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Cao Zhen stepped forward, carrying the powerful blood energy power of the carrier, and struck out with one punch.

The billowing blood energy formed an extremely powerful blood-colored astral qi on Cao Zhen’s fist peak. The carrier’s fierce fist peak, and the straight moved towards Qin Yu, blasted towards the extreme.

“9th Layer Extreme Print!”

Qin Yu loudly shouted, hurriedly cast the 9th Layer Jiyin, slapped his palms, and collided with Cao Zhen’s bloody fist peak, fiercely snapped.


The two each displayed their powerful powers, and suddenly an extremely terrifying blood energy intertwined with the Spiritual Qi, erupting from the place where the two clashed, moving towards all around spreading.

The two Spiritual Qi palm prints on the 9th Layer Jiyin, forcibly blocked the bloody astral qi above Cao Zhenquan peak, the two were in a stalemate, and they were wiped out, and each canceled out.

However, neither of the two dared to take it lightly. On the contrary, they were extremely solemn. When this move collided just now, they all felt as if strikes were on the rock.

Qin Yu’s battle body is already extremely powerful, even if it does not use Nine Revolutions Divine Dragon Art, it is as hard as steel, even 30% stronger than steel, plus the power of the 9th Layer Extreme Seal, it is terrifying.

However, Cao Zhen has the fierce realm of the 4th Layer Initial Stage of the Tianhe Realm, and the defense formed by the bloody astral qi is also extremely overbearing, almost evenly matched with Qin Yu.

“Body Martial Artist, and also cultivated Heaven Rank low grade martial skill? Hehe, I just don’t know, how can you resist it.” Cao Zhen snered said with a smile, and the peak of fist raised again, facing Qin Yu fiercely strikes.

Qin Yu is a Body Martial Artist, but no matter how strong the Body Martial Artist is, under the continuous impact of power, the internal organs will be injured internally, and then the body will collapse.

Hey, hey, hey!

The powerful scarlet astral qi wrapped the fist peaks, falling one after another, like a meteor from the sky, dragging the burning red tail, and quickly fell down, which was terrifying.

Under such a fierce attack, if Qin Yu’s strength was a little weaker, he would have been bombed long ago.

“Nine Revolutions Divine Dragon Art!”

Under Qin Yu coldly shouted, the Nine Revolutions Divine Dragon Art of the 6th floor Small Success Realm was urged to rise, with intense black light shining all around, protecting the vitals of the body.

Although Cao Zhen’s attack was powerful, he did not expect that Qin Yu who had passed the 6th Nirvana of Nine Revolutions Divine Dragon Art, refining the flame Spirit Crystal, and the internal organs were all aligned under the energy of the flame Spirit Crystal and the lava Fire Pond. Qi burned it all over again, extremely tenacious, indestructible at all.

In the confrontation between the two, Cao Zhen hit a fifty-sixty punch, but found that the strikes still could not open Qin Yu’s body, and even Qin Yu’s fur was not injured, and his face suddenly became gloomy.

“What’s the matter with this kid? I fought so many punches with me, but my face is not red and my heart beats?” Cao Zhen wondered, 100 puzzled.

According to the general principle, even if his fifty-sixty fist does not seriously injure Qin Yu, under the shock of his fist strength, Qin Yu should be breathless and panting, and his strength weakened, but now Qin Yu shows no signs of this.


At the moment when Cao Zhen lost his mind, Qin Yu shot Cao Zhenzhen with the 9th Layer’s extreme seal, and the terrifying force directly flew Cao Zhenzhen away, causing Cao Zhen’s whole body to tremble, and the majestic blood energy moved towards his cheeks. Going, the flush is extremely red.

Several disciplines of the Celestial Sect, watching the fierce confrontation between the two people, felt incredibly scared witless. This level of battle is no longer something they can participate in.

With their strength, let alone survived in the hands of Cao Zhen, they were afraid that they could not stop them with a punch.

However, Qin Yu and Cao Zhen of the 4th Layer Initial Stage of Tianhe Realm were equally stunned. They seized the opportunity and suppressed Cao Zhen’s move, repelling Cao Zhen, which shocked them.

“Good boy, this Sect Leader really didn’t expect a kid under 20 years old to have such a terrifying strength.” Cao Zhen said with great shock.

He couldn’t think of what Qin Yu came from. At a young age, he has such a strong ability. If this kind of innate talent can grow up, it will be fine.

“The Tiansha Gang is gone. I can rebuild and cultivate a new batch of experts, but this kid’s innate talent is too strong. In any case, I will save his life today.”

Cao Zhen said with a heavy heart, thinking that he had been forced by an ant from the 9th Layer of the Earth Spring Realm to such an extent, he couldn’t help but Great Dao of Fire: “Little devil, you have completely angered me, the Demon Rock Blood Kill.”

With the sound of Cao Zhen’s rage, only the blood energy on Cao Zhen’s body was seen, quickly moved towards the hands and gathered on the fist peak, forming one after another blood-colored armor.

This blood-colored armor is all made up of small pieces of blood clots, with a strong blood light surging above it, and a ghost of blood killing Demon God emerged above the fist peak.

“Boy, to tell you the truth, the Demon Rock Blood Kill is my most powerful force. This move is not weaker than your 9th Layer. It is also a Heaven Rank low grade martial skill. It also contains my original power. , You are ready to die.”

Demon Rock Blood Killing is a Demon Race martial skill that Cao Zhen obtained from a Secret Realm by accident. The formidable power is powerful, meet God kill God, meet Buddha kill Buddha, and the horror is boundless.

However, when the Demon Rock Blood Kill was activated, it had to burn part of its original power before it could be activated, so Cao Zhen basically didn’t use it in normal days.

Right now, he was forced to this point by Qin Yu, and had to consume some of his original power and use the magic rock blood to kill.

After using the magic rock blood to kill, Qin Yu will definitely die.

“Master, this Demonic Blood Kill is a martial skill of Demon Race, formidable power is terrifying, and it is cultivated to Small Accomplishment by him, you have to be careful.” Dragon Soul warned repeatedly, with an unusually solemn tone.

In the ordinary fighting, Dragon Soul didn’t bother to speak, but this magic rock blood killing attracted the strong attention of Dragon Soul, and he had to remind Qin Yu out loud.

Qin Yu nodded, he could feel the formidable power of this move, which seemed to contain the terrifying energy of heaven falls and earth rends, and immediately shot with one hand, the seal of good fortune appeared in his hand.

“Hehe, no matter what you take out, you must die now, kill!”

Cao Zhen said indifferently, coldly shouted, Quan Feng took the magic rock blood to kill, and quickly moved towards Qin Yu to kill.


At the same time that the Fist Peak burst out, in Qin Yu’s eardrum, a strong roar sound of a Demon Race warrior was vaguely heard, almost tearing Qin Yu’s eardrum.

“Good luck seal!”

Qin Yu dragged the seal of good fortune with one hand, and injected the Spiritual Qi fiercely. The seal of good fortune turned into a remnant of light, and quickly swept up the sky, turning into a crimson pad of 3 feet square, spinning extremely fast in the air.


With the movement of Qin Yu’s divine sense, a Vermilion Bird phantom appeared on the seal of good fortune, followed by fiercely pressing down on the seal of good fortune, facing the demon rock blood kill.

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