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At the beginning, Tao Xun wanted to sell Qin Yu to buy the finger bone in his hands. He thought that the Tao family was invincible and he was domineering. Now Tao Zhengde is in such a domineering state and wants him to kneel down and beg for mercy.

Father and son are two people, they are really the same kind of people. I really responded to the sentence, if there is a father, there must be a son!

It’s just that these actions are too ridiculous in Qin Yu’s eyes!

Even if it is taking advantage of one’s position to bully people, who should be divided against!

For Qin Yu, Tao Zhengde made stupid remarks that made him kneel and beg for mercy, which really made Qin Yu a little speechless.

Listening to Qin Yu’s irony, Tao Zhengde’s face turned blue and his lungs were bursting with anger, because Qin Yu not only didn’t follow his orders to kneel, but even satirized him, which is really hateful.

“Okay, okay, count your mouth hard!”

Tao Zhengde trembled with anger, and the power of his whole body suddenly exploded. The realm coercion of the 7 Heavenly Layer Middle Stage of the Tianhe Realm quickly swept away, bursting out a terrifying breath.

The black hair on his head, under this terrifying breath, danced wildly, terrifying like an angry wild beast, giving people a strong shocking feeling of choosing people and eating them.

“Qin Yu, the master gave you a chance, but unfortunately you did not grasp it. Then, don’t blame your master for being vicious and merciless. Not only will you die, but everyone behind you will die. See when you can still be tough “Tao Zhengde said sensibly, taking a step forward suddenly.

This step, as if possessing endless power, an incomparably powerful breath rushed out of his body, forming a terrifying energy ripple, moving towards all around sweeping.

The people around, seeing Tao Zhengde’s wild beast-like appearance, were all extremely frightened, and each stepped back a few steps, and was in an uproar again, looking at Qin Yu with sympathetic eyes.

Although Qin Yu came to Star Island for the first time, he has gained a lot of fame on Star Island these days, but now he met Tao Zhengde, the master of the Tao family, and it was eight lifetime’s bloody bad luck.

Several disciplines of the Celestial Sect also became vigilant, but they did not at all retreat like everyone else, but instead stood tightly behind Qin Yu, holding weapons in their hands.

“You retreat, lest it affects you when you kill the enemy for a while.” Qin Yu was lightly instructed.

The several discipline hearing this of the Celestial Clan Sect all had some hesitation, but they all retreated after thinking about the difference between themselves and Qin Yu’s previous battle strength.

“This old fellow is not good, Young Sect Master, be careful.” Several people warned repeatedly cautiously.

Qin Yu nodded, after the few people all retreated, he smiled slowly, and the realm power of his whole body was also slowly mobilized, and he fought against Tao Zhengde.


In Tao Zhengde’s eyes, this action was completely ignorant of life and death, and his eyes trembled fiercely, revealing a hideous look.

The massive Spiritual Qi quickly moved towards Tao Zhengde’s fist peak and condensed away, forming a killing light, and fiercely moved towards Qin Yu shrouded.

This killing came very quickly, and Qin Yu was submerged in it in an instant. Under Tao Zhengde’s divine sense detonation, the terrifying energy suddenly exploded and turned into destructive energy.

From a distance, the destructive energy bursting from the Spiritual Qi, like red hot iron, destroys all the ten meters in the area where Qin Yu is standing.

The countless sands and stones on the ground were all turned into smoke and dust under this destructive energy, and they were completely evaporated.

Seeing this, everyone was shocked, panicked 10000 points, and even a little trembling!

This scene is really too terrifying, almost no one can live out of it, so Qin Yu is also dead.

“Hmph, I really thought I was a bit capable, but I couldn’t even take a punch from our Patriarch. It’s a waste.”

“It’s true that this waste is a bit, but that’s okay, it’s a revenge for the young master of our Tao family, but it’s a pity that it made him die too happy.”

“The Patriarch’s shot is indeed a bit heavy, but there are a few of them. These people are all brought by Qin Yu, and none of them will be spared. They will all be blood washed here, so as to demonstrate the strength of our Tao family.

Several Elders of the Tao family showed expressions of contempt, with a sneer on their faces, sneered at Qin Yu frigid irony and scorching satire, and stared at the disciplines of the Celestial Sect.

“Tao Zhengde, is this your strength, standing here and letting you fight, you can’t kill me, and I don’t know who it is too wasteful.”

Before the words of the Tao Family Elders fell, a faint voice came from the crimson storm of destruction, like a slap, fiercely fell on the faces of the Tao Family Elders.

“What, he’s still alive!”

There was an exclamation in the crowd, making everyone’s eyes condensed on the destruction storm in an instant.

Under everyone’s eyes, you can see that a vague silhouette is standing in the slowly dissipating storm of destruction.


This vague silhouette moved slightly, and within the body burst out a strong energy, which instantly blows away the surrounding destruction energy thoroughly, leaving no trace.

After the destructive energy dissipated, Qin Yu’s body completely appeared in front of everyone. Only a faint rays of light flowed above Qin Yu’s body, which was intact, without any harm.


Seeing this, everyone was shocked and couldn’t believe their eyes. Qin Yu actually withstood Tao Zhengde’s powerful attack head-on, which was too terrifying.

“Why is this guy so strong?” Zhou Yuan said in horror.

With his Tianhe Realm 7th Layer Initial Stage, and he can break through to the Middle Stage state at any time, he can’t resist Tao Zhengde’s attack under this situation, but Qin Yu did it.

This made the heart of the strongest genius of Star Island in his heart, but at the same time it was a bit unpleasant.

Zhou Mu’s expression condensed a bit, looking at the black light flowing on Qin Yu, frowns saying: “This Qin Yu seems to be cultivated some kind of body refinement martial skill, with an extremely terrifying physique, so it is not injured.”

“Body refinement martial skill?”

When Zhou Yuan heard his father’s explanation, he understood, and said in a low voice, “If this is the case, this guy’s body refinement martial skill is really terrifying. I don’t know if there is a chance to get it.”

In Zhou Yuan’s view, the reason why Qin Yu’s battle strength is so strong is that he can be killed with the realm of the 3 Heavenly Layer Peak of the Tianhe Realm. It is the strength of this battle body that makes him extremely tempted.

The dust on Qin Yu patted’s body looked up towards Tao Zhengde, who was frowning, and slowly said with a smile: “Patriarch Tao, is this what you call life better than death? It seems that there is no powerful formidable power, or, You didn’t eat when you shot, so you feel weak.”

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