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When everyone saw Qin Yu making a sword with a single finger, they were all speechless. Qin Yu was the first person to dare to do this in front of Hegemon Saber.

Of course, if Qin Yu is killed by Hegemon Saber, I believe it will be the last one.

Seeing Qin Yu’s contempt, Hegemon Saber also learned to use his fingers as a weapon. An unpleasant expression appeared on his face. He said coldly: “If this is the case, then I will cut off your fingers first. Don’t dare to be mad!”

After all, Hegemon Saber’s two-finger fiercely moved towards Qin Yu killed, and the terrifying saber technique broke out above the pointer, which turned into a saber technique meniscus in space.

This move seems simple, but it is extremely domineering, worthy of the name of Hegemon Saber, and it also carries a strong Saber Intent, which is terrifying to the extreme.

Many people were extremely shocked when they saw this scene, thinking in their hearts that if they were to go up, standing in front of Hegemon Saber to welcome this move, they would definitely not be able to stop such a terrifying finger knife.

“Good to come!”

Qin Yu also felt the sharpness of Hegemon Saber’s two fingers. When the index finger of the right hand moved, it turned into a sword glow, and the Saber technique moved towards Hegemon Saber greeted him.


The two fingers of the two clashed, and there was a metal trembling sound, the terrifying saber technique and sword glow, quickly gathered together, burst out instantly, and fought dozens of times.

“What, Qin Yu actually blocked Hegemon Saber’s knife, how is this possible?”

“Hegemon Saber uses two fingers to make a sword, Qin Yu only uses one finger to make a sword, but he blocks the attack of Hegemon Saber, and it is evenly divided. Is it possible that Qin Yu is stronger than Hegemon Saber.

“Terror, these two people are too terrifying, using their fingers to make swords and swords, but they feel like they are fighting with middle grade Venerable Artifact, which is really scary.”

Seeing that Qin Yu was not dead, but also blocked all the attacks of Hegemon Saber with a single finger, and did not lose the wind, everyone was shocked with a cold sweat.

Hegemon Saber’s strength is extremely powerful, but Qin Yu’s strength seems even stronger, no wonder Qin Yu dares to be so arrogant in front of Hegemon Saber.


The two confronted again. After the fingers collided, the strong saber technique and sword glow bloomed. Hegemon Saber’s face finally became gloomy. He took the initiative to step back and shook hands involuntarily.

Although his fingers had no broken marks, there were one after another sword marks on them, and there were dozens of them. When these all were clashing with Qin Yu, they were injured by Qin Yu’s sword energy.

If it weren’t for his incomparably powerful and terrifying strength, his two fingers would have been cut off by Qin Yu’s sword long ago.

After looking at his fingers, Hegemon Saber moved towards Qin Yu’s fingers, and his face became more gloomy.

Although Qin Yu only uses a finger, there is no trace of scars on the surface, but a faint black light flowing under the skin, which is extremely hard.

“Hehe, Your Excellency is very strong, but if you want to kill me with two fingers as a knife, then forget it.” Qin Yu said with a smile.

His cultivation’s Nine Revolutions Divine Dragon Art has reached the 6th floor Small Accomplishment realm, and his body is extremely tough. Even without the blessing of cultivation technique and Spiritual Qi, the hardness is comparable to middle grade Venerable Artifact.

Moreover, Hegemon Saber’s Saber Intent is only about 40% of the Fourth Stage world, while Qin Yu’s Sword Intent has reached 45% of the Fourth Stage world, which is even higher than Hegemon Saber.

Regardless of the tyranny of the battle body or the understanding of the Martial Dao concept, Hegemon Saber is inferior to Qin Yu. Why should he compete with Qin Yu?

Hegemon Saber’s face was extremely gloomy, Qin Yu faced him with two fingers with one finger, and also gained the upper hand, which was somewhat unacceptable to him, who was always domineering.

“Just to test your strength, but if you think you can defeat me in this way, it would be too arrogant and conceited.”

Hegemon Saber coldly said, the right hand slapped the storage bag, and a black light immediately appeared in the storage bag, which fell into the hands of Hegemon Saber, which was a middle grade Venerable Artifact black blade.

Above the black blade, a faint black glow flows, giving people a very cold feeling. And as Hegemon Saber continued to infuse Spiritual Qi and Saber Intent, on top of the black blade’s blade, a light edge formed.

The edge of the blade is attached to the blade. Moyue is 2 fingers wide. It is not drawn, but it swallows outwards. It compresses the surrounding air and bursts with loud noises, and finally forms a vacuum.

“The really strong big black blade, just the terrifying blade on the black blade, gives people an extremely sharp feeling. Standing in the distance, I feel like my head is about to be cut off.”

“Yes, it can create this feeling of showing off one’s ability. That is to say, even among the middle grade Venerable Artifacts, this black blade is also the peak of existence.”

Seeing Hegemon Saber took out his weapon black blade, everyone was surprised again.

A discerning person knows at a glance that the black blade in Hegemon Saber’s hand is not an ordinary middle grade Venerable Artifact, but a Paragon King among middle grade Venerable Artifact.

“Good knife!”

Qin Yu saw the black blade and was slightly startled, and immediately couldn’t help but praise.

This black blade is the strongest black blade Qin Yu has ever seen. If it is formidable power, it must still be above his own Sky Moon Sword, and there is a big gap between the two.

It can be said that in front of this black blade, the Sky Moon Sword, which is also a middle grade Venerable Artifact, is just a piece of broken copper and iron, which makes Qin Yu greedy.

“A good black blade, I’m afraid it’s already not far from the high grade Venerable Artifact. Unfortunately, I didn’t understand Saber Intent, nor did I cultivate any Saber technique.”

Qin Yu was so greedy, he couldn’t help but want to take it.

However, for Qin Yu who is not good at saber technique, it won’t help much if it is taken over. At most, it can be sold for a high price of middle grade Spirit Stone.

“Senior Brother Lin, how are your accomplishments on the saber technique?”

Qin Yu suddenly turned around and asked, although he is not good at saber technique, but Lin Zixiao in the Celestial Sect’s discipline may be good at saber technique, cultivated saber technique martial skill.

“Saber technique?”

Lin Zixiao frowned slightly. Although he did not understand what Qin Yu meant, he explained: “I am not good at saber technique, but I also cultivated a Heaven Rank high grade saber technique martial skill. I am currently in Small Success Realm. , Young Sect Master asks what does this mean?”

He comes from the Tiancang Peak, the first peak of the Tiancang Sect, and Tiancang Peak does not have its own unique characteristics. It is a collection of all the strengths of the other 6 peaks. He has learned a lot, and once chose a saber technique martial skill.

“Small Success Realm’s Heaven Rank high grade saber technique martial skill?”

Qin Yu eyes shined, said with a smile: “Hehe, since you cultivated saber technique martial skill, you must have also taken a fancy to this black blade. If you like it, I will help you take it.”

“What, grab it for me, this…”

Lin Zixiao was taken aback for a moment, and then a touch of surprise appeared on his face, he hurriedly stood up, moved towards Qin Yu and thanked him: “Many thanks Young Sect Master, if you get this black blade, with my saber technique martial skill, I Then you can kill the expert of the 4th Layer Middle Stage of the Tianhe Realm.”

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