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Mu Lingshan, Liu Shuanghan 7 and Liu Shuangxue are all Qin Yu “servants”, and the people who came out of Top Sect back then were all trained by Qin Yu.

In the end, Qin Yu sent them into the Heavenly Dragon Empire, giving them the best environment to grow, and now they have such dazzling achievements, even in the strongest Heavenly Dragon Empire. Both are second to none.

It was only Mu Lingshan’s request, but Gui Li refused, and slowly said: “It’s not time to meet now. When the right opportunity comes, we will meet each other naturally.”

“Yes, Master Guili!”

Mu Lingshan responded in a somewhat unwilling nodded, but deep in her eyes, there was a touch of incomprehension and disappointment.

Qin Yu sits cross-legged in Cave Mansion at the moment, and the breath within the body climbs continuously. Obviously, during these few days of cultivation, the breath has been significantly enhanced.

“The 3-day refining device consumes Spiritual Qi every half day. It seems exhausted and miserable, but in fact it is no less than 3-day sleepless fighting and high-intensity cultivation.” Qin Yu slowly said.

During these 3 days, he was almost backed up by super Willpower, consumed Spiritual Qi continuously, recovered continuously, and honed the cultivation base fiercely.

Now, under Qin Yu’s cultivation, the effect of this training has finally manifested.

It turned out that I just broke through the realm of Heavenly Layer Middle Stage 2 Heavenly Layer Middle Stage with Xuangu spiritual liquid a few days ago. Now I have improved a lot again, and the distance to breakthrough 2nd Layer Peak is not far away.

A few days passed in a hurry. On this day, Qin Yu suddenly had a heartbeat and took out a transmission jade token from the storage bag, and then quickly walked out of the Cave Mansion.

In addition to Cave Mansion, Qin Yuan and Lu Kang had been waiting here for a long time, and there was another expert at the Inner Sect Elder level of Guyou Peak standing beside them.

“Junior Brother Qin, this is Luo Wu Elder, Peak Master and his Senior are busy with some things and can’t take us to comprehend inheritance, so Luo Wu Elder will do the work for the understanding of inheritance this time.”

After seeing Qin Yu, Qin Yuan was afraid that Qin Yu didn’t know Luo Wu Elder and made some jokes or unpleasant things, so he quickly explained.

However, what Qin Yuan didn’t expect was that Luo Wu Elder personally walked to Qin Yu, moved towards Qin Yu and said respectfully: “Luo Wu pays respect to Master Qin!”

“What, meet Master Qin?”

Seeing this scene, Qin Yuan and Lu Kang’s expressions of astonishment made their mouths close from ear to ear.

Obviously, the two people didn’t expect in their dreams. Luo Wu Elder was so respectful to Qin Yu, and he also called Qin Yu Qin master. What happened?

Even if Qin Yu has a unique innate talent in Pill Recipe, as Luo Wu Elder, it is impossible to treat Qin Yu with such courtesy.

In fact, Qin Yu and Luo Wu Elder have seen each other during the refining.

Qin Yu helped Tiancangzong refine the Emperor Artifact with his unique refining technique. Luo Wu can see clearly in this scene, so this is why he has immense admiration and respect for Qin Yu.

Not to mention that he called Qin Yu “master”, even if they were Gu Youfeng’s Artifact Refining Grandmaster Xing Elder Zhuang, they must be respectful when they met Qin Yu. Even Xing Elder Zhuang once knelt in front of this Qin master. .

“Luo Wu Elder is polite. Since this time inheritance is hosted by Luo Wu Elder, let’s go now. The other peaks’ disciplines are already in comprehend.” Qin Yu said with a smile.

Others don’t know, but Qin Yu is very clear that Gu Youfeng’s inheritance is already ready.

But because Qin Yu was too tired when refining the instrument, and accumulated a lot of fatigue within the body, this deliberately delayed Direct Disciple’s understanding of inheritance and lags behind the other 6 peaks!

“Well, since Master Qin has spoken, the old man will take Master Qin!”

Luo Wu Elder said with a smile, knowing that it shouldn’t be too late, and hurriedly took the three people moved towards the great hall above the peak of Guyou Peak.

The great hall is extremely huge, with various Sanskrit characters inscribed on it.

This great hall was 3000 years ago, when Old Ancestor came here, the great hall built by celebrities, and in this great hall, various Formation and inheritance were arranged.

Of course, 1000 years ago, because the Celestial Clan Sect was almost destroyed, the great hall here was affected and some were destroyed, but the problem was not big, not at all ruining the strength of Inheritance.

Most of the other peaks are the same.

After entering the great hall, everyone came to the depths of the great hall. There are 3 dark bronze gates with various complicated patterns inscribed on them, where Henggu stands.

“Behind these three large bronze gates is where the inheritance of our Gu Youfeng is located. You three choose one to enter it. As for whether you can get the inheritance inside, it depends on you.” Luo Wu explained with a smile. .

3 people are nodded, similar to inherit this thing, even if you find it, you may not get it, sometimes it depends on some chances.

Under the gaze of the three people, Luo Wu Elder reached out and took out three milk-white keys, revealing an ancient atmosphere.

After the three milk-white keys were threw away by Luo Wu Elder, they were injected into Spiritual Qi, and a strange rays of light erupted one after another, and then they hit the bronze gate.

The originally pitch-black bronze gate, after being irradiated by these rays of light, one after another black lines appeared on it, like flowing water, extremely strange.

Under the continuous flow of these black lines, the originally immovable bronze gate was pulled by a mighty force, slowly opening a crack.

The crack waited until one person could pass before it stopped.

After the cracks appeared, a touch of joy appeared on the faces of the three people, and Qin Yuan even opened the mouth and said: “Junior Brother Qin, your battle strength is the strongest among the three of us, you should choose first!”

“Okay, I will pick the bronze gate on the left!”

Qin Yu did not sympathize, and chose the bronze gate on the left, and stepped directly into it.

Qin Yuan selected the central bronze gate after Qin Yu entered.

As for Lu Kang, he can only enter the bronze gate on the far right!

The three bronze gates are not divided into strengths and weaknesses, but the inheritance inside is different. As for what you get, it depends on chance.

Seeing that the three people entered the bronze gate, Luo Wu Elder retrieved the three keys and left here with satisfaction. After the three people completed their comprehend, they would naturally be sent out.

After entering the bronze gate, Qin Yu’s eyes suddenly dimmed, and Divine Sense and perception were also suppressed a bit, making it impossible to see the situation inside.

This situation came too suddenly, making Qin Yu a little dazed. After a few breaths, Qin Yu gradually adjusted to it, and looked all around curiously.

However, under such a scrutiny, Qin Yu not at all saw something too obvious, and in the end he could only brace oneself and continue moving towards inside.

“Well, what is that?”

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