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Although Qi Tao’s identity is only a discipline, his position in the Heavenly Cang Sect is extremely high, and he is also from the Heavenly Cang Sect’s first peak, and he knows some secrets that ordinary people don’t know, including Four Great Influences. Heavenly Cang Sect.

Therefore, whether it is Heavenly Dragon Empire, Beast Palace, Heaven Origin Sect, Snow Moon Sect, all are hostile forces.

It’s just that the warriors who went to the Four Great Influences of the Barbarian Race this time are all powerhouses and some powerful Inner Disciples among Outer Elder. It is completely impossible for Qin Yu to kill them.

Seeing the trance expression on Qi Tao’s face, Qin Yu grinned and said: “Hehe, Song She’s old dog was forced to blew himself up by me. No head was left. His identity token fell into my hand, but I can take out the head of Li Fu from Heaven Origin Sect.”


With Qin Yu’s throw away, a lot of identity tokens, as well as Li Fu’s head, and the head of Ye Liao, the master of Barbarian Race, all appeared in front of Qi Xiao. The blood light was sparkling and terrifying. And ferocious.

Qin Yu sprinkled some medicine powder on these two people’s heads, so they were not at all signs of decay, and they were kept intact, just to hand over them.

Only when they died, their hideous faces were also preserved, and they did not dissipate with death, so they looked unusually hideous and terrifying.

“What, this is…”

Looking at the two human heads on the table and the countless identity tokens, Qi Tao’s expression suddenly changed, and he lost his voice in amazement: “Did you really kill Li Fu and Ye Liao?”

Li Fu and Ye Liao are both old powerhouses of the 2th Layer Initial Stage of Tianhe Realm. Their battle strength is powerful and terrifying. Who wouldn’t fear these two people 5%.

But now, the heads of these two people are all placed in front of him, Qi Tao can only feel the sound of his brain Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!, the rapid congestion, there is an extremely crazy impulse.

In the hall of the Profound Sky Palace, there are also many disciplines and Elder entrenched here to hand in tasks. After hearing Qi Tao’s shocking voice, they all turned around in shock, looking at Qin Yu and the head on the table with an incredible expression. .

“The heads of Li Fu and Ye Liao? God, one of these two people is Heaven Origin Sect Elder and the other is the master of Barbarian Race. They are not good things. Qin Yu killed them all, this…”

“Especially Ye Liao, who was originally in the Barbarian Race, can mobilize all the power of the Barbarian Race, and the existence of Four Great Families under his staff, died in the hands of Qin Yu, how is it possible?”

“Now that Ye Liao is dead here, his Four Great Families are probably also completely finished. In other words, Qin Yu wiped out the entire Barbarian Race high-level.”

one after another The sound of incomparable surprise, like a wave, surged in the Profound Sky Palace, eyes full of thick look of shock.

Under the gaze of everyone, Qin Yu said with a smile: “Qi Tao Senior Brother, according to what you just said, can you redeem contribution points for me?”

“Okay, okay, I’ll redeem it for you. The task of destroying barbarians has a contribution of 30000 per person. Then you killed more than a dozen people in the Beast Palace led by Song She, more than a dozen people in Heaven Origin Sect, Li Fu, and ten in Heavenly Dragon. Many people, a total of 2 100 300,000 contribution value.” Qi Tao probably liquidated, directly held breath cold air.

The contribution value of 2 100 30 is more than 10000. This is an astronomical figure, and it is the largest contribution value Qi Tao has ever seen.


Hearing the contribution value that Qi Tao burst out, the entire Profound Sky Palace went crazy, each and everyone’s mouth was wide open, shocked and speechless, and the small heart beat violently.

“2 100 300,000 contribution value?”

Qin Yu’s face did not fluctuate much, but rather said indifferently: “According to the ten people we stocked, each person should have a contribution of 23 10000.”

The contribution value of 23 10000 seems to be a lot, but when it comes to Qin Yu, it seems a little insufficient. After all, he needs to exchange a lot of materials next.

“Qi Tao Senior Brother, you put all the contribution value of 2 100 300,000 under my name. I need them to exchange some materials.” Qin Yu said.

“All under your name?”

Qi Tao hesitated and said, “It’s not impossible, but how do we explain to other people? After all, these contribution values ​​need to be distributed equally by you.”

“The Qi Tao Senior Brother can rest assured that there will be an explanation from Lanyue and Gu Rust, and will not embarrass you.” Qin Yu mysterious said with a smile.

“Since you are sure to explain to them, then I will call the shots and place all these contribution values ​​under your quota.” Qi Tao gritted his teeth.

After getting the 2.3 million contribution value, Qin Yu showed a faint smile on his face and said, “Qi Tao Senior Brother, I don’t know what happened to the materials I bought with you before? If so, give it to I will exchange it.”


After one hour, Qin Yu walked out of the Heavenly Profound Hall with a slightly ugly face, and said, “I didn’t expect to spend all my contribution points, and there are some not enough.”

Qin Yu got a contribution value of 2.3 million just for the task of destroying the barbarians, and there are some that Qin Yu has accumulated before, which has a contribution value of almost 2.5 million.

Such a huge number of contribution points were all consumed just now, and there was not even a bit left, which made Qin Yu feel a little big.

“These materials are indeed a bit more expensive, but the materials for repairing the ancient warships have already been collected. Only the materials for the corpse puppets are lacking.” Chi Rong said with a smile, but he was extremely satisfied and secretly. Thought Qin Yu’s methods are powerful.

I thought that after Qin Yu returned, it would take a lot of time to start collecting materials, but didn’t expect Qin Yu to collect such a huge amount of materials in the blink of an eye, which made him admire.

Qin Yu nodded, the materials for repairing ancient warships were released in advance. After more than 2 months, 90% of them have been collected.

Moreover, these materials are all double materials, after all, the ancient warship in Qin Yu’s hands belongs to Gu Youfeng’s Peak Master, not himself.

Qin Yu must build his own ancient warship, but the materials needed are naturally several times more than repaired.

“If I were to create my own Emperor Artifact, I now have as much as 40% of the materials, and the most important keel material has not found any news yet.” Qin Yu meditated.

The keel for building ancient warships must be iron and wood. However, these materials are completely legendary on the Celestial Continent. Even if there is news, it is difficult to obtain with Qin Yu’s current strength.

“According to my suggestion, the master is still looking for materials for repairing the corpse puppets.” Chi Rong pondered for a while, suggested.

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