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The magic pattern on the queen’s body is extremely mysterious. After being excited, it can also enhance the queen’s defensive power. If this kind of magic pattern is thoroughly studied, it will definitely be useful in the future.

“Since you like it, leave the corpse of this thing for you.” Qin Yu said with a smile, throwing the corpse of the Black Demon Ant Queen into the Soul Orb.

If Chi Rong can study the magic pattern on it, it would be a good thing for Qin Yu, why not do it, and the scales on the queen’s corpse can also enhance the defense of the corpse puppet.

As for other values, it doesn’t matter.

Oh la la !

After Qin Yu killed the queen, the ant colony of the black demon ant lost the control of the queen, and quickly panicked, moved towards all around and retreated, and soon disappear without a trace.

For these, Qin Yu did not pay much attention to it.

These black demon ants don’t have much value on them, and even if they are killed, they are useless. Moreover, they are as many as 10000, and now they are scattered and can not be completely killed.

Now they take the initiative to avoid them, not besieging Qin Yu, and Qin Yu is too lazy to clean them up.

After sweeping the battlefield a bit, Qin Yu quickly moved towards Chen Lu and the others, but after getting there, he did not see Chen Lu and the others.

“Where did these guys go, didn’t they tell them not to run around?”

Looking at the to-and-fro crowd, not at all Chen Lu waiting for the Celestial Cangzong’s discipline, Qin Yu’s brows couldn’t help but frowned, and a feeling of not goodness rose in his heart.

“Hehe, Qin Yu, are you looking for the few people who came with you, they are not here anymore.”

Just when Qin Yu was looking for Chen Lu and the others, a middle-aged warrior appeared in front of Qin Yu and sneered at Qin Yu.

Qin Yu looked up and down the middle age person. This person was Hu Zhen who wanted to snatch their warship when he was out on Star Island. At that time, Qin Yu used the bow and crossbow on the warship to shoot an arrow. Wears the arm.

Hearing Hu Zhen’s tone, it seemed as if he knew where Chen Lu was. This made Qin Yu a little “ge-deng” in his heart, and his eyes narrowed, knowing that Chen Lu and the others were afraid of being kidnapped.

“Do you know where Chen Lu and the others are?”

Qin Yu asked Senran, a murderous intention arose in her heart.

He didn’t kill Hu Zhen at the beginning, and let this person a way out, which seemed to be a mistake.

Otherwise, Hu Zhen would not show up here. He also caught Chen Lu and the others, which made Qin Yu feel regretful, not cutting weeds and eliminating the roots in time.

“Hehe, this is natural, because I found someone to kidnap them.”

Hu Zhen sneered, with his hands folded, and said to Qin Yu: “Qin Yu, if you want to know, follow me, but I’m afraid you don’t have the guts.”

I have set a trap and caught Chen Lu and the others as bait, so I am not afraid that Qin Yu will not go.

But once Qin Yu stepped into his trap and wanted to come back alive, it was impossible.

In Qin Yu’s heart, the killing intent was extremely successful, but not at all immediately killed Hu Zhen, but coldly said: “Lead the way ahead!”

“Well, you have the guts!”

Hearing that Qin Yu didn’t even think about it, he agreed to go with him. Hu Zhen was a little surprised. Said with a smile: “Okay, you follow me.”

Under the leadership of Hu Zhen, the two Moyo walked for more than ten minutes, and they came to the place Hu Zhen said, and a large number of people had already gathered here.

Among them, out of the ordinary, look at the lively expert, and there are 8 experts at the 7th Layer Initial Stage of Tianhe, and a lot of powerhouses at the 6th Layer Peak and Middle Stage of the Tianhe.

Qin Yu glanced over these people, feeling a little bit cold, don’t think, these people are afraid that they are from a certain family of Star Island, otherwise it is impossible to have so many experts all at once.

Suddenly, Qin Yu’s pupil light was slightly cold, and he looked towards an old man at the 6th Layer Peak of the Tianhe Realm, and slowly spit out a few words: “Yang Family Ninth Elder!”

“Hmph, evil creature, didn’t expect you to know the old man, and return the old man’s arm.” Yang Family Ninth Elder heard Qin Yu’s voice, roar suddenly furious.

At first, I had to know that after Yang Hong was killed, according to the news, Yang Family Ninth Elder found Chen Lu and the others in the market. He was planning to sack Chen Lu, but was finally stopped by Qin Yu who dared to come. He broke one of his arms.

But when they went to sea, Hu Zhen took the initiative to find them, and wanted to cooperate with them to capture and kill Qin Yu, so they delayed the time to come to the double star ruins, and did not reach the double star ruins immediately.

However, what surprised them was that when they arrived at the double star ruins behind them, they saw Chen Lu and the others not long after, so together with Hu Zhen, they captured Chen Lu and the others, and they had what they are now. This scene.

“Patriarch Yang, I have brought this evil creature over, and the rest will be left to you Yang Family.” Hu Zhen said with a smile.

When he was in the port of Star Island, Qin Yu shot through his arm with an arrow, causing him to still feel painful now. This grudge is finally about to be reported, which made him extremely refreshed.

This middle age person is named Yang Dingtian, which is Yang Family this generation Patriarch, and Yang Hong is his son. Therefore, after seeing Qin Yu, the enemy meets and is extremely jealous.

“Oh, it turned out to be this evil creature. It killed my son, cut off our Yang Family Ninth Elder’s arm, and robbed my Yang Family’s market. You dare to come here. It’s really a courting death.” Yang Dingtian said sharply, with scarlet eyes. .

His own son died in the hands of Qin Yu, and Qin Yu even dared to come home. This made Yang Dingtian resent to the extreme, and he wanted to chopped up ten-thousand times by a thousand blades.

“Your son is taking advantage of one’s position to bully people, having only oneself to blame. If I don’t kill him, someone will kill him sooner or later.” Qin Yu said indifferently.

When Qin Yu and the others entered the Black Demon Sea for the first time, they never provoked Yang Hong. Yang Hong saw the blood shark and wanted to snatch it, no wonder Qin Yu.

“Hey, sharp-tongued!”

Hu Zhen said with a cold laugh next to him: “Patriarch Yang, this kid Won’t shed tears till you have seen your coffin, don’t talk nonsense with him, just bring up all the rubbish under his hands, and see him pay Dare to talk nonsense.”

With the lives of people like Chen Lu in hand, if Qin Yu dared to resist, they would kill. See if Qin Yu dared to show off one’s military strength in front of them.

“Alright, let them see the last time before they die, come, bring them up to me.” Yang Dingtian said coldly.

Following Yang Dingtian’s order, Yang Family Ninth Elder waved his hand directly and Chen Lu and the others were tied up. Each and everyone looked dull.

“Young Sect Master, we…”

After Chen Lu and the others were tied up, their heads were downcast, and there were still a lot of wounds on their body. Obviously, they were injured a lot by the Yang Family during the previous arrest.

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