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“Tiansha Gang!”

Two people hearing this, a touch of joy suddenly appeared on their faces, and one of them said: “Indeed, if the Tiansha Gang makes a move, they can’t escape at all. Coincidentally, I happen to know Wei, one of the ten branch Lords of the Tiansha Gang. Tong, know where he lives, right in the city.”

The forces of the Tiansha Gang spread throughout the Huoyun Desert, and there were ten Branch Lords, each of which was extremely terrifying and powerful, doing various underground activities.

Among these Branch Lords, Wei Tong is not too powerful, but at least ranked sixth. He is a cultivation base of 6 Heavenly Layer Peak in the Tianhe Realm, terrifying.

“Wei Tong? This person is indeed a good player. He also has a few powerhouses, which are enough to obliterate those little bastards just now. Go and pass my words to Wei Tong now. After things are done, there will be many rewards. “Xiao Kun, eyes shined, said very excitedly.

With his strength, coupled with Wei Tong, Qin Yu can be won.

And when the time comes, with the enmity between him and Qin Yu, you can blatantly occupy the storage bag of Qin Yu and the others, obtain the token of the snake spirit queen, and order the entire snake Spirit Race.

“Many thanks, Commander Xiao, Commander Xiao Kun rest assured, the two of us will definitely get things done properly.”

After the two people heard the rewards, the joy on their faces became more intense, and they soon went out of the great hall, looking for two people from the Tiansha Gang, Wei Tong and Xie Qiang, and invited Wei Tong to take action.

Qin Yu and the others walked out of the great hall, and all they saw were gray and white. The buildings here were very strange, and the scene in the great hall was unchanged.

“Didn’t expect that the entire city was built with this kind of white boulder, which can be regarded as a peculiar and beautiful scenery.”

Seeing that there was a piece of nothing in front of me, the neat and tidy pavilion, everyone sighed.

I don’t know where Barbarian Race got so many white rocks to create an incomparable gigantic city, which is quite shocking.

Everyone walked along the street and watched the flowers, opening their eyes. After Moyue half disappeared, everyone’s enthusiasm for the current city weakened a lot.

“Young Master Qin, what shall we do now?” Lan Yue asked in a low voice.

Although they still want to see this city again, they are here to perform their tasks, not for sightseeing, and everything must be task-oriented.

Moreover, their mission is to destroy barbarians extremely dangerous. As a big race on the fire cloud desert, Barbarian Race is not as powerful as the snake Spirit Race, but it also has a lot of powerhouses.

“First find a place to live. Besides, dry blood, you go find the people of our Tiancang Sect in the city. Let’s meet them first.” Qin Yu instructed.

Qin Yu and the others were photographed to perform the mission, but they wanted to completely wipe out the Barbarian Race seniors and eradicate those who are willing to betray the Celestial Sect. With their strength, still not enough.

Moreover, they have no way to start now, they must have enough circumstances before they can meet with the other people of the Sky Cang Sect.

Before the outer sect Martial Competition, Tiancang Sect was aware of the abnormal movement of Barbarian Race, so it sent out many Outer Elders and some Inner Disciples, so there is no shortage of Heavenly Sect’s men and horses here.

“Okay, I’m going now.” Nodded said dry blood.

After the dried blood left, Qin Yu and the others immediately found a hotel and left marks along the way so that the dried blood and the others could find themselves smoothly.

A few people came to the door of a hotel called Yunxiangge, a small shop, and immediately greeted them, said with a smile: “Several guests want to stay or eat, we Yunxiangge can provide everything In addition, if a few guests have any special services, we can also satisfy them.”

“Special needs?” A discipline curiously asked, I don’t know what Dian Xiao 2 said.

“Hehe, this guest doesn’t know anything. Just a few days ago, a group of female slaves came to our hotel, all of them are Spirit Race on the Fire Cloud Desert, which can be used by the guest for entertainment and enjoyment.” Xiaodian 2 laughed. And showed a wretched smile you know.

When Lan Yue heard this, a blushing expression suddenly appeared on her face. Although she was unmanned, but also not a fool, she naturally knew the meaning of this shop.

“We are just staying in the store, and nothing else is needed. Also, if you dare to seduce my Senior Brother Junior Brother with this kind of thing, be careful that this Miss smashes your restaurant.” Lan Yue said angrily.

The other Celestial Cang sect’s disciplines are also a bit embarrassing, especially the discipline who asked about the shop Xiao 2 just now. Seeing that Lan Yue went crazy, he lowered his head in shame and dared not talk nonsense.

Xiaodian 2 expression changed. He was busy wooing business, but he forgot about Lanyue. Lanyue was a woman. Hearing these nasty things, he would naturally become very angry.

Moreover, under Blue Moon’s rage, he released an extremely powerful aura, no less than the expert of the Heavenly Layer Middle Stage 3 Heavenly Layer Middle Stage, but he could not be offended by a small shop.

“This great aunt calms down his anger, the kid doesn’t dare anymore.” Xiaodian 2 rushed to accompany said with a smile, sweating again and again.

“Hmph, you better not dare!”

Lanyue was coldly snorted, without the slightest expression on his face, and said sensibly: “Also, when we are staying in the hotel, if we see any dirty activities in the hotel and dirty our eyes, we can’t spare you.”


Xiaoxiao 2 hearing this, a ugly color flashed in his eyes. He thought that it’s all if he didn’t sell business to people like Lan Yue, but he really didn’t expect that Lan Yue was so domineering and stayed in the store. During this period, not even letting other people do business is too much.

However, Qin Yu frowned, coldly said before waiting for the shop 2 to refute, “Do as she said, if something happens, not only will your head fall, but the people behind you, the person behind the hotel, will also fall on the head.”

This kind of thing is everywhere, and I can’t manage it. Qin Yu is not such a good person, but at the moment, Qin Yu still wants to help Lan Yue get out, worrying about how Lan Yue feels.

As if feeling the strong killing intent from Qin Yu, Xiaodian 2 shrank his neck subconsciously and hurriedly nodded and said, “Yes, yes!”

But if you can’t do business, you must be blamed. This matter must be reported quickly and let the people above take care of it.

“It’s really unlucky, didn’t expect this time to draw a group of people who are looking for faults, but behind this store is Mr. Du Yun. You just wait for Mr. Du Yun to arrive and kill you.”

Dian Xiao 2 was coldly snorted with dissatisfaction, but still had a smile on his face, and welcomed Qin Yu and the others into the hotel.

Yunxiangge Hotel is very large, and it is full of powerful warriors.

Most warriors can be considered normal, drinking and eating, without any excessive behavior.

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