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Seeing that nearly 100 families and races descended to the Heavenly Cang Sect, Bei Lao, Hai Dongqing and the others flashed with intense anger and murderous intention.

“Hehe, didn’t expect this time our Tiancang Sect’s Seven Peaks Conference has received so much attention. Without any invitation, there are so many people, even many of our Tiancang Sect. The races have turned up without being invited.” Old Bei was sneeered, with a bit of anger in his words.

7 Although the Peak Conference is a grand gathering of the Celestial Sect, it is limited to the Celestial Sect. As for the races within these jurisdictions, the Celestial Sect has no invitation at all.

turn up without being invited, the taste of this is particularly interesting!

“What’s the saying of Mr. Bei? Although we people have not been invited, we still want to see the strength and foundation of the Sky Cang Sect. I think this should be right.”

After Mr. Bei’s words fell, a middle age person said with a smile. This person was Su 1000, the owner of the Su Family where Su Tianyu was located, and the flesh on his face trembled slightly.

“As a clan under the Celestial Clan Sect, I naturally understand the strength of my backer. If the backer is too weak, then we races may feel uneasy.” The patriarch of the Tiger Beast said with a cold laugh.

Hearing the words of the Tiger Beast Clan, Qin Yu understood even more why Hu Lie, who helped Ruozong obtain the status of inheritance spirit child, would dodge when facing him with 4 eyes.

It turned out that the Tiger Orcs had long been thinking of betrayal, or that the Tiger Orcs, like the Su Family, had already betrayed the Celestial Clan Sect, so they turned up without being invited.

“Hahaha, it’s not bad. I asked Tiancang Sect for the many geniuses gathered over the years and have a rising posture. Let us have a good experience today.” Moro laughed and said with a smile.

Bei Lao’s mind was even more silent, and Qin Yu didn’t say anything. It wasn’t that Qin Yu didn’t want to do anything at this time. It was just that what he said could not change any facts.

As for the fact that they want to see the secrets of Tiancang Sect, Qin Yu will give him real experience in a while, and it is not time for Qin Yu to be in the limelight.

“Lao Bei, it’s useless to say more, they want to see, then let’s start the 7-peak competition!”

Costin said solemnly, but intentionally or unconsciously glanced at the location of the mountainside, where Xing Elder Zhuang refined the Emperor Artifact.

Although the iron bone lance completed this step of smelting with the help of Qin Yu, it is considered preliminary, but it takes some time to cool down, and I am afraid that it has not been completely formed.

Bei Lao also knew that before the Emperor Artifact completely appeared, these people were afraid that they would not be able to do it.

Four Great Influences came together this time, which was promoted by secret mastermind, but also because of Emperor Artifact.

They want to see if the Heavenly Cang Sect can really refine the Emperor Artifact, or if there are some other careful thoughts in it.

“Well, since you want to see the foundation of our Heavenly Cang Sect, then the 7 Peak Conference at this time, let’s start directly, and the Direct Disciple of 7 Peak will come forward.” Bei Lao instructed.

7 Peak Direct Disciple, there are 21 people in total. After hearing Bei Lao’s order, Qi Qi came forward, all with aura of pride and pride on their faces.

It seems that it is their greatest honor to be able to perform in front of many powerhouses. Only Qin Yu, whose expression has not changed, is thinking about other things.

“You 21, draw numbers for each battle. Remember, you must perform well on the battle stage, show your strongest strength, and show it to some people with ulterior motives.” Bei Lao instructed.


21 Direct Disciples are all nodded, and don’t draw their own numbers.

Although Bei Lao didn’t announce the rewards for the 7 Peak Conference this time, everyone was full of enthusiasm.

This time is not only the best opportunity to compete for the title of the strongest discipline of the Celestial Clan Sect, but also the best chance to be famous in the 10000-year rare encounter in front of so many great characters.

“First Stage, Gu Youfeng Qin Yuan vs. Tiancangfeng Bai Linfeng!”

Bei Lao announced that this 7-peak competition will be hosted by him personally and act as a referee!

Tiancang Peak is the strongest peak among the 7 peaks, and Direct Disciple consists of Su Tianyu, Qi Xiao, and Bai Linfeng respectively. Bai Linfeng and Qin Yuan were former rivals.

However, last time in the Inner Sect market, with Qin Yu’s guidance and resolution, the relationship between these two people finally settled.

What didn’t expect was that in this first battle, Qin Yuan and Bai Linfeng, these two people, were still walking together.

“You guy, I always troubled me before. Didn’t expect to meet you guy again at the 7th summit meeting. It’s really difficult.” Qin Yuan couldn’t help saying with a bitter smile, looking at Bai Linfeng with some complaints. .

“This is called out of blows friendship grows, and, last time in the market, you beat me through Qin Yu’s guidance, but I always wanted to find a chance to fight again.” Bai Linfeng said with a smile.

At the market, Qin Yuan vigorously shook Bai Linfeng’s blood with Qin Yu’s guidance, stimulating the blood poison of Bai Linfeng within the body, leading to Bai Linfeng’s final defeat in Qin Yuan’s hands.

Now, Bai Linfeng’s within the body blood poison has not only been eliminated, but also his strength has greatly increased as a result, and this has become the Direct Disciple of Tiancang Peak, which is extremely powerful.

Facing Bai Linfeng’s provocation, Qin Yuan gave a wry smile, knowing that this battle would not stop, so at first, he exploded with formidable strength.

This battle is not only related to its own glory, but also to the glory of the entire Celestial Sect. In front of many outsiders, the reputation of Celestial Sect cannot be insulted.


A long sword appeared in Qin Yuan’s hand. This sword was about 3 feet long, and instantly shot out dozens of sword glow. On the sword glow, there was an extremely strong Cold Qi, accompanied by the appearance of the sword light, as if to freeze everything.

The combination of Hanbing and Sword Dao, cold and ruthless, killing horror, this move can be regarded as an extremely powerful move. After the display, many warriors were moved.

Although Qin Yuan’s this move is terrifying, Bai Linfeng came from Tiancang Peak, one of the seven peaks, and his strength is naturally extremely powerful. Facing this icy sword light, he has no fear at all. There is a touch of formidable power on the peak of Fist. Get out.

“7 Dang Zhenquan!”

As Bai Linfeng’s fist peak exploded, that terrifying power suddenly exploded, forming a one after another terrifying shock power, wave after wave of strikes.

Clang, clang!

At the moment of the confrontation between the two, there was a metal roaring sound. Qin Yuan displayed the extremely cold sword light, which was wiped out by the terrifying vibrating power of the seven real punches and little by little, which was abnormal. Horror.

“7 Dang Zhenquan, one of the inheritance martial skills of Tiancang Peak!”

Gu Youfeng Peak Master on the side smiled, looked towards Qin Yu, and asked with a smile: “Haidong Elder Qing has also demonstrated this martial skill to you. If you use your abilities, how does it compare to Bai Linfeng? “

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