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After speaking, Elder Nie couldn’t help throwing the Purple Gold long sword to Qin Yu, and asked with a smile: “Qin boy, how? I’m right. If you are just and honorable now, you will be in a hurry. After a while, I was wrong, and it was even more embarrassing.”

“Elder Nie finished?”

Qin Yu didn’t answer Elder Nie’s words directly, but picked up the Purple Gold long sword, looked at it carefully, and communicated with Chi Rong in the corpse soul orb hidden in his sleeves.

I have done everything I can do, and pretending to be enough is enough, and then it’s time for Chi Rong to go out.

From Chi Rong’s Primordial Spirit Level other vision, it is not difficult to see the advantages and disadvantages of this long sword.

Chi Rong quietly condensed a touch of Primordial Spirit Force on Qin Yu’s index finger through the connection of the corpse soul beads, and followed Qin Yu’s fingers to touch the Purple Gold long sword.

After Mo Yue 2 breaths, Qin Yu showed a gentle smile on his face and confidently said: “Elder Nie said that the most likely thing is not bad, but it ignores the most important point!”

“Well, this kid can really see the advantages and disadvantages of Purple Gold long sword?”

Seeing the confident smile on Qin Yu’s face, Elder Nie’s heart couldn’t help but tighten, and curiously asked: “What is this Elder overlooked? Hope to hear the details.”

“Rhino tungsten iron can increase the conduction of Spiritual Qi, which is true. But rhino tungsten iron has a shortcoming, that is, it is soft, the hardness is not enough, and it is incompatible with Purple Gold. If it is mixed with rhino tungsten iron Too much, although Spiritual Qi conduction goes up, the hardness of the sword is down, resulting in a decrease in sharpness, and after smelting, there will be some deficiencies.” Qin Yu explained with a smile.

Hearing Qin Yu’s explanation, everyone frowned and looked towards Xing Elder Zhuang, and a curious expression appeared on their faces.

But Xing Elder Zhuang not at all answered directly, but frowned, and asked, “Can you see how much rhinotungsten is mixed in this sword?”

Hearing about Xing Elder Zhuang’s question, everyone held breath cold air. Xing Elder Zhuang did not deny Qin Yu’s statement, which means that Qin Yu is really right.

According to Qin Yu’s meaning, he seems to be able to see the weight of rhino tungsten in this long sword, but this is completely impossible.

“Generally speaking, the ratio of rhino tungsten iron to purple gold iron is 1000 to one. Your long sword weighs 100 kilograms, which means it should be mixed with 2 2 rhino tungsten iron, but you are mixed in it. 2 2 and a half, although it is only half 2 more, it also caused the hardness of the sword to drop greatly, and it became a shoddy thing.”

Qin Yu finished speaking, looked at Xing Elder Zhuang, and asked with a smile: “Xing Elder Zhuang, I don’t know if I said the weight right?”


Xing Elder Zhuang took a deep breath, which was nodded with great solemnity, and said: “When refining this Purple Gold long sword, I did put half an extra amount of rhino tungsten iron. You are right. And in the final smelting process, some unexpected problems did arise.”

“What, it turned out to be true?”

Hearing Xing Elder Zhuang’s explanation, an incredible color appeared on all the faces, and the eyes were full of thick look of shock.

Qin Yu has never seen the process of refining the Purple Gold long sword, but with only a light stroke, he can see the composition of the sword, and it is accurate to the weight of various materials, which is really unbelievable.

“What’s the matter with this kid? Could it be that his accomplishments on refining tools are better than pile concocting?”

Elder Su’s face was equally surprised, but he quickly denied his idea, how could a person have extremely high attainments in both refining and pill concocting.

Whether it is refining or pill concocting, it consumes a lot of resources and a lot of energy. Even if Qin Yu learns from the age of ten, it is impossible to achieve such a lean attainment.

If this sword was not made by Xing Elder Zhuang himself, I am afraid he would not see the problems in it himself, otherwise, these problems would not appear in this Purple Gold long sword.

“It’s okay to be able to distinguish the materials. Next, we will be better than the refiner.”

Elder Su said unconvinced, and then picked a dark blue axe from it, observed it, and said with confidence: “If I guess right, this high grade god axe uses deep sea blue flames. It is made of iron with some fusion materials mixed in, and the melting temperature is about 2500 degrees.”

“It is indeed over 2500 degrees.”

Elder Nie also echoed that, although he lost to Qin Yu above the material weight of the refining device, but not necessarily above the temperature, he could lose to Qin Yu.

“More than 2500 degrees?”

Qin Yu hearing this, but shook the head, said with a smile: “The temperature range that Elder Su guessed is a bit too big, 2500 zero one degrees and 2500 99 degrees, which are as different as heaven and earth.”

When refining, not only pay attention to the combination of materials, but the most important thing is the fusion temperature of the various materials. Even if the difference is only one degree, it is a difference of 1000 li.

Even more how, the temperature that Elder Su said has a huge fluctuation of 99 degrees, even if it is guessed, it is only a rough idea, can’t be considered.

Elder Su’s brows sank slightly. As a Refiner Master, Qin Yu was right, but he could only guess a rough approximation, not too accurate.

“The temperature of the refining vessel is extremely important, but it must also be determined by combining the Heaven and Earth temperature at the refining time, the water vapor in the air, and so on. No one can be directly accurate to that level.”

Elder Su thought for a while and continued: “However, according to my guess, the temperature fluctuation during the refining of this axe will not exceed ten degrees, and it should be between 2500 50 degrees and 2500 60 degrees.”

After speaking, Elder Su couldn’t help but looked towards Xingzhuang, which seemed to have the meaning of asking.

A slight smile appeared on Xing Elder Zhuang’s face, and he said without evasiveness: “Although Elder Su didn’t guess the exact value, it’s okay to be able to get the temperature to within ten degrees. Qin Xiaozi, how about the material The components of the fusion are indeed proficient, but this time the temperature of the mixer, you are afraid that you will lose.”

After a test between Qin Yu and Elder Nie, Xing Elder Zhuang has confirmed that Qin Yu does have good attainments in refiners, so not at all looks down on Qin Yu.

But Elder Su has narrowed the range to within ten degrees, which is already extremely powerful.

As for the most specific temperature, no one would guess it at all, because even the refiner himself only remembered a rough idea.

” Lost?”

Unexpectedly, Qin Yu seems not at all intending to surrender, but said with a smile: “Elder Su can’t see it, it doesn’t mean I can’t see it. I just want to ask, does Xing Elder Zhuang remember the details now? temperature?”

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