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“Li Fu Elder was severely injured by the shock, this…”

“Qin Yu this move really strong, if a lot of power hadn’t fallen on the cold light net, this move would be enough to kill Li Fu Elder!”

The discipline of Heaven Origin Sect saw that Li Fu, who commanded them, was seriously injured. His complexion changed drastically. He was as strong as Li Fu and displayed a powerful killer move. Qin Yu almost slapped him to death here.

One move, just one move!

“Old dog, I said, you should be glad that I didn’t kill you that day, let you live a few more days, today is your death date.”

Qin Yu said indifferently, moved towards Li Fu in fright, fiercely grabbed it with a palm.

This palm, under the blessing of Spiritual Qi, swelled tenfold, like a small 5-finger cage, falling on Li Fu’s head, and forcibly lifting Li Fu into the air. in.


Feeling that he was caught by a chicken, Li Fu suddenly surprised and angry.

What was shocking was that Qin Yu’s strength was completely beyond his comparability. What was annoying was that his dignified Heaven Origin Sect Outer Elder was so insulted.

In front of the discipline of Heaven Origin Sect, he, Elder, was picked up at will, which was a great blow and shame to him.

“Qin Yu, let go of Li Fu Elder quickly, otherwise we can’t spare you!”

Several disciplines of Heaven Origin Sect suddenly became furious, feeling that their sect was insulted, each and everyone roared angrily, begin to stir, and wanted to make a move.

“Let go of this old dog? Hehe, if you ask so, then I will fulfill you, but before letting go…” Qin Yu smiled coldly, and a playful taste emerged from the corner of his mouth.


As Qin Yu’s voice fell, Li Fu felt an explosive force on his head. Before he could react, his head was squeezed by Qin Yu.

The sound of Li Fu’s squeezed head was transmitted through the space with a bang. In the end, Li Fu didn’t even have time to make a scream.

“Oh, good decisive!”

Seeing this scene, the Heaven Origin Sect disciple, which was still aggressive just now, suddenly looked like a dumb. All of them closed their mouths and dared not make any more sounds.

All of them, Elder, were directly squeezed by Qin Yu. They are the strongest people, but the 4th Layer Peak of the Tianhe Realm, and they are not qualified to yell in front of Qin Yu.

“Li Fu’s body, return it to you!”

Qin Yu coldly said, and threw Li Fu’s body away and fell in front of the Heaven Origin Sect disciple, scaring the discipline of Heaven Origin Sect, each and everyone backed up, afraid to touch it.

Looking at the Heaven Origin Sect disciple, who was frightened by myself, like a bird of fright, a touch of indifference appeared on Qin Yu’s face, scolded: “get lost!”

Although this sound is not very loud, it is like a 9-day thunderbolt, fiercely falling in the ears of Heaven Origin Sect’s discipline.

The 5 disciplines of Heaven Origin Sect suddenly the soul flew away and scattered, and they flee swiftly, without daring to stay at all.

Qin Yu is terrifying like a devil in their hearts!

After these disciplines escaped, Qin Yu’s gaze fell on Song She again, his gaze narrowed slightly, and two strong killing lights flashed.

“Song She old dog, it’s up to you next!”

Qin Yu said indifferently, after taking a step, Spiritual Qi within the body burst out like a river and sea, and his clothes were shaken by hunting and hunting, and his hair was flying wildly.

In the past, on the battlefield of 100 races, this old dog relied on his own identity and strength to threaten Qin Yu three times and five times to surrender the Extreme Wood Nascent Spirit, and threatened to kill Qin Yu.

This hatred, although a year or two has passed, Qin Yu can’t forget it, and has a mortal heart for this old dog.

“Hmph, little bastard, you really think you can kill me, but the old man doesn’t want to pester you anymore today. When I see you next time, the old man will definitely kill you.”

Song She was coldly snorted, knowing that he couldn’t kill Qin Yu today, and a heart of retreat developed right now, turned around and left, wanting to leave here.

Qin Yu has the powerful means to kill Li Fu, and his strength is still above him. Such a powerful strength can’t be used brute force to contend, it is better to leave as soon as possible and think of another method!

After leaving the green hills without worrying about firewood, Song She turned around and left.

“Old dog, do you want to go?”

Qin Yu sneered and said sarcastically: “Hehe, did I let you go? You came to kill me and took a few strong shots at me, just want to leave. I’m afraid there is no such cheap thing in the world.”

This dog, who used to oppress Qin Yu in various ways, now comes to kill Qin Yu, how could Qin Yu let him leave here so easily.

“Hmph, is it possible that you still want to leave the old man unsuccessfully, the old man is not like Li Fu’s trash, you can kill him at will.”

Song She was coldly snorted, and the breath on his body bloomed again, fierce and mighty, and he didn’t care about Qin Yu at all, so he took 2 steps ahead of time.

Hey, hey, hehe…

Just after Song She took 2 steps, the sound of one after another dull heartbeat suddenly sounded from behind him, reaching 9 levels.

While these nine voices were beating, nine fierce and majestic auras came and fell on Song She.

Song She was shocked in her heart, feeling as if she was being stared at by 9 wild beasts. A wave of Cold Qi rose behind her, she was startled by cold sweat, and her clothes were instantly wet.

In shock, Song She hurriedly looked back, only to see 9 corpse puppets standing behind him, eyes flashing with intense light, and an extremely powerful horror erupted from his body. baleful qi.


Seeing these 9 extremely fierce corpse puppets, Song She lost her voice in amazement, and on top of her thin face, fiercely twitched, an expression full of incredible and horror.

When he and Li Fu came in, they noticed these corpse puppets. At that time, these corpse puppets were just lying on the ground without any aura fluctuations, so he didn’t care.

But now, these corpse puppets were resurrected collectively, and a total of 9 statues appeared in front of him.

“Not good, this kid came here to dig corpse puppets, and he has controlled these corpse puppets!”

After feeling the pressure of the baleful qi from these corpse puppets, Song She suddenly felt bad and hurriedly backed up, but was still a step late.

I saw 9 corpse puppets bursting out, like 9 shells, Fiercely killed Song She, and Song She hurriedly defended.

Hey, hey, hey!

one after another The dull sound fell on Song She’s defense, extremely dull.

Although the battle strength of these 9 corpse puppets did not reach the 5th Layer Initial Stage of the Tianhe Realm, 3 of them are also the battle strengths of the 4th Layer Peak of the Tianhe Realm, and the strength of the battle body is comparable to the Nine Revolutions Divine Dragon Art 6th floor Small Accomplishment, horror is boundless.

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