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Qin Yu saw that Gu Youfeng Peak Master had agreed to his request, and he was completely happy. The black iron stone is useless in the eyes of ordinary people, but for Qin Yu, the value of this thing exceeds everything.

Even if a piece is a sky-high price of 200000000 million middle grade Spirit Stone, Qin Yu will buy it without the slightest hesitation and put it into his own pocket.

Now, if the black iron stone that can be obtained from Xing Elder Zhuang is enough, then Qin Yu’s Martial Soul can once again rise to a level, even reaching the level of strength of Monarch Rank 8, with faster aptitude and cultivation speed.

“The second condition is very simple. I need some ten 2 explosive Spirit Stones and 5 Tian Geng Profound Spirit Iron, and one cannot be less.” Qin Yu opened the mouth and said.

“Explore Spirit Stone and Tian Geng Profound Spirit Iron?”

Hearing this second condition, Gu Youfeng’s Peak Master fell silent.

These two materials are extremely precious materials, and even a powerhouse of his level can’t come up with so many.

The so-called explosion of the Spirit Stone is to make Spiritual Qi violent. If the array is arranged, the lethality will be more powerful.

For example, the same amount of Spiritual Qi can kill a cow, but after the Spirit Stone’s blessing, when Spiritual Qi is in a violent state, the cow can be directly bombarded into blood mist, and the formidable power will increase dozens of times. .

As for things like Tian Geng Xuan Ling Iron, it is also a good material for Formation. It has the effect of quickly transmitting Spiritual Qi and can transmit the maximum Spiritual Qi in a short time.

“I am not a Refiner Master, nor an Array Master, but I can go to Gu Wenfeng to find some for you. It’s just that the amount may not have that many you want.” Gu Youfeng’s Peak Master said solemnly.

Although he is ready to make Qin Yu lion’s big mouth, it’s just that the conditions Qin Yu put forward are all material things, and they are extremely weird. He doesn’t have much in his hands and needs to plan, but he can agree to it first. Come down.

“With Peak Master, I’m relieved.”

Qin Yu said with a smile with great satisfaction: “Peak Master, as long as you can get these things for me, I will return you a blue sky, open your eyes and shake the entire Celestial Continent.”

“What, shaking the entire Celestial Continent?”

Hearing Qin Yu’s words, Gu Youfeng Peak Master was completely speechless, and said angrily: “You brat don’t boasting anymore, I will shoot you to death if you continue, so hurry up with me now.”

The other Refiner Masters were found a few days ago, but Qin Yu is now one of them. Therefore, the Peak Master of Gu Youfeng, some impatients said.

“Okay, let’s go now!”

With a generous reward, Qin Yu naturally came along and immediately followed Gu Youfeng’s Peak Master to the place where the Emperor Artifact was refined.

The matter of refining the Emperor Artifact is very important and requires great secrecy, so it is not on the ancient You Peak, but in the mountains inside the Heavenly Cang Sect.

In this mountain, there are various powerful Demon Beasts, and ordinary disciplines are basically impossible to come here.

Not long after entering the mountain, Qin Yu and Guyou Peak’s Peak Master came to a cliff, in which a huge cave was opened.

The brightly lit cave in the cave is like daylight, extremely large and bright.

When Qin Yu came here, not only Bei Lao was here, but Costin, there were other Peak Masters, and some who didn’t know Elder, all gathered here.

There is no doubt that the most powerful existence of Tiancang Sect is all gathered here, and there are also several Tianhe Realm 7 8 Heavenly Layer low realm Elders.

“En? Qin Yu!”

After seeing Qin Yu, Gu Wenfeng’s Peak Master couldn’t help but be surprised when he saw Qin Yu, “Old Gu, why did you call this kid?”

“Yes, this matter is very important, and there should be no wing-throwing. I am convinced that this kid is capable of refining medicine pill, but he is afraid that Mao doesn’t understand it.”

“I also think, Lao Gu, you are a little too reckless, and this is our secret base. Without full confidence, you can’t let others know.”

Others also followed Gu Wenfeng’s Peak Master opened the mouth and said, some complained about Gu Youfeng’s Peak Master, thinking that Gu Youfeng’s Peak Master was a bit reckless.

“Qin Yu, they asked me why I brought you here, and you told my lion’s big mouth just now, let you answer them now.”

Gu Youfeng Peak Master moved towards Qin Yu and said: “In addition, you brat remembered it to me. If you don’t have the least real ability to learn, it’s all fooling me. You can’t get the things you said before. , And you will be locked up for punishment.”

“Hehe, Peak Master, you don’t have this chance!”

Faced with the difficulties of the powerhouse of various peaks and the threat of the Peak Master of Gu Youfeng, Qin Yu said without paying attention: “Isn’t it just an Emperor Artifact? There is nothing at the worst, I can refine it at hand.”

I have Chi Rong, another powerhouse of Primordial Spirit Level, and it is not so difficult for Qin Yu to refine the Emperor Artifact.

“What, Emperor Artifact can be refined at hand?”

Hearing this, everyone was taken aback, and their complexions suddenly became ugly, especially Xing Elder Zhuang, who was responsible for refining the Emperor Artifact, was even more furious.

In order to refine this Emperor Artifact, he has been preparing countless years, until now it is still a little hotter, and has to invite the help of various powerhouses, but now Qin Yu said that it can be refined at hand.

Isn’t it clear that he is rubbish?

If he is rubbish, then everyone present is afraid that it is rubbish in rubbish.

Qin Yu’s words are equivalent to scolding everyone, fiercely slapped them on the face, making them ashamed and unable to show one’s face.

“Lao Gu, are you sure he is our Gu Youfeng’s discipline?”

Hair grey-white, Xing Elder Zhuang moved towards Gu Youfeng’s Peak Master in a black robe asked and said, “If you say no, I will shoot him to death now.”

“Hehe, Elder Zhuang Xing, if you can’t bear to slap your Gu Youfeng discipline to death, let the old man, the Peak Master of Guwenfeng, replace it.” Guwenfeng Peak Master said.

The Peak Master of Xiaoyuefeng is an old woman, and at this moment she said with a calm face: “Let the old woman come. The thing that the old woman loves most in these years is killing. As long as it is a man, whatever his discipline is still Elder’s. In the hands of the old woman, it definitely makes him feel better and regrets being in this world.”

Hearing this, Qin Yu complexion sank, the Peak Master of Aria Peak is a grieving woman. The way he treats men is so cruel, terrifying!

When the other Elders heard the words of the Peak Master of Xiaoyue Peak, they all shuddered all over, and they couldn’t help but step back a few steps, with an embarrassment on their faces.

“Boy, can you speak well!”

Gu Youfeng’s Peak Master also said angrily: “If you dare to be so arrogant and give me boasting, if they don’t kill you, I will kill you first.”

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