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“How come there are so many karma fire monsters, horror, too terrifying, are we all going to die here?”

Seeing such a huge number of karma fire monsters, all of them turned pale, terrified, and their bodies trembled a little involuntarily.

With 1000 karma monsters, like a huge army of Demon Beasts, glare like a tiger watching his prey watching everyone, forming a terrifying oppressive force, not much better than hell.

No matter who sees this scene in front of him, in the face of no super powerful strength, he will be extremely afraid and fearful.

“Blue Moon, Senior Brother Lin, Gu Rust, the three of you are standing in the forefront with me, and the others are standing behind us. Don’t be washed away by these karma fire monsters.” Qin Yu berated with a sinking tone.

Among these people, the four of them have the strongest realm and cultivation base. If they form a shield and stand in front of them, they can play a protective role.

Otherwise, once these karma fire monsters rushed into the crowd, it would be a huge massacre, and no one could survive from it except Qin Yu and Lan Yue.

The 3 people immediately nodded and arranged them in the order set by Qin Yu. The other disciplines also hurriedly stood behind Qin Yu and the others, and when they were fighting for a while, they looked for opportunities to take action.


Just after they stood up, a beast roar suddenly came from the karma fire monster.

Immediately afterwards, an army of karma fire monsters, like a tide, rushed towards Qin Yu and the others, with countless white spikes on their bodies, surrounded by white flames in the center of the earth, fiercely assassinated them.

Under the strong impact and attack of the beast tide, Gu Ru and Lin Zixiao both struggled.

Fortunately, two experts, Qin Yu and Lanyue, stood beside them, blocking many attacks and preventing them from being in a hurry!

It’s just that the four people’s camp was still disrupted by the shock, and there were continuously karma fire monsters that shocked and constantly hit their defenses.

“A sword of blood is overwhelming!”

Qin Yu took out the Heavenly Moon Sword, strong rays of light swallowed on the sword edge, and the Sword Intent of the Fourth Stage world slowly moved up to form a powerful killer move, which was shot out with a single sword.

The dazzling sword light wrapped the terrifying Sword Intent and cut it down, and suddenly a white lava-like thing was lifted up. This is the blood of these karma fire monsters.

Karma fire monsters were born in the white flames of the center of the earth, and have been influenced by the white flames of the center of the earth for a long time. Whether it is flesh, skeleton, or internal organs, all are milk-white.

After the white blood was spilled, more than a dozen karma fire monsters were immediately wiped out by Qin Yu.

On the other side, after Lan Yue broke out of strength, she also slashed a lot of Karma Fire monsters.

However, the light on the faces of a few people, not at all, was extremely solemn, and Gu Rust couldn’t help complaining: “Are we too bad luck? We just came in and encountered this kind of terrifying thing.”

“Who can say no? There are 1000 karma fire monsters, which are too many, and the lowest realm is in the 3rd Heavenly Layer Initial Stage of the Tianhe Realm, and there are even a lot of 4th Layer Initial Stages of the Tianhe Realm. It’s hard to deal with.” Lin Zixiao said bitterly, and he shot back one after another, suffering beyond words.

Tianhe Realm 3 Heavenly Layer Initial Stage and Middle Stage are okay to deal with, but if you reach 3 Heavenly Layer Peak or even 4th Layer Initial Stage, it will be too much trouble.

Especially for the 4th Layer Initial Stage, the only ones who can kill it smoothly are Qin Yu, Lan Yue and Lin Zixiao. Gu Rust and other people are facing each other, so life-saving is a problem.

Hearing the conversation between the two people, everyone fell silent.

In this case, let alone the people fighting against Barbarian Race and Four Great Influences, they will all die here before these people arrive.

“Young Master Qin, if this continues, sooner or later, you and my stamina will be exhausted, and we will lose the shelter of the two of us. The others have only a dead end. We must quickly find a way!” Lan Yue said quickly, her expression extremely gloomy.

He and Qin Yu 2 are indeed very strong, but their two fists are hard to beat 4 hands, and they will soon be dragged to death by these guys, and they will become the food and meat of these karma fire monsters.

Qin Yu’s brows were also slightly frowned. Lan Yue was right. The other people’s cultivation base was too low to help at all. Moreover, the two of them were powerless to defend himself, and it was even more difficult to shelter everyone.

“Dragon Soul, let go of your Divine Sense and see if there are any loopholes you can exploit, otherwise you can’t stick to it.” Qin Yu opened the mouth and said.

Dragon Soul nodded, with the help of Qin Yu’s body, a vast Divine Sense force, quickly released, sweeping the entire earth, and carefully inspected it.

After a few breaths, Dragon Soul completely recovered Divine Sense and said: “Master, have you noticed those Demon Beasts from the 4th Layer Middle Stage of the Tianhe Realm?”

Following the guidance of Dragon Soul, Qin Yu saw that Moyo’s huge 4th Layer Middle Stage karma monster was hidden among the herd.

These 3 karma fire monsters did not participate in the attack, but changed their positions continuously as the herd moved back and forth, opening their mouths from time to time, bursting out low sound waves.

This low-pitched sound wave is extremely sharp, but extremely slight. If you don’t pay attention, it is difficult to catch these sounds during the attack of the rioting karma fire monster.

“Do you mean that the 3 karma monsters of the 4th Layer Middle Stage of the Tianhe Realm control these beasts with the power of sound waves?” Qin Yu curiously asked.

“Well, it is true, but they are not yet the most powerful karma fire monsters. There is also a king level beast hidden in the front underground. If you want to completely eliminate the crisis, you must command these 3 karma fire monsters. All and the Beastmaster are wiped out.” Dragon Soul nodded, explained.

Eliminate the 3 karmic fire monster leader and the beast king, the huge karmic fire monster will completely lose control, and when the time comes, it will become a disc of sand.

“In that case, just do it!”

Qin Yu made up his mind, and then said to Lan Yue: “Blue Moon, protect them with all your power, I will hunt down the 3 karma fire monster leaders.”

“What, you are going to hunt down the leader of the karma fire monster, but they are so far away that they need to rush through these karma fire monster groups, how can they be easily killed?”

Lan Yue didn’t doubt Qin Yu’s battle strength, let alone three karma monsters of the 3th Layer Middle Stage of the Tianhe Realm. Even if it was the 4th Layer Peak, Qin Yu could easily kill it.

But it would be too dangerous to rush from here and reach the location where the 3 karma fire monsters are.

The so-called ants killing elephants, among so many karma fire monsters, wanting to rush to kill them is entirely courting death!

“Young Master Qin, this action is too dangerous. If you kill it, it is equivalent to sending you to death.” Lan Yue hastily persuaded, for fear of Qin Yu’s dangerous move.

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