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The people who were killed here in the past fought here, and were also invaded by the baleful qi here, so they suffered heavy losses, not at all.

“Chi Rong, come out and have a look, is this what you call the Soul Hall?”

After Qin Yu took out the corpse soul orb from the storage bag, a powerful Divine Sense directly pulled the Chirong Primordial Spirit out of the corpse soul orb.

Chi Rong merged with the Soul Orb, and now it is Yin and Yang. You can also feel the external environment through the Soul Orb. Knowing that it has no effect on him, there is no resistance. It turned into a Primordial Spirit phantom the size of a fist peak. Hovering beside Qin Yu, moved towards and look ahead.

“Well, it is indeed the Hall of Souls, and here should be the bottom of the Hall of Souls, there should be a lot of good things buried inside.” Chi Rong said excitedly.

Chi Rong is the cultivator of the Ghost Dao family, but it is not the orthodox Ghost Race of Ancient Era, but as a personal warrior, the acquired Ghost Race of cultivation is similar to Yinhuai.

The characteristic of the acquired Ghost Race is that the killing character is extremely superior, and it is extremely versatile.

For example, Yinhuai, such as the 10000 houses in Desolate Flame City, belong to the acquired Ghost Race, and the methods are extremely cruel.

However, the day after tomorrow Ghost Race also has many different cultivation methods. The 10000 houses in Huangyan City are good at refining ghost sails, which are unusually evil treasures, while Yinhuai is studying Ghost Race Formation.

The acquired Ghost Race of Chi Rong cultivation is to practice corpses and puppets!

Therefore, after seeing Qin Yu found the lair where Ancient Sect buried the corpses, Chi Rong jumped into excitement, and wanted to jump on it immediately.

“Since it is here, that’s right, let’s go down!”

After Chi Rong was confirmed, Qin Yu jumped forward and completely entered the giant pit, moving towards the front cautiously.

There are as many as 10000 graves in the huge pit. In other words, at the time of Ancient Sect Peak, 10000 corpse puppets were buried here.

As you can imagine, how terrifying it is!

These corpse puppets are all trained with living sacrifices. For this reason, Ancient Sect is afraid that they will catch a large number of living people to sacrifice for training. It has offended many forces at the time, which led to the disaster of Sect extermination.

However, almost 99% of the tombs here have been dug up, and the existence of not at all corpses inside makes Chi Rong somewhat disappointed.

“It’s really bad luck. If there is no excavation here, we have got 10000 corpse puppets, enough to sweep any force in the Celestial Continent, regardless of whether he is the 5 major overlords or the 5 major Stinking Insect.” Chi Rong complained a bit. Said, extremely dissatisfied with this.

Qin Yu doesn’t matter, if he really gets such a powerful force like Chi Rong said, once the news is revealed, he will not be able to protect himself, and he will be chased and killed go up to heaven or down to Hades.

“Well, boy, there seems to be ghost bamboo grass there, hurry over, ghost bamboo grass is the Supreme material for practicing Yin corpses.” Chi Rong suddenly became excited, pointing to one side and said.

Qin Yu’s face sank slightly, scolded: “Call master!”

“What, let me call you master?”

Chi Rong is hearing this, the fist sized Primordial Spirit phantom suddenly becomes hideous, wanting to explode with anger.

He dignified and condensed the powerhouse of Primordial Spirit, and was so reprimanded by an ant-like warrior of 1 Heavenly Layer Peak in the Tianhe Realm, and asked him to be called the master. What humiliation is this?

Back then, when he was Peak, even if it was a sneeze, the ants at 1 Heavenly Layer Peak in the Tianhe Realm could kill hundreds of thousands, even 1000000.

“You are not satisfied?”

Qin Yu looked at Chi Rong of contorts one’s face in agony, and said sensibly, “If you want the Primordial Spirit to be shattered and swallowed by me to refining, then even if you don’t accept it, I will fulfill you.”

It’s not that Qin Yu is stingy, but he just regained Chi Rong and had to be shocked.

Moreover, Chi Rong was still the powerhouse where he had condensed Primordial Spirit. If it was at first, he would not be able to suppress it. This guy will become more and more impudent, and he will not be taken seriously.

Therefore, Qin Yu must convince Chi Rong to be submissive and completely control Chi Rong, otherwise once 10000 reaches the real Life and Death Boundary, if this guy gives birth to a bad heart, it will be completely troublesome.


Hearing that Qin Yu wanted to refining his Primordial Spirit, Chi Rong’s complexion suddenly changed. Fiercely shuddered. Although he was still a little unwilling, he never dared to impudent again.

“the host……”

Chi Rong hesitated to say, a little hard to say, not very accustomed to this name.

“Remember, you will be less impudent in front of me in the future. I will give you a chance to live so that you can live. If I don’t give it, you will be a dead dog in my hands. I care about what powerful existence you used to be. Now you are Under my control, I am your heaven, your earth, and the god in your heart.”

Qin Yu said indifferently, and the words showed a hint of Cold Qi, making Chi Rong dumbfounded.

Chi Rong was completely unimaginable. In this case, it turned out to be from a “ant” at 1 Heavenly Layer Peak in the Tianhe realm.

But Chi Rong understood that Qin Yu was right.

As long as he is under Qin Yu’s control for a day, then Qin Yu is his heaven, his earth, and the god in his heart.

Contending with Qin Yu, he has no way to survive, only to recover from annihilation!

“Remember the little one!”

Chi Rong respectfully said, Primordial Spirit moved towards Qin Yu bowed and bowed, never daring to underestimate Qin Yu anymore, and in his heart is 5 flavor Chen Za.

After suppressing Chi Rong for a while, Qin Yu took a step forward, moved towards where the ghost bamboo grass was, and came to the front.

The whole body of the ghost bamboo grass is dark, about the height of one person, each plant has the thickness of the arm, and the black light and baleful qi Yin Qi flowing on it, which looks extremely hard.

This thing, the human warrior cannot swallow it, nor can it refining, otherwise, once the baleful qi and Yin Qi contained within the warrior enter the body of the warrior, it is equivalent to earning karma within the body.

Karma fire is the Power of Flame formed by baleful qi, and it is a combination of baleful qi!

But for the corpse puppet, the baleful qi and Yin Qi in the ghost bamboo grass are excellent materials. If they are integrated into the corpse, the formidable power of the corpse can be greatly enhanced.

Therefore, this thing of ghost bamboo grass for the warriors of the acquired Ghost Race is simply the Supreme Treasure in Supreme Treasure, causing Chi Rong to almost go crazy.

“Sure enough, it is ghost bamboo grass, and there are more than 30 plants, small…no, master, this time we have made a fortune.” Chi Rong said excitedly.

Qin Yu nodded, took out the Sky Moon Sword, the sword edge flashed cold light, moved towards the root of a ghost bamboo grass and cut it up.


However, when they encountered the ghost bamboo grass, a metal humming sound broke out between the two, and the Sky Moon Sword was bounced away by a black light.

“En? Is this ghost bamboo grass so hard?” Qin Yu said in surprise.

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