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Betrayed Tiancangzong 7 today. In the future, Qin Yu will definitely regard them as a thorn in the eye and kill them quickly. It is better to take this opportunity to kill Qin Yu first to eliminate the trouble.

“Su Family Lord, don’t worry. Since our two Old Guys intend to judge the Celestial Sect, we have no other thoughts. Now let us two Old Guys do it first.”

The two people stood up and said, the aggressive moved towards Qin Yu forced it over, and Sen Han’s killing was surging in his eyes, staring at Qin Yu firmly.

“Qin Yu, don’t blame us, the two of us are also compelled by circumstances!”

“Yes, instead of letting us die two, we would rather you die here, kill!”

These two Outer Elders are both Peak-level existences. In the outer sect, the second only to Tiecheng, the outer sect Great Elder, now bursts out with a powerful aura, extremely terrifying.

Feeling the terrifying aura from the two people, Su 2 Ying smiled coldly. If these two people take action, Qin Yu is afraid that he will be dead.

Although the realm of these two people is also in the 6th Layer Middle Stage of Tianhe Realm, they are all invincible existences of the same realm. If they cooperate, they can compete with the expert of the 6th Layer Peak of Tianhe Realm.

Moreover, this kind of thing that caused the people of the Sky Cang Sect to kill the people of the Sky Cang Sect made Su 1000 Ying extremely excited. The reason why he did not kill Qin Yu himself was to use this extremely cruel method to kill Qin alive. Yu.

“Shameless people deserve to live too, hehe, since you want to die, come up!”

Qin Yu looked at the two people coldly. The killing intent in his eyes was extremely strong. Both of these two people were betrayers, and now they are willing to become the running dogs of Su 2 Shadow. It is really hateful.


The 2 people not at all backed up, but directly rushed up, each of their hands showed a strong killing light, and the moved towards Qin Yu shattered.

“Crazy Demon Art!”

Qin Yu spurred the madness of Demon Art, and the battle strength instantly increased by 5 times. In his eyes, there were all mad gray rays of light, blended into the long sword in his hand, and brought out a gray killing light.

“A sword of blood is overwhelming!”

With the loudly shouted in Qin Yu’s mouth, the gray sword light quickly passed by, and the overbearing power of the madness combined with the sixth move of the Eighteen Swords of Nirvana, bursting out formidable power that surpassed the martial arts of the quasi-spirit.

Brush, shua!

The gray sword light instantly fell on the bodies of the two of them, and a horrible sword mark with deep bones appeared on the chests of both of them. The demonic energy breeds in flesh and blood, withers, and dies instantly.

“What, why is this kid’s Sword Dao stronger than just now? How much strength does he hide?”

Seeing that the Peak expert among the two Outer Elders was killed, Su 2 Ying’s brows couldn’t help but jumped. He found that the battle strength displayed by Qin Yu at this time had reached the terrifying level of the 1000th Layer Peak of the Tianhe Realm.

Crazy Demon Art is inherently terrifying, but it is martial arts at the level of quasi-spirit martial arts. What is important is to go forward and kill invincible.

And the martial skill of a sword of blood is the same. It is a martial skill created specifically for killing, which is terrifying.

The two fuse together, the natural and unusual horror.

“Okay, okay, didn’t expect you to have this method, but I want to see how many people you can kill.”

Su 1000 Shadow Sneered, and immediately moved towards a point in the crowd, and said: “A few of you, all of you, will shoot together. I don’t believe he can kill you all.”

The so-called double fist is hard to beat 4 hands, Qin Yu’s battle strength is very strong, but in the face of many powerhouses, when he is finally exhausted, now he plays Qin Yu alive and makes Qin Yu die in despair.

“Young Master Qin, I’ll help you!”

“I am coming too!”

Lan Yue, Qin Yuan, Lu Kang, Shan Xiong, and more than a dozen Direct Disciples fought together and stood beside Qin Yu, each bursting with extremely strong auras, and came to help.

“You step back!”

However, Qin Yu not at all meant to let them take action, but moved towards them coldly shouted and told them to step back first.


Hearing Qin Yu’s words, many Direct Disciple faces appeared with a confused expression. I don’t know why Qin Yu told them to withdraw.

“Retreat, now is not the time for you desperately!”

Qin Yu snorted in a cold voice, and said, “You are all Direct Disciples of my Celestial Blue Sect. You can’t die here. Reserve your strength to escape. As long as you live, the Celestial Sect’s fire will not be extinguished. One day will return in a swirl of dust.”

“Run away!”

Hearing Qin Yu’s words, everyone suddenly felt a clear comprehension. Qin Yu didn’t want them to die here, but wanted them to live with the help of the Heavenly Sect.

“Hehe, courage enough, since you are so brave, then kill you first, then kill them.” Su 1000 said in a cold voice, let more than 30 people all do it to besiege Qin Yu.

As for Qin Yu letting everyone escape, Su 1000 Shadow didn’t take seriously at all. This time Four Great Influences destroyed the Celestial Sect and completed a complete method, no one would ever want to escape.

Hey, hey, hehe…

More than 30 people expert under the duress of Su 1000 Ying, each with a hideous look on their faces, moved towards Qin Yu and killed them together. The earth is full of dull noises, like a devil from hell crawling out.

“Ghost prison cage!”

Looking at the group of betrayers who were killed, Qin Yu’s gaze was stern, without the slightest expression, the Spiritual Qi within the body was transformed into black air, shrouded more than 30 people in the black mist. .

Under the black mist, the surroundings of the battle stage became quiet for an instant, but this silence, not at all, was completely broken by the flying corpse one after another.

Hey, hey, hey!

In the ghost prison cage, one after another flew out of each and everyone’s corpse, and fell in front of Su 1000 Shadow, piled up like a hill, all pierced through the heart, extremely terrifying.

“Spirit martial arts!”

Looking at the black mist and the many corpses in front of him, a green expression appeared in Su 1000 Ying’s eyes. Didn’t expect Qin Yu to have mastered martial arts of this level.

Moreover, the ghost prison cage displayed by this spirit martial arts, the Divine Sense of ordinary martial artists is simply difficult to penetrate, each and everyone was crushed by Qin Yu’s heart and threw it in front of him.

After obliterating more than 30 people, the black mist surged, revealing the upper half of Qin Yu’s body, like an Asura Demon God in hell, coldly shouted: “Su 1000 Ying, how many people are there, come again , I killed them all.”

For these betrayers, Qin Yu is not at all feelings, so it is very sharp to start, and it is best to kill all these treachery dogs here.

“Hehe, it’s really boast shamelessly, if that’s the case, then the owner of the family will do it himself and see you for a ride, and see when you can be arrogant.” Su 1000 said with a smile, and finally he was about to do it himself.

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