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When Ruozong followed Hu Lie’s suggestion and invited Qin Yu to Snake Spirit Race, he did not consider this situation. Now he is embarrassed and a little ugly, and feels sorry for Qin Yu.

“No problem!”

Qin Yu indifferently said: “As long as you are sure that this Transmission Array can really reach the Barbarian Race boundary, it’s good to leave everything else to us.”

Although the Barbarian Race has internal strife and other forces have intervened, it has long had the intention of rebelling against the Celestial Sect, but it is still within the jurisdiction of the Celestial Sect, at least on the surface dare not make any trouble.

Moreover, Qin Yu has soared this time and has the confidence to handle any crisis.

“Since Brother Qin insists on sending, it can only be done like this.”

Ruozong is nodded, and then moved towards 5 people instructed: “Five, please urge you to activate the Transmission Array and send Qin Yu to them.”


After receiving Ruozong’s order, the 5 people each took out a palm-size token and embedded it in the groove of the Transmission Array. On the Transmission Array, a group of white rays of light flashed out immediately. activation.

In the Formation, there is one after another powerful Space Power. It is not difficult to send Qin Yu and other ten people at once.

“Big Brother Qin Yu, wait a minute!”

Just when Qin Yu was about to step into the Transmission Array, a crisp sound appeared in the eardrums of everyone, causing everyone to stop immediately. From the rear, they saw the snake queen Ruo Yunfei station. over there.

“Yun Fei!” Qin Yu said slightly surprised.

After seeing Ruoyunfei, the other people’s expressions changed, and they hurriedly moved towards Ruoyunfei with a deep bow and respectfully said: “Meet Sir Empress.”

Ruo Yunfei ignored these people, but went straight to Qin Yu’s side, pouting a small mouth, and said with some complaint, “Big Brother Qin Yu wants to leave, and he won’t say goodbye to me?”


Qin Yu gave a wry smile and said, “I forgot about it, but fortunately, it’s too late.”

“Hmph, now I am looking for you, you naturally have time, but you didn’t really put me in your heart at all.” Ruo Yunfei said coldly snorted, rather dissatisfied.

The few people nearby looked at the aloof and remote snake Spirit Race empress Ruo Yunfei’s jealous gesture, in front of Qin Yu, like a little woman, they all couldn’t help but start stunned.

Who could have imagined that the dignified snake Spirit Race queen, the presence of Quan Qing, was actually such a shy gesture in front of an outsider.

Ruo Yunfei soon realized that it was wrong, and quickly put away the shy expression on her face, and took out a token with a snake spirit carved on it, lifelike, and handed it to Qin Yu, warned repeatedly: “This is my snake Spirit. The token of Race has no less than inheritance rights, and you will use it later.”

“No less than the right of inheritance spirit son?”

A surprised look flashed across Qin Yu’s face, and then said resolutely: “This thing is too precious, I can’t take it, and I’m not a snake Spirit Race inheritance spirit.”

The inheritance of the snake Spirit Race is under one person, above ten thousand people, and can mobilize all the snake Spirit Race battle strength to serve the queen. The power is too great.

With this token, it is equivalent to mastering half the sky of the Snake Spirit Race, and even the support of the powerhouse of the entire Snake Spirit Race.

Next to him, many Disciples of Tiancang Sect, Ruozong and the others, also held breath cold air, didn’t expect Ruo Yunfei to give Qin Yu such a precious thing, suddenly envy.

Especially Ruozong, he invited Qin Yu to help in the battle, enter and leave the ancestral land, nine deaths and still alive, and thus obtained the position and rights of the inheritance spirit.

But these, Qin Yu is within easy reach, making him extremely envious.

“Big Brother Qin Yu, if you don’t accept it, I won’t forgive you for leaving me without saying goodbye.” Ruo Yunfei angrily said, as if Qin Yu refused to accept it, he would not give up.

Upon seeing this, Qin Yu could only helplessly nodded, said with a smile: “Well, I will accept it!”

Seeing Qin Yu accepting the token, if Yunfei has a touch of joy on her face, but in an instant she said anxiously: “Big Brother Qin Yu, when would you say we meet next time?”

“There is a reason to meet each other, and you are now the Empress of the Spirit Race, in power, if you have any needs, or want to see me, ask someone to call me from the Celestial Sect, and I will come to meet you.” Qin Yu said with a smile.

“That’s it!”

The worries on Yunfei’s face were wiped out. At this moment, Ruozong hurriedly stepped forward and said, “Sir Empress, Brother Qin, time is almost up, let’s start sending.”

Qin Yu nodded, walked towards the Transmission Array, and then his body was wrapped in white glow and disappeared in the Transmission Array.

More than ten minutes later, Qin Yu’s eyes lit up and he had already appeared in another place.

In front of Qin Yu and the others, there is still a great hall, but this great hall, which is completely different from the great hall of the snake Spirit Race, is white.

The building here is white in its entirety, but it is not that bright white, but with a touch of gray. A group of people stand in the great hall, responsible for the operation of this place.

“En? Snake Spirit Race Transmission Array, someone came over?”

In the great hall, when everyone saw the silhouette of Qin Yu and the others, they couldn’t help but frown a little. The snake Spirit Race formation has not been opened for more than a year. Why do so many people suddenly appear?

Moreover, these people who are sent out are not only the high-level people of Snake Spirit Race, they are not even the people of Snake Spirit Race. Instead, they are ten Human Races. It is intriguing. This makes several middle age persons who guard the great hall suddenly vigilant. .

“The Transmission Array of Snake Spirit Race can only be used by the high-level Snake Spirit Race, and the warriors of Human Race have never been teleported. There is something wrong with this matter. Come up and surround them. I want to investigate the origins of these people. , If there is a problem, you immediately do it and kill them all on the spot.” The middle age person said indifferently.

Under the order of the middle age person, several guarding powerhouses in the great hall suddenly turned into a whirlwind, surrounding Qin Yu and the others.

This sudden scene made the originally peaceful great hall tense for a while, and many warriors all looked towards Qin Yu and the others, wondering what happened.

Qin Yu and the others were also astonished. They just sent it over, and they were besieged here before they figured out what happened. Moreover, the people in front of them are quite powerful, many of them are above 2 Heavenly Layer. The expert.

But Qin Yu did not to act blindly without thinking, but looked towards the front.

The middle age person who ordered just now walked over slowly, with a touch of indifference on his face, and asked aloud: “You are who, how come out of the Transmission Array of the Snake Spirit Race? Tell me honestly, otherwise. Kill on the spot.”

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