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After the young man picked up the mysterious finger bone, he returned to his boat and stored the finger bone cautiously like the Supreme Treasure, so as not to be thrown away by people like Tao Xun.

This thing was obtained from an ancient place with a mortal danger. Although he didn’t penetrate the secret inside, he felt that the finger bone was definitely unusual based on his instinct.

Seeing this little servant put away the finger bone like Supreme Treasure, everyone around was sneered with disdain.

“Hehe, I really thought that a ragged finger bone was a treasure, but I kept it close to my body, which is a real laugh.”

“Yes, there are indeed many treasures in this world, and some of the remaining Ancient Vestige treasures are even more numerous, but with his trifling 5th Layer Initial Stage realm, how can it be obtained? It’s just a whimsical that’s all.”

Along with the one after another mocking voice sounded in the crowd, everyone had a big laughter, apparently not taking the finger bone in the hands of the young man a thing.

An expression of disdain also appeared on Tao Xun’s face, coldly said: “This world really has whoever, and every trash is kept as a treasure, it’s ridiculous!”

These ironic words fell into the little boy’s ears, making the little boy blushing, and he wanted to find a hole to go straight in, but Qin Yu’s expression was somewhat different.

“This finger bone…”

Qin Yu looked at the finger bone in the hands of the young man, but his eyes narrowed slightly, revealing an unbelievable expression, and immediately a surprised expression appeared on his face.

“Master, you can see that there are some different places on the finger bone,” Chi Rong said.

“I can see it, but I don’t quite understand it!” Qin Yu replied truthfully.

He just took a casual look at this finger bone, not at all earnestly studying it, but felt that there was an extremely hard taste on it, and it was much harder than his body.

“The owner just took a casual look and found the difference on the finger bone, and his eyesight is already quite good. If the is Master buys this finger bone and studies it carefully, he will understand the mystery.” Chi Rong said with a smile.

“Oh, do you mean this finger bone is also a rare treasure?” Qin Yu curiously asked.

“Yes, you are the Body Martial Artist, the master. You should know that after the death of the Body Martial Artist, the body is more difficult to decay than ordinary warriors. If the Body Martial Artist practiced his hand bone sacrifice into a killer move, then it may survive. The formidable power of this finger bone can be imagined.”

Chi Rong laughed and continued to explain: “This finger bone looks ordinary, but one finger can penetrate the stone. The master’s battle body may not be able to resist the formidable power of this finger bone.”

“This thing is so scary?” Qin Yu asked in surprise.

His Nine Revolutions Divine Dragon Art is now the realm of the 6th floor Great Accomplishment, which is as strong as a stone. Not to mention the injuries caused by ordinary warriors, even leaving a scratch on him is impossible.

However, such a powerful combat body can’t stop the finger bone’s blow. Therefore, the formidable power of the finger bone is indeed somewhat terrifying.

“The horror is not really the finger bone left by the Body Martial Artist of Wheel Sea Realm 5th Layer, but if you buy it and smelt it into your own palm, at least the realm below the Wheel Sea Realm is enough to use, and the owner has a lot of cards. Even if you don’t need it, you can buy it and let the Celestial Sect’s discipline use it to enhance their strength.” Chi Rong said indifferently.

Qin Yu nodded, he has a lot of methods now, such as the demon outside the law, the demon sword hates the sky, the ghost prison cage, and the inheritance of the 7 peaks of the Tiancangzong.

But after the battle of Sect extermination of the Heavenly Cangzong’s discipline, the vitality has not yet recovered, and the various methods are quite weak, and there is an urgent need to strengthen the strength.

“Who among you is the discipline of Iron Dragon Peak?” Qin Yu turned around and asked.

Since this finger bone was left by the Body Martial Artist’s practice of his finger bone, and has powerful formidable power, it must have strong requirements for the user’s physique.

Therefore, Qin Yu directly asked Tie Dragon Peak’s discipline. After all, Tie Dragon Peak’s disciplines are all Body Martial Artists. Even though their accomplishments are much worse than Qin Yu, they are far more powerful than ordinary warriors.

“Young Sect Master, I am the discipline of Iron Dragon Peak!”

A discipline named Du Yuanguang stepped up, replied very respectfully, and urged the cultivation base, with a touch of golden light flowing under the skin, revealing a powerful force under his body.

Qin Yu looked at Du Yuanguang and said with satisfaction: “Tianhe Realm 5th Layer Middle Stage is the cultivation base, and the physique is pretty good, barely enough.”

This person is indeed the discipline of Iron Dragon Peak. It used to be the 5th Layer Initial Stage of the Tianhe Realm. He swallowed a lot of medicine pill from the Blood Essence Bodhi and Qin Yu rewards. Now it is the realm of the 5th Layer Middle Stage of the Tianhe Realm.

Moreover, Du Yuanguang’s Body Refining Martial Art is indeed not weak in the same realm’s discipline, and it just happens to be able to practice the finger left by the expert of the Wheel Sea Realm 5th Layer.

“Junior Brother Du, you come with me!”

Qin Yu waved his hand and brought Du Yuanguang to the front of the young man. He smiled and asked, “Little brother, can you sell the finger bone in your arms?”

As soon as this remark came out, the whole crowd suddenly started in an uproar.

Countless eyes focused on Qin Yu’s body in an instant, all staring at Qin Yu curiously, revealing an incredible and startled expression.

Wasn’t this finger bone treated as rubbish by Tao Xun? How come someone came up to ask for the price and prepared to buy it.

“Who is this person, who is so stupid, knowing that the finger bone is rubbish, he went forward and asked for the price to buy it. Isn’t he sick?”

“It does seem to be sick, and I don’t know that it is the son of that family. He is so greedy that he can be deceived by others. It is better to commit suicide by jumping off the building.”

The people around were in an uproar. No one didn’t expect that they and Tao Xun treated them as rubbish. Qin Yu and the others even came up to ask, it was even stupid than a pig.


Tao Xun also spit out two words coldly.

He judged that the finger bone in this young man’s hand was rubbish, not a treasure at all. Qin Yu now came up to ask the price. Isn’t it a slap in his face?

Because Tao Xun was extremely dissatisfied with Qin Yu’s approach.

Xiao Si’s eyes lit up, knowing that he had met someone who knew the goods, but seeing the spit and disdain of everyone, he himself became suspicious.

“This son, it’s not that I didn’t want to sell it to you. They all said that my finger bone is not a treasure. If I sell it to you, wouldn’t it be a pitfall to you?” Xiaosi said aggrieved.

Seeing the hesitation and grievance of Xiao Si, Qin Yu smiled slowly, and said: “They are ignorant and a bunch of idiots. They don’t have enough eyesight to see the value of the finger bone. Why should you be with them lower oneself? to somebody’s level.”

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