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Obviously, after these demonic energy 7 invaded Qin Yu’s mind, they were constantly eroding Qin Yu’s mind, leaving Qin Yu in danger of falling into a demonic path, completely insane.

Once controlled by these demonic energy, Qin Yu will not be the original Qin Yu, but will become a killing demon-level existence, losing its nature.

The black magic light appeared in Qin Yu’s eyes and continuously deepened, and Qin Yu’s consciousness was also depressed a little bit, and he was in the sea of ​​demonic energy, dancing wildly, emitting one after another terrifying magic power and madness the taste of.

Moreover, Qin Yu also aroused strong blood light, murderous aura, and extremely terrifying desire to kill!

These blood light, murderous aura, and baleful qi were all accumulated by Qin Yu who killed people on weekdays and accumulated by little by little. Now, in the state of madness, they have completely emerged, extremely terrifying.

As for the desire to kill, this is from the bottom of Qin Yu’s heart, it is human instinct!

Whether as a human or as a warrior of Demon Race, the most primordial instinct is to continue to kill. Survive in the killing. This is also the most primordial instinct for human beings to deep in one’s heart.

It’s just that these things are suppressed in the heart by the martial artist’s reason and all kinds of family affection in the usual time, and this can’t be reflected.

And under the erosion of these demonic energy, it is to obliterate the mind of the warrior and the various feelings in the mind of the warrior, and release the primordial instinct of the warrior’s heart to kill.

Qin Yu’s Divine Sense violently resists the erosion of these demonic energy, but it only quenches thirst by drinking poison, unable to completely disperse these things, and the whole person is on the verge of collapse.

Hong long!

At this time, in the sea of ​​demonic energy, there are more than ten bucket-thick magic dragons. After these dragons are formed, they run directly along Qin Yu’s head, accelerating Qin Yu’s madness.

“No, I can’t sink, otherwise I won’t be able to follow father’s footsteps, let alone protect the people around me, and I don’t know how to die in the end.”

Feeling the accelerated erosion of the demonic energy, Qin Yu gave birth to an extremely strong Power of Thought, one after another silhouette, which emerged from Qin Yu’s side.

These silhouettes include Fourth Mother Feng, Meng Yuqing, and Mu Lingshan, Liu Shuanghan, and Liu Shuangxue who have never met his parents for many years. There are people he cares about day and night.

After the emergence of one after another silhouette, Qin Yu’s Willpower suddenly increased a lot, frantically stimulating his Divine Sense and extra-legal demon, and expelling the madness in his mind.

After the powerful Willpower erupted, the black magic light in Qin Yu’s eyes finally dimmed a lot, coupled with the continuous extraction of the demonic energy of Qin Yu within the body by the outsider magic, Qin Yu finally came back a little bit .

Qin Yu, who had regained consciousness, became more determined, giving people a strong feeling that Mount Tai collapsed in front of him without changing his face.

Moreover, Qin Yu’s Divine Sense has been enhanced a lot at this time!

“Congratulations, Master, Willpower has been transformed!” Dragon Soul suddenly said with a smile.

Just now, Qin Yu almost fell into a state of madness, but Dragon Soul not at all shot, but let Qin Yu go mad, in order to let Qin Yu break through.

The stronger the Willpower of the warrior, the greater the chance of embarking on Peak Martial Dao.

But it’s not that everyone has a Willpower that can’t be broken after they are born, but it needs to be constantly tempered in the process of progress.

And this sea of ​​demonic energy is the best place to hone Willpower.

If Qin Yu is crazy and can’t overcome this crisis, then it means that Qin Yu does not have the strength to go to Peak in the future.

Innate talent is one aspect, but Willpower is even more important!

How hard it is to go to Martial Dao Peak, it is 100 times, 1000 times harder than the crisis of this madness!

Therefore, Qin Yu did not blame Dragon Soul. On the contrary, Qin Yu was a little grateful for Dragon Soul for not helping himself.

“If I can’t even get past this point, it proves that Qin Yu is also this that’s all. Even if you helped me this time, if there is a bigger crisis next time, I will still die.”

Qin Yu laughed and said with a smile, flicked his sleeves, and moved towards the middle of the sea of ​​high-spirited and vigorous strides.

To put it bluntly, these coercive forces are Willpower that strikes at the warrior, making it impossible for the warrior to resist.

But after the transformation of Qin Yu Willpower, the imprisoning power of the sea of ​​demonic energy can no longer pose any threat to Qin Yu, and can no longer imprison Qin Yu by half.

Of course, while Qin Yu went deep into the sea of ​​demonic energy, he did not forget to urge the extra-law magic to absorb the demonic energy, which greatly increased the formidable power of the extra-law magic, and made the aura of the extra-law magic again strengthened a lot.

After more than ten minutes, Qin Yu came to the end of the sea of ​​demonic energy, where the demonic energy is extremely majestic, not to mention, there is also an ancient tablet standing here.

This ancient tablet incomparable gigantic is full of incomparable ancient atmosphere, as if it came from 10000 years ago, simple and heavy.

On the ancient tablet, the text depicts one after another densely packed, recording an extremely domineering cultivation technique-Crazy Demon Art!

“Crazy Demon Art!”

After seeing these three words, Qin Yu’s heart aroused a surprised look, didn’t expect that the inheritance in the sea of ​​falling demon turned out to be a crazy Demon Art related to Demon Race.

The so-called Crazy Demon Art is to make the human warrior fall into a state of madness, but after cultivated Crazy Demon Art, they will not lose consciousness, and battle strength will be greatly improved.

As for the sea of ​​demonic energy in front, it is a kind of trial for warriors. If even the erosion of demonic energy can’t resist, then naturally it can’t cultivation this kind of crazy Demon Art.

Cultivating mad Demon Art requires extremely strong willpower, so that you can control your mind without losing your nature and being controlled by the state of madness.

“This crazy Demon Art is not bad. It can make the warrior fall into a state of madness, greatly increase the battle strength of the warrior, but it can control the state of the madness!”

Dragon Soul opened the mouth and said in surprise: “The warrior who can create such a cultivation technique not only has a lot of research on the demonic path warrior, but is also a complete lunatic.”

General human warriors try to avoid madness, but this warrior has created a cultivation technique to make warriors mad. What is it that is not a madman?

You know, once you can’t control the power of the madman and lose your nature completely, even if the heavenly king I, your father comes, it cannot be saved.

Under such circumstances, who would dare to try to control the power of madness?

So Dragon Soul said that the warrior who created this crazy Demon Art is a crazy person fearing nothing in Heaven or Earth, and it is the most crazy kind, which makes people feel incredible!

“It is indeed a madman, but since we have passed the test of the sea of ​​demonic energy ahead, we should also be able to cultivation this mad Demon Art and control the power of the madman.” Qin Yu said with a smile, a strong force was released from the eyes Polished.

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