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Just like the 7 sound like thunderbolt, it sounded above the battle stage, deafening, and with an extremely strong penetrating power, making people’s ears numb.

After everyone heard this sound, they all couldn’t help but chuckle, knowing that Su Tianyu and Qin Yu 2 had collided several times, and the accumulated enmity was about to break out in this brief moment.

Above the battle stage, Su Tianyu has a strong terrifying aura floating all over his body.

And this aura has reached the terrifying level of the 6th Layer Middle Stage of the Tianhe Realm, giving many disciplines a strong sense of oppression, and the Spiritual Qi flow within the body has been greatly suppressed.

“The breath of the 6th Layer Middle Stage of Tianhe Realm. When did this guy break through, we don’t even know.”

“Direct Disciple is only in the 6th Layer Initial Stage of Tianhe, but this guy broke through the 6th Layer Middle Stage ahead of time. In this way, he is indeed the most powerful person in Direct Disciple.”

“It is estimated that Qin Yu didn’t expect. Su Tianyu’s realm has broken through. This time Qin Yu is afraid that his intestines will be regrettable.”

“Yes, Qin Yu offended Su Tianyu just now, and even Su Tianyu’s father Su 1000 Ying also abused him a lot. This resentment is not small, it is almost equal to life and death.”

The many disciplines were all stunned by the terrifying aura on Su Tianyu, and even Qi Tao could not help but frown.

“Su Family Lord, didn’t expect that your son has reached the 6th Layer Middle Stage level of the Tianhe Realm at a young grade, but he is much stronger than the Hegemon Saber I received before.” Moro said with a faintly said with a smile.

A touch of arrogance appeared on Su 1000 Ying’s face, and he said with great satisfaction: “My son Tianyu is stronger than Hegemon Saber, I don’t know whether it is stronger, but at least better than those little bastard who can only be sharp-tongued.”

“That’s not bad, I think Qin Yu insulted the faces of your father and son just now, this time I can trample it back completely.” Moro said coldly.

Neither of them had any good attitudes towards Qin Yu. Before Qin Yu was in the crowd, he verbally contradicted the two of them, which was an insult to them, and both of them were worried.

“Hehe, the realm of the 6th Layer Middle Stage of Tianhe Realm, really strong strength, but what about this?”

Under the gaze of everyone, Qin Yu stood up slowly, but there was no fluctuation or surprise on his face, and he boarded the battle stage in full view.

“Qin Yu, you have repeatedly ridiculed and contradicted me. You must have never thought that there is still today. Now I will let you taste the regret.” Su Tianyu said Senran, the breath on his body even more cold.

He took a step forward a little, and a more terrifying breath surged from his body and swept across his body, terrifying.

Immediately afterwards, Su Tianyu moved his feet, and the whole person turned into an afterimage, with an extremely overbearing power bursting out of his hands, fiercely’s moved towards Qin Yu’s throat tore from an extremely weird and tricky angle.

“Junior Brother Qin, be careful!”

Seeing this scene, many warriors all made a cold sweat for Qin Yu.

Especially Qin Yuan and Qi Tao, the two disciplines who have a good relationship with Qin Yu, couldn’t help but immediately remind Qin Yu.

Su Tianyu’s speed was very fast, even Qin Yu only saw the afterimage, and he could not see the real way Su Tianyu shot Qin Yu.

If Qin Yuan is standing on the ring at this moment, then Su Tianyu’s move has crushed him and completely wiped it out.

“Is the hatred for me so strong? Hehe, it’s a pity that you still can’t kill me.”

People may not see Su Tianyu’s movements clearly, but it fell into Qin Yu’s eyes very clearly. Under the urging of Nine Revolutions Divine Dragon Art, the majestic black Dragon Qi surged around Qin Yu. Within the range of one meter.


As Qin Yu stepped slightly sideways, Su Tianyu’s attack penetrated the black Dragon Qi and landed on Qin Yu’s shoulder.

However, it seemed to fall on top of steel, extremely hard, and there was a metal sound.

This collision caused Qin Yu’s shoulders to sink slightly, but there was not much injury. Soon, Qin Yu’s ready fist peak, fiercely raised, moved towards Su Tianyu and fell.


This fist didn’t have any fancy, the trajectory was straight, but the speed was also extremely fast, and it landed on Su Tianyu accurately, shook Su Tianyu away, and took a few steps back.

“Well, Qin Yu seems to be okay? And he also opened Su Tianyu to strikes? Really strong.”

Seeing that not only did Qin Yu not be obliterated by Su Tianyu, but also finally smashed Su Tianyu out with a punch, many warriors all felt a little weird.

The few people who were worried about Qin Yu just now finally fell down. Obviously, Qin Yu seems to have some ability to compete with Su Tianyu.

At least, Su Tianyu wants to kill Qin Yu in seconds, that is impossible!

However, this scene fell in the eyes of some people, but it made some people’s faces extremely ugly, especially the shadow of Su 1000, with a very ruthless color in his eyes, and said resentfully: “This evil creature, unexpectedly Now Tianyu’s attack is really difficult, why didn’t he die.”

“If you think that you have broken through the 6th Layer Middle Stage of the Tianhe Stage, you have the qualifications to make me regret it. That would be too whimsical. As for you, a dog thing, if I insult it, I will insult it. If you are not convinced, this is today Heavenly Cang Sect is your land of burial, kill it.”

Qin Yu’s indifferent voice slowly dissipated above the sky. The strong irony and murderous intention made many people’s faces become more exciting, revealing various expressions.

Su Tianyu’s realm has reached the level of the 6th Layer Middle Stage of the Tianhe Realm, and it can be regarded as the leading existence in the entire Celestial Sect’s discipline.

If Su Tianyu breaks through once or twice, and the realm reaches the 2th Layer Peak of the Tianhe Realm, or the 6th Layer Initial Stage, then Su Tianyu can become another existence at the Inner Sect Elder level.

Under such circumstances, who would dare to threaten to kill Su Tianyu?

Qin Yu’s slightly ironic words fell in Su Tianyu’s ears, causing Su Tianyu’s eyes to condense, and immediately said with a cold laugh: “Hehe, I really thought you just took it with the force of a tyrannical battle body. With my blow, is it really my opponent? Boast shamelessly, you must die here today.”

If Qin Yu does not die today, then no matter where he walks, Su Tianyu will be criticized and mocked, and even his father will be ridiculed.

Therefore, today, no matter what, he will kill Qin Yu here.

“It’s a good idea, but I don’t know if you have this strength anymore. It’s useless to say these messy nonsense.”

A sneer appeared on Qin Yu’s face. Su Tianyu wanted to kill him. Yes, then bring out true strength.

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