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Feeling the majestic Seven Emperor Prestige, Hai Dongqing’s face was happy, extremely excited, and even jumped into a dance.

Qin Yu’s face also showed a silly smile. After 3 days of endless remodeling, he finally made up for his previous mistakes.

After some cooling and thousands hammers, hundred refinements, then this Emperor Artifact will be completely successful.

Hong long!

However, when Qin Yu’s face was full of smiles, a super powerful imperial might spread from the Soul Orb, making Qin Yu’s eyes widened again, as if he had seen something incredible. .

Two Emperor Artifacts were completed at the same time!

However, because of the suppression of the middle grade Emperor Artifact, the Soul Orb, the emperor not at all from the ancient warship leaked out, and it was only perceived by Qin Yu.

“Chi Rong…”

Qin Yu was surprised to hear that he wanted to confirm the news!

“Hehe, live up to the master’s entrustment, the ancient warship was completely repaired by me, restored to the Emperor Artifact level, and more powerful than this iron lance.”

Chi Rong’s laughter came from within the Soul Orb, also with an expression of extremely excitement, even more excited than Qin Yu!

Hearing this Chi Rong’s confirmed laugh, Qin Yu almost passed out in excitement. The psychological defense in his heart was almost collapsed by the news.

At the same time within a day, two Emperor Artifacts were born. If the news spreads out, it might shock the entire Celestial Continent and boil.

After deciding on the next time, Qin Yu’s expression was in a trance, standing on the lava pool, on the verge of collapse.

After 3 days of restless refining, the body within the body has already reached the point where the oil is exhausted and the lamp is dry. Finally, with a smile, it directly moved towards the lava pool and fell down.

Seeing that Qin Yu was so exhausted, Bei Lao’s expression moved and he immediately grabbed Qin Yu with his hand, and put it on the ground cautiously for repair, and gave Qin Yu a medicine pill.

“Qin Yu, how do you feel?” Bei Lao asked with concern.

Qin Yu shook the head, said with a smile with a pale face: “It’s just exhausted. There is no big problem. Just a few days off. If you really want to thank me, please give me a few. Strain restores the spiritual medicine of Divine Sense.”


Two days later, Qin Yu regained consciousness in his Cave Mansion. The Peak Master of Gu Youfeng was sitting majestic. After Qin Yu woke up, he saw the solemn expression on his face, which made it a lot easier.

“Peak Master, have you been here to guard me?” Qin Yu curiously asked.

Gu Youfeng Peak Master nodded with a smile said with concern: “This is the order that the two giants of Bei Lao and Costin are scared personally. If I don’t execute it, they will not take my skin.

And with the credit that Qin Yu gave to Tiancangzong, let alone let him stay here and take care of Qin Yu for 2 days.

Even if he was asked to abdicate Gu Youfeng’s Peak Master and let Qin Yu sit in the seat of Gu Youfeng’s Peak Master, he would not blink his eyes and directly agreed.

“Many thanks Peak Master!” Qin Yu said with a smile.

“Okay, don’t thank me, speaking of which, I don’t know how many disciplines and Elders of the Celestial Clan Sect, and I must thank you for this contribution.”

Gu Youfeng Peak Master smiled, then patted his storage bag, reached out some materials and jade slip, said with a smile: “This is the material promised to you before, and the other jade slips are Elder Nie and From Guwenfeng Peak Master and the others.”

Qin Yu put away the materials, and then looked at the other jade slips, a very moving expression appeared on his face. The jade slips recorded Pill Recipe, Formation and other things, as well as various experiences.

“Pill Dao and Jin Dao are given to me, these two Old Guys are really generous!”

Qin Yu said with a smile satisfied. With these things, in the future, on top of Pill Dao and Jindao, Qin Yu’s road will go a lot better.

“The two Old Guys are indeed great generosity. I know that you have researched in this area, so I wrote all my life’s hard work on them and gave them to you. The funny thing is, as the Peak Master of Gu Youfeng, I didn’t give them anything. Yours is only the inheritance of Direct Disciple, and you have won it yourself.”

The Peak Master of Gu Youfeng bitterly laughed, and then seemed to think of something, eyes shined and said, “By the way, that ancient battleship will be given to you. I won’t want to return it again. It’s my heart for a little bit. .”

“What, don’t you want the ancient warship?”

Qin Yu hearing this, a little startled, asked, “Peak Master, are you sure you don’t want the ancient warship?”

The current ancient warship has been restored to the Emperor Artifact grade by Qin Yu, but the news is that Gu Youfeng’s Peak Master does not know it.

“Hehe, it’s just a dilapidated ancient warship. It’s not a good thing. Of course, if you can really repair it to the Emperor Artifact, it’s your skill, and it has nothing to do with me.” Gu Youfeng Peak Master said with a smile.

However, after experiencing this time of refining, Gu Youfeng’s Peak Master also doubted whether Qin Yu really repaired the ancient warship to the level of Emperor Artifact.

An Emperor Artifact, but it is possible to instigate the existence of the entire Celestial Continent!

“Well, since I don’t want it, then I’ll forget it. I don’t know when I can understand the inheritance of Direct Disciple?” Qin Yu asked with a smile, and concealed the matter.

It’s not that Qin Yu can’t believe in Gu Youfeng’s Peak Master, but that there are ears on the wall. Be careful with 10000 points.

Waiting for the right opportunity to take out this item, can it play a real shock and deterrent effect, and Qin Yu also has his own plan in it.

“You have just experienced 3 days of refining, it is not suitable for understanding inheritance, so wait a few days for your reply before you talk, now take a good rest.”

Gu Youfeng Peak Master smiled and explained, and then said: “Okay, you are now awake, and you are recovering well. My mission is complete. It’s time to leave here. Those damn ones will also go up the mountain recently .”

After Gu Youfeng’s Peak Master left, Qin Yu entered directly into the corpse soul orb, and a huge monster appeared in his eyes, floating there, exuding bursts of mighty imperial might.

Feeling the powerful pressure from the ancient warship, Qin Yu’s mind was a little trance, and there was an extremely shocking expression in his eyes.

“The Emperor Artifact has been repaired, and I have arranged a lot of Formation, but according to the owner’s current realm and cultivation base, this thing cannot be activated. It is also necessary to portray the ancient melting spirit Formation, which will be activated with the power of the Spirit Stone.” Chi Rong explained with a smile.

To activate the Emperor Artifact, an extremely large amount of Spiritual Qi is required. Even the powerhouse of the ordinary Wheel Sea Realm is difficult to control, not to mention that there is only Qin Yu from the 2 Heavenly Layer Middle Stage realm of the Tianhe Realm.

If Qin Yu goes up now and directly controls the ancient warship, before turning on this thing, his Spiritual Qi within the body will be drawn out in an instant and become a corpse.

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