun, Qin Yu couldn’t help but narrow his eyes.

At the beginning, he saw Saruwu use the white light of the scorching sun to easily defeat a same realm expert.

“Really strong big martial skill!”

Lan Yue, Hu Lie, Rong Di, Ruozong and the others, who were fighting fiercely on the side, also moved towards Qin Yu. From this point of view, after feeling the powerful pressure, the faces of everyone changed drastically. .

“The scorching sun white light, this is Yuanwu’s final trump card, didn’t expect Yuanwu even displayed such martial skills?” Rong Di said in amazement.

Among the many warriors invited by Lingzi, Saruwu is the strongest, and can almost easily crush his opponents. Only when he encounters the true powerhouse, he will display this scorching white light.

Today, the white light of the scorching sun also proves that Ape Martial is true. Of course, the side reflects that Qin Yu’s strength is also extremely strong, otherwise, it would be impossible to force Ape Martial to this level.

“The white light of the blazing sun, this is the strongest martial skill of the Sarutake big brother, this move is one place, Qin Yu may be defeated.”

The warrior who was fighting with Lan Yue said indifferently, and there was a hint of envy in his eyes.

However, at this time, another extremely powerful coercion broke out suddenly, and this coercion turned out to come from Qin Yu who was fighting against Sarutake.

Everyone looked along Qin Yu, and saw that on Qin Yu’s right hand, there were actually two imaginary Spiritual Qi palm prints. On the palm prints, there was a terrifying pressure that seemed to endure even the surrounding air Can’t help but burst open.

“9th Layer Extreme Print!”

Qin Yu is slowly scolded. This martial skill is the 9th Layer polar seal that Qin Yu exchanged from the Martial Skill Pavilion. Although it has never been shot, the formidable power is also extremely powerful.

Moreover, Qin Yu has already condensed the 9th Layer’s polar seal to the level of 2 seals. In this way, it is not weaker than Sarutake’s white light, but it is much stronger.

“What, Qin Yu actually cultivated Heaven Rank low grade martial skill, this…. This…. How is it possible?”

“Senior Brother Qin cultivation should be the 9th Layer polar seal of our Tiancang Sect. This martial skill cultivation is extremely abnormal and requires a strong force to get through all the meridians. The palm prints are gathered inside and outside the palm.” Lan Yueshen took a said deep breath.

The 9th Layer Jiyin is different from the general martial skill, and the general martial skill pays attention to other external broadcasting.

The 9th Layer Jiyin is driven both internally and externally. If there is no strong physique, the moment of cultivation will be passed on and destroyed by the Spiritual Qi inside.

Therefore, although this martial skill is extremely powerful, few people go to cultivation. What Lanyue didn’t expect is that Qin Yu didn’t say this martial skill cultivation success, and it also reached the level of 2nd level of strength.

Listening to Lanyue’s explanation, Hu Lie’s heart moved slightly. Didn’t expect Qin Yu cultivation’s martial skill to be so overbearing and to cultivate both internally and externally. What a horror.

“Sure enough, this guy has a hole card, and it’s not weak.”

Yuanwu’s heart sank to the bottom, but under this situation, he did not have any other choice. He blessed all the Spiritual Qi on the white light of the scorching sun, and his whole body rose up with an extremely majestic fighting intent, fiercely. moved towards Qin Yu culled down.

When the white light of the scorching sun blasted down, the bright white radiance covered a large amount of river water, and the aftermath of the powerful shaking caused the river to burst violently and set off a stormy sea.

“9th Layer Extreme Seal, kill!”

Qin Yu screamed in his mouth, urging the 9th Layer polar seal, and this palm slapped out unreservedly and was printed in the center of the white light.

Oh la la !

The fierce white light, mixed with the violent river surging, imposing manner is monstrous, but after Qin Yu’s 9th Layer seal fell, a huge crack suddenly spread on the river water swept by the white light.

Under the powerful force of the 9th Layer, the majestic power of the white light of the scorching sun was finally completely crushed by life. Even the river filled with the majestic Spiritual Qi has a huge gap. , As if cut off by a knife.

The white light quickly dissipated, and Sarutake’s face was replaced by a frightened expression. He didn’t expect, Qin Yu, the 9th Layer formidable power of the 1th Layer, which was so powerful and crushed in an instant. His scorching sun white light.

“This guy……”

Rong Di’s surprised held breath cold air, Qin Yu, who originally thought it was the weakest, eventually defeated powerhouses like Yuanwu.

Yuanwu was defeated, and he was not Ruozong’s opponent, so he had already lost the qualification to compete for the inheritance spirit.

“Brother Monkey Wu, you let me win!”

After Qin Yu defeated Saruwu, slightly cup one fist in the other hand, said with a smile.

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