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After this heaven-shaking, earth-shattering roar came, not only did Ye Tianyi’s complexion greatly changed and despair, even the faces of Lan Yue, Lin Zixiao and the others were not so pretty, even a little bit Panic is inside.

Under such drastic changes, everyone stared at the sky full of smoke and dust. After half the payment, everyone’s eyes suddenly shrank, and there was a rare panic.

I saw a huge shadow suddenly rushed out of the sky full of dust and gravel, and a very ancient terrifying aura burst out of the whole body, rising into the sky and shrouding everyone.

Under the horrified eyes of everyone, the huge phantom turned into a giant predator more than ten meters high and more than 30 meters long with wide fangs and eyes shows the ominous light.

In the mouth of the giant predator, two slightly curved teeth grew from the lower jaw. The feet and arms were thick and headed toward the sky. The body flashed with cold light, like two heavenly punishment swords. terror.

Moreover, there are layers of densely packed gray scales on the back of the giant predators, each of which is the size of a washbasin, reflecting the forced cold light.

Along with the heavy breathing of this giant predator, the surrounding Heaven and Earth Spirit Qi seemed to be driven, and they faintly boiled, terrifying.

“My God, what the hell is that…”

Seeing the fierceness of this giant predator, everyone’s breathing became tight, and the giant predator in front of them was too terrifying.

Judging from the aura, the realm of this giant predator is afraid that it has reached the level of strength of the 5th Layer Middle Stage of the Tianhe Realm. It is no wonder that Ye Tianyi can be so embarrassed and almost died here.

Ye Tianyi’s realm is in the 4th Layer Middle Stage of the Tianhe Realm, and he is very lucky to survive such a terrifying giant predator.

Under normal circumstances, with Ye Tianyi’s realm, he was afraid that he would have been slapped to the ground by the giant crocodile and turned into a pile of mud.

Qin Yu also looked at this giant predator somewhat dreaded. The strength of this guy is not so simple, and the defensive power of the scales on his body is too strong. Compared with the Battle Armor of the middle grade Venerable Artifact, it is dozens of harder. Times.

“If I didn’t guess wrong, this thing should be an ancient fierce crocodile, but I don’t know how this guy survived from Ancient Era to the present.” Qin Yu explained.

In the Tianyuan Secret Realm, there are not many Demon Beasts. Apart from the karma fire monsters and the distant ancient blood bats born in the white flames of the earth, Qin Yu is the first time to see other Demon Beasts here.

“What, ancient fierce crocodile, how could it be this thing?”

After hearing Qin Yu’s explanation, everyone’s expressions darkened slightly, and they secretly swallowed their saliva, and they couldn’t help but retreat.

Ancient fierce crocodile, this thing is not only the Demon Beast with ancient bloodline, but there is also a “fierce” in the name, which shows the fierceness and tyranny of this guy.

“This guy is indeed a bit fierce, but if he can get the scale armor on his body, he can create more than a dozen Battle Armors above the middle grade Venerable Artifact, at least not inferior to the black blade in the hands of Senior Brother Lin. “Qin Yu said with a smile, revealing a greedy taste.

Although Qin Yu has Nine Revolutions Divine Dragon Art in his body and is close to the 6th floor Great Accomplishment, if he can get the scales from this ancient fierce crocodile, he will be stronger.

“Young Sect Master, if you want to get the scales of this ancient fierce crocodile, it’s probably not simple. Once we are targeted by this thing, maybe we will all die here.” Ancient Rust said somewhat dreaded.

However, Qin Yu didn’t seem to hear Gu Rust’s words, but looked at the ancient fierce crocodile with greedy eyes, and didn’t seem to intend to give up.

After the huge body of the ancient fierce crocodile was completely exposed from the dust, his eyes fell directly on Ye Tianyi, making Ye Tianyi’s spirit immediately tense.


The ancient fierce crocodile roared, the huge minions, flashing cold light, quickly moved towards Ye Tianyi to culminate, like a sky curtain, moved towards Ye Tianyi fiercely fell down.

Ye Tianyi’s eyes were gloomy, looking at the rapidly magnifying minions, a fist sized black thunderball appeared in his hand, and he shot it out.


The moment the black thunderball exploded, it turned into a black, destroying Thunder Strength. Fiercely’s strikes broke apart on the giant claw of the ancient crocodile.

The ancient fierce crocodile was hit by this, and not only a tearing pain came from the claws, but there was also a feeling of numbness, and the speed was much slower.

The black Thunder Strength that exploded and was extremely terrifying, and the waves of destruction formed layer after layer moved towards all around, spreading, forming a wave of destruction.

The surrounding boulders, even those ancient palaces, burst into pieces under the destructive Thunder Strength, completely turned into dust, and surged violently.

Hey, hey, dong!

Ye Tianyi was on the edge of this devastating storm, and was lifted by the terrifying force formed by these devastating storms. A lot of flesh and blood was torn apart, and several dozen meters were overturned.

Fortunately, Ye Tian touched the peripheral zone. Although he was seriously injured, he barely survived, and he was left with a breath of breath.

“This evil creature is really fierce. It’s a pity that I am a black thunderball. This object is what I plan to obliterate Ye Liao’s old dog. I didn’t expect to use it on this animal.” Ye Tianyi saw not at all wiped out the ancient fierce crocodile, and said with some regret.

This black thunderball is the place of the thunderbolt in the depths of Ye Tian. It took a full half a year for the tempering of little by little. The formidable power thrown out is comparable to the expert blow of the 5th Layer Middle Stage of the Tianhe Realm.

It’s just that the skin of the ancient fierce crocodile is rough, flesh is thick, the defensive power is extremely strong, and it also has body protection. Its realm is also in the 5th Layer Middle Stage of the Tianhe realm. The black thunderball does not do much to the ancient fierce crocodile s damage.

On the contrary, he, riddled with scars all over, almost impossible to move even a little bit, has reached an arrow at the end of its flight, and even has no strength to move his body.

Don’t say it’s an enemy, now he can’t get up even if he can crawl, and an expression of despair and resentment flashes in his eyes.

His father’s grievance was not reported, but now, he is about to die here, making him extremely unwilling and hating the injustice of the sky.

Obviously, this is not the first time that the ancient fierce crocodile has been repelled by the power of the black thunderball. A fierce anger appeared on his face, and a strong killing intent surged in his eyes.


Under the roar, the ancient fierce crocodile lifted up and grabbed it again, and fiercely slapped Ye Tianyi’s head away. This time, it would completely smash Ye Tianyi’s head.

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