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Looking at this place, Wei Tong couldn’t suppress the fear in his heart. He trembled fiercely all over, not knowing what to do for a while?

“Tell me, where do you hold the dried blood?” Qin Yu asked indifferently.

Under the intense pressure of death, Wei Tong didn’t even think about it. He just blurted out: “We have locked up the dried blood in the Tiansha Gang headquarters, in a house in the Barbarian Race Western District. I will take you there. “

If he really hesitated, Qin Yu would kill him without the slightest hesitation, and would not give him a second chance to speak. As for the Tiansha Gang headquarters, Qin Yu can always find it.

“it is good!”

Qin Yu agreed, moved towards Lanyue and the others waved his hand, and said, “Let’s pack things up, and then follow me to the headquarters of the Tiansha Gang.”

After receiving the order, everyone entered the room one after another, packed their own things, and then went to the Tiansha Gang headquarters with Qin Yu and the others, grandiose.

Among the various races in the Fire Cloud Desert, Barbarian Race is not a particularly powerful race, and it is only one Human Race and will not hate Human Race.

Therefore, the Tiansha Gang established its headquarters in the city of Barbarian Race. In this way, it can achieve maximum safety without being hated and obliterated by other Spirit Races.

About 2.5 minutes of time, the team of Qin Yu and the others came to the Western District where the headquarters of the Tiansha Gang is located!

The Western District can be said to be a slum, dragons and snakes mingle, full of various Three Sects 9 streams, rogues, etc., and the public order is extremely chaotic.

But for the Tiansha Gang who catch Spirit Race martial arts and sell martial arts, this is the safest place to hide, so their rudder is built here.

In order to achieve the purpose of deceiving people’s ears, the headquarters of the Tiansha Gang is not so magnificent, just an incomparable gigantic house. Of course, this is just an external image, there are huge spaces and underground rooms in the house.

“This is the headquarters of our Tiansha Gang. The dried blood of your people was sent here, ready to be used as martial arts slaves and sold to other Spirit Races.”

When he came to the house, Wei Tong hurriedly introduced, dare not say anything wrong!

But at this moment he was relieved, after all, this is their home, with countless experts inside.

“Before I left, six of the Top Ten Branch Lords came back, and the Sect Leader came back, as well as a large number of experts. With these people, they might be able to stop Qin Yu and rescue me.” Wei Tong muttered in his heart.

It can be said that the headquarters of the Tiansha Gang gathered most of the strength of the Tiansha Gang, and it was extremely powerful. Qin Yu dared to kill here, it was completely courting death.

Qin Yu looked at the courtyard in front of him. As soon as Divine Sense moved, he felt several powerful auras in it, but Qin Yu was not surprised, there was not even the slightest fluctuation on his face.

“Since the place is found, it’s useless to keep your rubbish, now I can send you to hell.” Qin Yu indifferently said, lifting Wei Tong up and floating in the air.

Wei Tong originally wanted to use the power of the headquarters to rescue him, but who knew that Qin Yu turned his face when he turned his face, and immediately struggled violently.

“You can’t kill me, I have brought you here, why are you still killing me?” Wei Tongyu said incoherently, terrified.


Qin Yu was carrying Wei Tong who was struggling, fiercely’s moved towards fell on the ground. Under the impact of the majestic force, Wei Tong was directly killed by Qin Yu in front of the headquarters of the Tiansha Gang, and his head burst on the ground. .

The Tiansha Gang is in the business of martial arts. They hunted Spirit Race and Human Race everywhere to sell, burned, killed, looted, and robbed them, almost commiting any imaginable misdeed.

As one of the Branch Lords of the Tiansha Gang, Wei Tong’s innocent lives are too many to count!

Such a person is useless and will harm other innocents. It is better to kill them directly. Death ends all one’s troubles, which can be regarded as clearing a disaster for the world.

“Gu Rust, you go knock on the door, Lan Yue, you take a few people to stay here, come out one, and kill one for me. If the dried blood has any scars, I want the entire Tiansha Gang to die.” Qin Yu Expressionless, said very coldly, making the surrounding air cold.

Hearing Qin Yu’s words, everyone shivered fiercely, and they really saw Qin Yu’s intentions. Qin Yu wanted to destroy the sand gang.


Too bad!

Just because the Branch Lord of the Tiansha Gang grabbed the dried blood under Xiao Kun’s encouragement, Qin Yu wanted to destroy the entire Tiansha Gang. This sharp character was too shocking.

Gu Ru can’t look at Qin Yu at first, and Qin Yu is the enemy of life and death.

Qin Yu did not say insults to him many times, and even seized his leadership position and killed his running dog Ouyang, which caused him to hold a grudge against Qin Yu and always wanted to find opportunities for revenge!

After witnessing Qin Yu’s powerful swordsmanship and the very ruthless who wanted to destroy the headquarters of the Tiansha Gang, Gu Rust could no longer raise any resistance in his heart. Under Qin Yu’s secret order , Hurried forward to open the door.

“You guys and so on, dare to come to my Tiansha Gang headquarters to make trouble, courting death will not succeed?”

As soon as the door was opened, the warriors guarding inside stepped forward, seeing the aggressive appearance of Qin Yu and the others, and said furiously.

This is the headquarters of the Tiansha Gang. Who dares to come and find fault?

Brush, shua!

Gu Rust did not speak, urging the cultivation base, and directly obliterated the speaker, while several disciplines of the Celestial Blue Sect, following Gu Rust, directly rushed in and started killing.

The 4 warriors guarding the entrance were all killed at this moment. Except for a few people such as Lan Yue who guarded the entrance, the Tiansha Gang all killed in.

Qin Yu walked in last, too lazy to search for the whereabouts of the dried blood, but coldly shouted directly at the depths of the house, “Tiansha Gang Sect Leader, get out of me!”

This coldly shouted sound resounded throughout the courtyard, causing everyone in the Tiansha Gang headquarters to be shocked. Someone dared to come to their Tiansha Gang headquarters to make trouble.

“Impudent, this is the headquarters of the Tiansha Gang. Who dares to impudent here?

Two elders of 2 Heavenly Layer Peak flew out from the courtyard. There were still a large number of Martial Dao experts behind him. Are they densely packed? They came like an army of locusts, with a total of 3 people.

After these 100 people came up, Tuantuan surrounded Qin Yu and the others, just like Wei Tong took to find Qin Yu’s men. Everyone was surging with strong blood energy and solemn killing aura, killing countless people.

Especially after seeing the corpses of a few guards at the door, everyone in the Tiansha Gang couldn’t help getting angry. Each and everyone was angry. Contorts one’s face in agony looked at Qin Yu and looked terrifying to the extreme.

“Which of you is the Sect Leader of the Tiansha Gang!”

Ignoring these people’s rage and contorts one’s face in agony, Qin Yu looked towards the old man of 2 Heavenly Layer 3 Heavenly Layer and asked indifferently.

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