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Du Yuanguang is just the cultivation base of the 5th Layer Middle Stage. He has never interacted with the expert of the 6th Layer Initial Stage of the Tianhe Realm. Therefore, after seeing the big hand grabbed by the other party, his face suddenly became dark and a little afraid.

“No, Young Sect Master will not harm me. Since Young Sect Master lets me take action, I just need to follow Young Sect Master’s instructions, and nothing will happen.”

Du Yuanguang’s heart was extremely nervous, but according to Qin Yu’s instructions, he put the finger bone into his right hand index finger, injected Spiritual Qi, and then clicked straight out.

After this point, on Du Yuanguang’s middle finger, a cold light suddenly burst out, and Du Yuanguang’s Spiritual Qi within the body was suddenly emptied.

“This finger bone took the initiative to extract my Spiritual Qi. Is it really Supreme’s Supreme Treasure?” Du Yuanguang lost his voice in his heart, shocked by this.

Normal weapons can only burst out strong formidable power when the owner actively injects Spiritual Qi, and the owner can control the amount of Spiritual Qi injected at any time.

But this finger bone was different, and formed a strong killing light. It also actively absorbed Du Yuanguang’s Spiritual Qi within the body, making the formidable power of the cold light even stronger.


After the cold light was urged, it burst out and fell directly into the palm of the 6th Layer Initial Stage martial artist on the opposite side of the Tianhe Realm. He pierced through his palm, and a blood hole appeared.

It was not over yet, the formidable power of cold light did not weaken in the slightest, and it finally sank directly into the martial artist’s chest, leaving a blood hole in his chest, horrible to see.


This warrior fell from the sky into the Black Demon Sea without warning, agitated a large wave of waves, and the sound of the body hitting the sea was like an extremely fierce slap, fiercely falling on the faces of everyone .


After everyone saw the martial artist of the 6th Layer Initial Stage of the Tianhe Realm was killed, they immediately held the breath cold air.

Who would have thought that half of the finger bone that they regarded as rubbish had such a powerful formidable power.

“How could it be possible that the finger bone is really not Supreme Treasure?”

“This is impossible, the finger bone is’junk’ that Master Tao Xun has personally identified. How can there be such a terrifying formidable power to kill two realm warriors.”

“Could it be that Master Tao Xun missed it?”

These voices passed into Tao Xun’s ears, causing the corner of Tao Xun’s eyes to twitch fiercely, because this finger bone was exactly the “garbage” he identified.

But now, this “garbage” has a Supreme Treasure-level formidable power, which directly proves that Tao Xun has taken a glance, making his cheeks turn blue and purple, extremely red and hot, and his face is a bit uncontrollable.

Moreover, this finger bone should have belonged to him, but now it has fallen into Qin Yu’s hands, making him unwilling to take it back.

“I actually killed a martial artist from the 6th Layer of the Tianhe Realm, this…”

Du Guangyuan looked at the corpse in front of him, and said in shock. He couldn’t believe that the trick he had pointed out had such a powerful formidable power.

Immediately afterwards, this look of shock turned into a thick surprise. I touched my right hand index finger. If I got the Supreme Treasure, I hurriedly moved towards Qin Yu and said, “Young Sect Master, many thanks to you.”

If it were not for the contempt of countless people, Qin Yu asked him to purchase this finger bone Supreme Treasure, even if his strength increased tenfold, it would be impossible to be the opponent of the 6th Layer Initial Stage of Tianhe Realm.

“Well, this thing is not very easy to use before the completion of the practice. After you go down and practice carefully, you should be familiar with it after using it a few times.” Qin Yu was instructed faintly.

“Brother, wait!”

Just when the two of them were about to turn around, they saw Tao Xun walking up with the latter face, squeezing out a reluctant smile, and asked: “Dare to ask the brother’s name?”

“Qin Yu !”

Qin Yu looked at Tao Xun intentionally or unintentionally, frowned and asked, “Your Excellency is looking for something to do with me?”

Tao Xun is one of the three families of Star Island, similar to Yang Family where Yang Hong is located, and even stronger than Yang Family.

But Qin Yu has nothing to do with the Tao family. Tao Xun came to the door and didn’t know what it meant.

Looking at Qin Yu’s expression that is somewhat repelling beyond a thousand li, Tao Xun’s eyelids twitched a little, but in order to get the treasure of finger bone, Tao Xun barely squeezed a smile on his face.

“Tao Xun, the young master of the Star Island Tao family in Xia Nai, sees Brother Qin’s luck out of the ordinary, so I want to befriend Brother Qin, why should Qin Yu refuse to be beyond a thousand li?” Tao Xun smiled and brace. oneself said with a smile.

“If you make friends, it’s easy to talk about, but other things will be avoided.” Qin Yu said indifferently.

The so-called one doesn’t visit a temple without a cause, and I just got finger bone, Tao Xun’s Supreme Treasure, which was identified as rubbish, equivalent to slap fiercely on the opponent’s face.

The other party is now looking for friends to make friends, I am afraid that the drunkard is not in the bar!

“Hehe, what is Brother Qin’s words? Just now, Tao was clumsy and didn’t see the formidable power of the finger bone. It was a bit out of sight. I don’t know if you can return the finger bone to Tao.”

Tao Xun said with a smile: “Of course, the 1,000,000 middle grade Spirit Stone of the finger bone bought by Brother Qin before will be returned naturally, and an extra 500,000 will be given to Brother Qin, the equivalent to Brother Qin’s revenge. If I want to come to Brother Qin, I won’t Reject.”

According to Tao Xun’s idea, as the young master of his Tao family moved towards Qin Yu to put pressure, Qin Yu must be afraid, and he added 500,000 middle grade Spirit Stone to Qin Yu to give Qin Yu a bit of sweetness, Qin Yu will definitely sell.

“Sorry, I won’t sell, Brother Tao, please come back!”

To Tao Xun’s expectation, Qin Yu had no intention of discussing with him at all, and directly rejected Tao Xun.

“Do not sell?”

Tao Xun hearing this, the smile on his face suddenly solidified, didn’t expect that he offered such a generous offer, Qin Yu was actually indifferent, and he answered this simply, not giving him the slightest face.

As Young Patriarch of the Tao family, he wanted to buy something, and there was room for rejection by others, so he couldn’t help but rise in anger.

“Little devil, you dare to refuse our young master’s proposal. Who gave you such courage, quickly apologize to our young master, and obediently take out the finger bone and sell it to our young master.”

Seeing Tao Xun’s gloomy expression, a middle-aged man behind him immediately stood ahead and came to Qin Yu, and said aggressively, threatening Qin Yu.

“I’m talking to your young master, what kind of dog you are, you dare to bark here.”

In the face of the threat of this middle-aged man, Qin Yu was not at all polite, a warrior of the 6th Layer Peak of the Tianhe Realm, he did not take it seriously.


Being scolded by Qin Yu in front of everyone, the middle-aged man’s expression was a little uncontrollable immediately, and he became angry and wanted to do something.

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