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“The youngster is not angry, is it still called the youngster?”

Qin Yu’s voice is neither too big nor too small, but it seems to be very penetrating, falling above everyone’s minds, making everyone’s minds tremble together, and the expression becomes extremely exciting.

Moro warned Qin Yu, let Qin Yu not be young and vigorous, so as not to provoke a killing disaster!

But Qin Yu not only didn’t evade, but instead of giving tit for tat, he asked, forcibly hitting Moro’s old face, making Moro’s face a lot ugly and even pale.

Like Moro, one of the masters of the Beast Palace 3 great hall, no junior has ever dared to question him like this, and he gave him tit for tat everywhere, leaving his old face blank.

Qin Yu is Number One Person.

“Evil creature, you dare to mock me!”

Moruo suddenly raised a touch of anger in his heart, and glared at Qin Yu, with majestic murderous intention in his eyes.

In his eyes, Qin Yu is always an ant, whether it is status or realm cultivation base, the difference is too huge, not at the same level, like the gap between Yinghuo and Haoyue, incomparable!

Under normal circumstances, Moro would directly ignore Qin Yu. An ant that can be trampled to death is not worth his effort.

But now, Moruo not only glared at 2 feet, but also had a murderous intention towards Qin Yu, a strong urge to kill people.

“I just told the fact that’s all. Isn’t the so-called youngster full of passion, frivolous and frenzied? How can you ridicule?”

“Of course, if Moro Senior forcibly believes that I am ridiculing you, it would be considered a sarcasm, but in this way, it will prove from the side that Moro Senior’s accomplishments in temperament are still lacking, even me. The disciplines are not as good.”

Enveloped by the opponent’s murderous intention, Qin Yu only felt a cool air from behind climbing to the top of his head, extremely cold, but Qin Yu did not take a step back from beginning to end.

Warrior, it should be able to support both heaven and earth!

Besides, this is the Celestial Sect, the sect where Qin Yu is located, and the territory of Qin Yu. Moro is just an Outsider.

If you don’t dare to speak in your own territory, wouldn’t you have to kneel down and beg for mercy when you go out?

But Qin Yu doesn’t respect the heavens, the earth, and even more disrespects Moro, and has no habit of kneeling down for mercy!

Moruo’s face was extremely gloomy. He was so excited by Qin Yu that he could not speak, and threatened a Celestial Sect discipline who was countless times weaker than himself. This was his act of to have no shame.

And now, if he kills Qin Yu forcibly, let alone giants like Bei Lao and Costin will not agree, and if it spreads out, it will also damage his face as a giant of Beast Palace.

In this way, Moro does not do it, nor does it not do it, if you ride a tiger, it’s hard to get off!

“Hehe, I think Qin Yu is right. Youngster should be young, vigorous, passionate, and full of energy. If there is no such thing, then it will not be called youngster.”

Bei Lao said with a smile, it is to stand up for Qin Yu, so that Moro dare not act blindly without thinking.

Moro was targeted by Bei Lao and Qin Yu. He completely lost his temper, so he could only give it up. He flicked his sleeves and said coldly, “Old Bei Bei, didn’t expect you to teach the discipline really well, old man. Come and see today how young and energetic the discipline you handed over is.”

After all, without waiting for Beilao and the others to agree, Moro took a team of experts and landed on the square, occupied one side, and sat down completely.

Not long after, a large number of Beast Palace warriors rushed into the mountain gate of the Celestial Cangzong, there were as many as 1000 people, all standing behind Moro, one after another majestic aura rose to the sky, how domineering!

Among them, there are many faces that Qin Yu is familiar with.

For example, Feng Clan, the genius Feng Tianhao, who was defeated by Qin Yu on the battlefield of the 100 races, is in this list. At this moment, the complexion is gloomy watching Qin Yu, obviously not forgetting that Qin Yu dragged him off the altar back then, ruthlessly The scene of crushing.

Feng Clan is within the jurisdiction of Beast Palace, and the geniuses of the family will worship Beast Palace. Therefore, in addition to Feng Tianhao, there are many other Feng Clan powerhouses.

“Feng Tianhao!”

Qin Yu glanced at Feng Tianhao faintly. He didn’t care about Feng Tianhao, but thought of Fourth Mother Feng who had helped him many times. Now I don’t know how?

In addition to Feng Clan, Qin Yu also saw Guang Yuanzi among the crowd at Beast Palace.

This person invited Qin Yu to join the Beast Palace on the battlefield of 100 races. After being rejected by Qin Yu, he turned over and embarrassed Qin Yu with Song She.

“Hehe, didn’t expect this little bastard is still alive now, and dare to insult Moro Palace Lord, this little bastard courting death.” Guang Yuanzi said snered in his heart.

After the people of Beast Palace arrived, the not at all gate of the Heavenly Cangzong calmed down, but instead came waves of huge crowds.

da da da!

Among these men and horses, walking at the forefront is a group of black armored cavalry.

Every black cavalry sat down, straddling a scarlet BMW, dressed in black armor, holding a saber in his hand, and rushed straight up.

The number of black armored cavalry is more than 1000 years old. They are all super powerhouses. They emit a super strong solemn killing aura and even a touch of majestic blood energy.

“Heavenly Dragon Iron Knight!”

Seeing these armored cavalry, everyone’s heart trembled fiercely, recognizing the true origin of these 1000 cavalry, is the most famous Heavenly Dragon cavalry.

The Heavenly Dragon Empire ranks among the strongest Five Great Influences in the Heavenly Continent. Within its scope, there are not only powerful cities and families, but more importantly, the Heavenly Dragon cavalry.

The so-called Heavenly Dragon cavalry, just like the Celestial Sect discipline, are both super genius.

But the difference is that the Heavenly Dragon Empire trained these super genius into an army of iron and blood, and the army composed of such existences is under high-intensity training all the year round, which shows its strength.

Rumor has it that the Heavenly Dragon cavalry has no unconquerable opponent. After stepping on it, barren!

At the forefront of the Heavenly Dragon cavalry, a sturdy, extremely burly, middle-aged man with a height of more than 2 meters, with a flame-filled Demon Beast under his body, looks extremely terrifying and powerful.

“Heavenly Dragon Empire Wu Tian Wang brings the crowd to visit the Heavenly Cang Sect!”

This middle age person rushed straight into the mountain gate of the Heavenly Dragon Sect with a Heavenly Dragon horse, and said loudly, for a moment, everyone seemed to hear the thunder of Heaven-shaking, Earth-shattering cry, and the eardrums hurt.

Even many Outer Disciples almost pierced their eardrums by the voice of this middle age person. The sound was extremely shocking and pierced the atria of the disciples.

“Wu Tianwang, one of the three heavenly kings of the Heavenly Dragon Empire, why is he here too!”

“I saw that the demon pet he sat down is the Qilin Demon Tiger who is said to have Qilin Bloodline, and the realm is extremely powerful.”

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