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Numerous warriors of the Tiansha Gang looked at the corpse of Dique that fell on the ground, all with a look of astonishment. On weekdays, they only saw Dique murder, and never saw anyone who could threaten Dique’s life.

But now, Diqian shot with all his strength, and without any underestimation of the enemy, he was slapped to death by the young man in front of him, and even the man with weapons was destroyed.

How could the youth in front of him have such a strong strength? Could it be that the devil was transformed into a failure?

“Evil creature, you dare to kill the old man’s brother, watch the old man tear you up and avenge my brother.” Tian Can saw that it was indeed dead, and immediately moved towards Qin Yu in a rage.

The 2 people grew up together, cultivation together, murdered together, and got rich in Tiansha Gang. The relationship was very good, and Tiancang died here, Tian Can suddenly went crazy.

The weapon used by Tian Can is not an iron rod, but a middle grade Venerable Artifact blood knife.

The blood knife was held in the hand by Tian Can, and it was swung violently, and the black energy swept away and wrapped it on the blood knife, making the blood knife that was originally extremely scarlet purple and black.

The blood knife that turned into purple and black, it was like the blood coagulated on it after killing countless people, terrifying to the extreme.

At the same time, an extremely majestic and bursting baleful qi floated on Tian Can’s body, rolling in, extremely fierce.

Tiancang’s strength on the surface looks the same as Diqian, but in fact it is stronger than Diqian, and after being in a state of anger and madness, burning Bloodline is terrifying.

The big knife swung, and a strong blade light burst out. The brilliance was extreme. The blade light almost dyed the sky around ten meters into purple black, and moved towards Qin Yu’s head directly.

If this blade falls on Qin Yu’s head and takes advantage of the trend, Qin Yu’s whole person will be split in half, and there is no chance of survival.

“9th Layer Extreme Print!”

In the face of the extremely fierce Tianchou, Qin Yu did not dodge, the power in his hand burst out, two palm prints blasted out one after another, the first one directly shattered the big knife, and the saber technique was shaken apart.

After the purple black saber technique disperses, between Heaven and Earth regained their brightness.

However, at this time, Qin Yu’s 2nd palm print arrived instantly and landed on Tian Can’s chest.


An incomparable burst of sound came from Tian Can’s chest. After a burst of blood, only Tian Can’s chest was seen. There was a palm print blood hole, and the chest was penetrated by this palm.

“Elder Tiancun was actually killed, and the traces of blood holes in the palms are very neat, as if they were cut out by a knife.”

“Oh my god, how powerful this youth cultivation’s 9th Layer Jiyin is, it can strike a 5-finger hole in the human body, this…this is…too abnormal…it is.

All the warriors, all in this brief moment, their bodies shook together, as if they had seen Death God, they trembled with fright.

In their absence, the weapons in their hands were also involuntarily dropped to the ground and hit the ground, clang clang clang clanging.

The 9th Layer Extreme Seal is the Heaven Rank low grade martial skill, which is both internal and external. In addition to the Spiritual Qi surging from the flesh and blood of the body, it also constantly moves towards the outside world to extract the Spiritual Qi, forming an extremely fierce palm.

If it weren’t for the Body Martial Artist, the body has reached the point of being tougher than steel. The 9th Layer of cultivation is a dead end. The lighter’s arm is abolished, and the heavier is dead.

The martial skill that came out of cultivation under this harsh situation faced a martial artist from the 3 Heavenly Layer Peak of the Heavenly River Realm. If he couldn’t even do this, it would be disappointing.

“Heavenly Cang Sect discipline follows the order, kill all the people here, and leave no one to survive!”

After killing the two Branch Lords of Tiancang and Dila, Qin Yu immediately ordered, and the eardrum of the discipline of the Celestial Sect was fiercely shocked, and he hurried to kill.

At this moment, it doesn’t matter whether Qin Yu is their Senior Brother or not. After seeing Qin Yu’s powerful battle strength, everyone conditioned to obey Qin Yu’s secret orders.

Gu Rust, who had had an antagonism with Qin Yu, did not dare to neglect at this moment. He took the lead and rushed into the crowd. The majestic power erupted from his body, continuously killing the warrior in front, blood staining his body, and his eyes became scarlet.

The warriors of the Tiansha Gang were completely frightened and trembling all over the body. They couldn’t even think of running away. His mind was completely the fierce scene of Qin Yu killing the Tianchou.

The seven disciplines of the Celestial Sect, facing more than 7 warriors of the Tiansha Faction, looked extremely fierce, like a wolf entering a flock of sheep, with their hands up and down, harvesting lives, completely blushing.

It can be said that this was an extremely bloody massacre, and the seven disciplines of the Celestial Sect could be turned into a killing machine here.

In just over ten minutes, more than 100 warriors of the Tiansha Faction all died in the hands of the Celestial Blue Sect’s discipline, and blood flowed down their arms, palm peaks, clothing corners, and cheeks, dripping onto the ground.

“Who, dare to do evil in my Tiansha Gang, courting death.”

Suddenly, three majestic silhouettes flew out of the darkness and turned into three afterimages, moving towards Qin Yu and the others lashed out, incomparably angry.

These 3 people are not ordinary warriors, but 3 experts of the 3 Heavenly Layer Peak of the Heavenly River Realm. Like Heavenly Layer Peak, they are the top ten branch Lords of the Tiansha Gang. They are distinguished and powerful.

However, the battle strength of 3 people is not so strong. Compared with the two people who are disabled and the earth is lacking, it is a bit weaker, and at most it is stronger than Wei Tong.

“hmph! ”

Before the three people landed, Qin Yu was coldly snorted and shot out suddenly, right hand moved towards the void, and the blood energy dispersed in the air instantly condensed, forming a bloody remnant glow.

The 10000 item in the Fourth Stage is the Sword Intent of 45% of the sword. It instantly enveloped 3 afterimages, and the scarlet glow swept out, and 3 corpses fell directly from the sky.

The three branch Lords of the Tiansha Gang were killed by Qin Yu.

It’s just that this scene fell in the eyes of the Celestial Cang Sect’s discipline, and it was no longer as shocked as before, and the expression on his face was numb and extremely calm.

Today, they have seen too much shock from Qin Yu, and they have long been numb. Even if Qin Yu smashes the sky now, they will not find it strange.

After killing the three Branch Lords, Qin Yu puffed up a Spiritual Qi, moved towards the house and shouted: “Sect Leader of the Tiansha Gang, get out and see me.”

This roar, under the blessing of Spiritual Qi, was like a billowing thunderbolt above 9 days, forming a wave of air, which exploded completely in the mansion, even half of the Western District people could hear it.

The sound fell, and Mo Yue more than a minute later, a middle age person walked out among a dozen silhouettes.

The middle age person looked at the death of 5 Branch Lords, more than 100 subordinates of the Tiansha Gang and the blood around him, his face suddenly became savage, cold and cruel!

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