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However, what makes Qin Yu feel great pressure is that he is actually imperceptible to the cultivation base of this white snake-tailed woman, that is to say, this person’s cultivation base is terrifying to the extreme.

“Don’t be nervous, I’m here to meet the deceased.” The white snake-tailed woman said with a smile, motioning everyone to relax.

Everyone remembered that they were still in the ancestral land of the Snake Spirit Race, and the woman in front of them was afraid that they would be the queen of a certain generation of the Snake Spirit Race or the Guardian of the ancestral land, and would not attack them.

However, what makes everyone curious is, who is the old man in this woman’s mouth? She can come here to meet her in person.

And everyone is not very old, and there will be no such deceased in the ancestral land of the snake Spirit Race, and the cultivation base is extremely powerful.

But soon, everyone understood who the old man in the woman’s mouth was.

I saw the woman’s pupil light, quickly glanced around everyone, and finally fell on Qin Yu, her eyes a little complicated.

Everyone’s eyes also fell on Qin Yu, with expressions of admiration in their eyes, and of course expressions of questioning. Why did Qin Yu know such a beautiful woman?

And in this matter, they never heard Qin Yu say a word.

“Don’t look at me, I don’t know this Senior, so I’m not the senior’s deceased, and I, like you, is the first time to come to the ancestral land of Snake Spirit Race.” Qin Yu was speechless, explaining to everyone.

But this is heard in the ears of everyone, and everyone does not believe it at all. On the contrary, they are all expressions of envy, secretly thought Qin Yu has a lot of good fortune in love affairs, and even know so many stunning women.

First was Ruo Yunfei, the snake queen of this generation, and now it is this mysterious white clothed Fairy!

“Her old friend turned out to be Senior Brother Qin!”

Lan Yue was also shocked when she saw this. Qin Yu knew that this generation’s snake spirit queen Ruo Yunfei was also that’s all. How did she become the old friend of this white-tailed woman?

With such a beautiful 9-day Fairy by Qin Yu’s side, Qin Yu’s Heart of Martial Dao is afraid that it will be impacted by the long period, so I have no intention of being cultivated in the future.

Thinking of this, Lan Yue’s courage, who didn’t know where it came from, directly blocked Qin Yu, scolded out: “monster, you don’t want to play mystery here, and hurt Senior Brother Qin’s Heart of Martial Dao.”

“Hey, you little girl is a fair and reasonable character, but the people of cultivation Sword Dao are very straightforward. I like you.” The woman said with a smile gently.

The expression on Lan Yue’s face instantly solidified.

Unconsciously, on her face, there was a blush, and the last sentence “I like you” was too lethal.

As a woman, Lan Yue couldn’t stop the temptation of this woman’s last words. Therefore, she was shocked. The clothes on her back were all wet with cold sweat in this brief moment.

The woman in front of her was too monster, and her Heart of Martial Dao collapsed completely in one word, with no skin, and a feeling of sinking.

Immediately, the woman stepped forward, and at one point on Lan Yue’s forehead, a majestic force immediately attacked Lan Yue’s body, leaving a mark of the snake Spirit Race on Lan Yue’s forehead.

“Although you are not my deceased, but I do like your temperament, my seal of strength remains on you, you are well comprehend, it is not difficult to become the Peak Master of the Sky Sword Summit in the future.” The woman said indifferently.

Hearing this, everyone was horrified, and their faces became extremely moved.

As we all know, Inner Sect has 7 peaks, and each peak has a Peak Master level, and they are all cultivation bases above Wheel Sea Realm.

The imprint left by the woman in front of her, if she fully comprehend, she could become the Peak Master of the Sky Sword Summit. This kind of thing is simply appalling.

After Lan Yue was blessed, not only was she not happy, but she was gasping for breath and was extremely nervous. She didn’t know what to do for a while, and finally looked towards Qin Yu and let Qin Yu be the master.

“Thanks Senior for blessing me Blue Junior Sister Yue. I wonder if Senior is the Queen Your Majesty of that generation?” Qin Yu gave a respectful bow and curiously asked.

“Hehe, I am not the Queen of Snake Spirits, but the Guardian of this ancestral land. If you really want to speak, you can call the ancestors of the Snake Spirit Race.” The white snake-tailed woman said with a smile.

“Snake Spirit Race ancestor!”

Everyone’s expression changed drastically, and their faces were full of incredible expressions.

Snake Spirit Race is not at first, there is the Snake Spirit Queen, but after the establishment of the Heavenly Sect, the Snake Spirit Race established the position of the Snake Spirit Queen.

The woman in front of her was not the Snake Spirit Queen, but the ancestor of the Snake Spirit Race, so there was only one explanation.

“Senior is the one who made the snake Spirit Race and the Founder Old Ancestor of Celestial Sect an alliance 3000 years ago, right?” Qin Yu asked tentatively.

However, Qin Yu also feels that this is impossible.

3000 years is too long. Without Heavenspan’s cultivation base, who would have survived such a long period of time, it’s just that Qin Yu’s feeling is not wrong, so there is such a question.

“Hehe, your little boy has good eyesight, and he can think of things that others can’t, but you really guessed it.” The woman said with a smile: “You can call me Old Ancestor or Snake Spirit Jiang Lan!”

“Meet the snake spirit Old Ancestor!”

Everyone bowed and bowed, but their hearts were shocked, and they turned overwhelming.

Who would have thought that Jiang Lan, the snake spirit Old Ancestor 3000 years ago, was still alive here, and she looked like a beautiful woman, with no trace of age on her face.

“You are welcome, I am here because I feel the bloodline breath of the deceased, so I walked out to see it.” Jiang Lan smiled lightly, nothing more beautiful can be imagined, and finally his eyes fell on Qin Yu’s. On the body, staring at Qin Yu.

Qin Yu’s heart moved a little, and then moved towards Lan Yue and said, “Lan Yue, Hu Lie, you two are avoiding, I have something to say with Jiang Lan Senior.”

Lan Yue and Hu Lie hurriedly nodded and prepared to withdraw from the ancestral land of the snake spirit, while Yuan Wu and Rong Di and the others also actively stood with Lan Yue and the others and withdrew at the same time.

The same is true for Rong Di. Although the person in front of him is Senior from his snake Spirit Race, he seems to have no special care for him, and his status is equal to that of outsiders such as Lan Yue and Hu Lie.

“You don’t have to quit. Since you met me, it’s a chance. I’m setting up a formation in this spiritual river. You can cultivation for 5 days. After 5 days, someone will naturally take you out. As for how much good fortune you can have, it’s up to you.”

Jiang Lan random point, a powerful force, lifted up 5 people, disappeared quickly, and finally fell somewhere on the spiritual river.

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