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Su Tianyu is coldly snorted, Qin Yu dare to question Costin, Costin must have no good face to Qin Yu.

Even if he did this thing incorrectly, Costin is another existence at Giant level after all, and Qin Yu doesn’t need Qin Yu to teach what the discipline is sitting down.

However, the next words, not only did Su Tianyu didn’t expect, even everyone on the square did not expect it.

“This is indeed the old man’s negligence, and he didn’t teach the discipline, righteousness and shame to sit down, so they all have some overestimate one’s capabilities.” Hai Dongqing said indifferently.

Brush, shua!

Hearing Costin’s words, the number of Elder Wan and the discipline on the entire square was greatly changed.

No one didn’t expect. Facing Qin Yu with some “disrespectful” questions, Costin not only did not refute Qin Yu, but admitted that he did not teach the discipline of sitting down well.

“How is it possible? Haidong Elder Qing, the tycoon of our Sky Blue Sect, actually admitted to the face that he did not teach a good discipline, this…”

The brains of everyone almost didn’t explode, each and everyone looked extremely surprised!

“This guy……”

Yulan also took a deep breath for a long time, secretly thought Qin Yu was too daring, but Costin’s attitude towards Qin Yu is very good.

Su Tianyu’s face suddenly changed. He originally thought that Costin would be angry with Qin Yu, but he didn’t expect so polite.

Hai Dongqing said that he did not teach the etiquette, justice and shame of sitting down on the discipline. Doesn’t this mean that Su Tianyu does not change etiquette, justice and shame, and does not want his own dog face.

Thinking of this, Su Tianyu’s face suddenly became pale, as if being kicked by a donkey, it was hard to see the extreme.

“Don’t hurry back, do you still shame Haidong Elder Qing here.” Qin Yu turned around and moved towards Su Tianyu with a beating.

Under the eyes of everyone, Su Tianyu’s expression changed drastically, his teeth clenched, but there was no way to refute Qin Yu, even Hai Dongqing had come forward, what else could he do.

In the end, Su Tianyu could only brace oneself and walked back to his position, but the depths of those eyes were filled with extremely strong hatred and murderous intention towards Qin Yu.

7 On the peak ring, he must Qin Yu regret coming to this World!

After this incident, the disciples and Elder of the Celestial Sect learned about Qin Yu’s energy. These giants are very polite to Qin Yu, and naturally they dare not trouble Qin Yu anymore.

“Well, all the people who should come are coming. If they are all coming, let’s start the 7 Peak Conference now.” Bei Lao suddenly said, seeming extremely impatient.

But only those who know it know that Mr. Bei is not impatient with this matter, but the real pressure in his heart comes from other Four Great Influences.

Just as the old Bei’s voice fell, his eyes suddenly condensed, looking towards the distant midair.

As Bei Lao looked towards the sky with a solemn expression, the other Elders including the discipline were also quiet, and the same looked towards the sky, causing the entire Shanmen Square to suddenly become silent.

The square, which originally counted 10000 people, each can provoke a shocking uproar, in this brief moment, it became as dead as hell.


Under the gaze of countless people, Bei Lao suddenly got up, endless light burst out of his eyes, and suddenly spurred the realm cultivation base.

The surging power urged, the Spiritual Qi that resembled mountains, rivers and oceans suddenly burst out, forming a giant hand as long as ten meters.

The moment this giant hand appeared, a heaven-shaking, earth-shattering, vast and infinite coercion came down like Heavenly Might, making many of the disciplines look tight, and they were unable to move even a little bit.

It seems that there is a kind of imprisoned Heavenly Might power in the air, pressing on them, no matter how their Spiritual Qi roars or struggles within the body, they can’t break free.

Qin Yu was under the cover of this big hand, and his body trembled slightly, exclaiming: “Is this the real power of Bei Lao? It’s really strong, so terrifying!”

In the Inner Disciple, Qin Yu definitely has the qualification to claim the first place, but now, Qin Yu is like an ant, unable to resist the imprisoning power from this big hand.

Moreover, this is just Yu Wei, after all, this big hand is not aimed at Qin Yu and the others!

Even the 7-peak Elder at the level of Yulan, like Qin Yu, could not resist and could not use the slightest power.

The same is the inner Sect Elder, but compared to the existence of the Bei Lao level, Yulan only became the inner Sect Elder a year ago, which is too weak.


After Bei Lao gathered his hands, he did not hesitate at all, and then fiercely moved towards the sky and pressed it down.

Suddenly, a dull sound that shook the sky erupted from the void, which burst like a thunderstorm, stirring up majestic ripples of destruction.

Fortunately, these ripples all burst up above the sky, and there is no discipline above the ground. Otherwise, if this move comes down, I am afraid that many disciplines will have to be ruined on the spot.

“Hehe, old man Bei, your temper is still so irritable, you can do it if you don’t agree.”

Just after the dull sound exploded, a sneer suddenly appeared in the void, and then dozens of experts emerged from the void.

The leader is an old man with a rickety figure. It is he who made this move of Bei Lao now, and behind him are other Wheel Sea Realm experts, which seems extremely unpleasant.

“super expert !”

After seeing this old man, 4 words appeared in everyone’s mind at the same time, that is, this rickety old man is definitely a terrifying expert, and can almost might shake the sky.

“Molo Palace Lord, one of the masters of the Beast Palace 3 great hall, also did such sneaky things, hehe, this is the first time the old man has seen it. It really opened his eyes!”

After seeing the rickety old man, a strong murderous intention flashed deep in Bei Lao’s eyes, but he said with a smile calmly, as if he didn’t care.

“What, the Moro Palace Lord, one of the Beast Palace 3 great hall masters, this.”

After hearing Bei Lao’s words, many of the Heavenly Cang Sect’s disciplines and even the inner Sect Elder were all bewildered, with an expression of incomparable consternation on their faces, and fiercely struck a spirit.

Beast Palace has 3 great hall masters, that is, the Three Great Giants of Beast Palace. Moro in front of you is one of them, might shaking Heaven!

But, isn’t the master of the 3 great halls of Beast Palace always in secluded cultivation? How could it suddenly appear at the gate of the Heavenly Cang Sect, and it still appeared in this way.

After Qin Yu saw Moro, his heart sank heavily. Now this should have come, has it finally appeared?

At the Barbarian Race some time ago, the Hegemon Saber killed by Qin Yu was a certain Giant level of the Beast Palace and the discipline of another powerhouse. I don’t know what it has to do with Moro?

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