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After half a day, Qin Yu 7 and the others reappeared on the mountainside, moved towards the higher part of the mountain and ran away.

And at this time, Qin Yu suddenly moved Divine Sense, looked towards his storage bag, took a right hand shot, and took out a jade token from it.

Above this jade token, there was a strong Spiritual Fluctuation flashing, as if it was some kind of communication.

“Young Sect Master, could it be that Chen Lu and Du Guangyuan encountered some difficulties, so news came?” a discipline curiously asked from the Celestial Sect.

Qin Yu did not answer, but incorporated Divine Sense into the jade token. After a while, a frown expression appeared on his face, and he whispered: “It is indeed the news from them. They found some magical spiritual fruit. , And encountered some trouble, let us be in the past.”

“What, magical spirit fruit and trouble!”

Hearing this in the eyes of several disciples of the Celestial Cang sect, revealing surprises and worries in their eyes, if they encounter a magical spirit fruit, it means that there will be no small gains.

Of course, there is also a lot of worry for those troublesome people. Apart from Zhou Family and Heavenly Star Island’s powerhouse, which can cause trouble to Du Yuanguang and the others, there are no other warriors.

However, Zhou Family is also somewhat impossible. After all, after the previous shock, Zhou Family now sees Qin Yu and is not afraid to take action at will. Instead, he has to be extra careful and let Chen Lu and the others everywhere.

Therefore, Qin Yu can easily conclude that Du Yuanguang was afraid that he had encountered the powerhouse of Heavenly Star Island, and he couldn’t help being very anxious, for fear that something might happen, and quickly rushed past.

A few people hurried ahead quickly, and soon saw a black great hall in the distance. The great hall all around was full of ruined walls. Obviously, this place had experienced a tragic fight.

However, even so, it can’t stop the majesty of this great hall. I want to come here to be the core of the dual Star Sect.

After Qin Yu and the others came to the great hall, a lot of warriors have gathered around the great hall. After watching Qin Yu, these warriors all avoided and didn’t dare to approach Qin Yu and the others rashly. Extremely fearful.

But this is not a strange thing. Today’s Qin Yu in this double star ruins can be regarded as a terrible name, destroying Yang Family and killing Tao Zhengde, and is extremely cruel.

In this case, if the average warrior dared to come up to Qin Yu’s troubles, it would be completely self-explanatory, or even courting death.

Qin Yu did not stop at the door of the great hall, but continued to go deep into the great hall. After entering the great hall, the number of people and horses here immediately decreased.

Qin Yu and the others wandered in the great hall, searching continuously, and then reached the depths of the great hall and came to a sea of ​​thunder.

The Thunder Sea here is not very big, but it also occupies an area of ​​100 meters. I don’t know what Formation is arranged. The area of ​​100 meters is full of silver Thunder Strength.

“9 patterns gather thunder formation!”

Seeing this sea of ​​thunder, Qin Yu’s eyes narrowed slightly. The sea of ​​thunderbolt here is not natural, but an artificially arranged 9-pattern thunder formation.

As for the 9-pattern thunder array, it is also an extremely profound array. This type of formation can continuously gather the Thunder Element Spiritual Qi between Heaven and Earth, and then form a violent thunder sea.

“Young Sect Master, look at the middle of the thunder sea!”

When Qin Yu was watching the 9-stripe Thunder Formation, when he was shocked by it, a discipline of the Tiancang Sect suddenly reminded Qin Yu.

Qin Yu immediately looked ahead and saw a lush and green Spirit Tree standing in the middle of the thunder sea.

This Spirit Tree is as tall as 2 people, with the color of emerald jade, continuously absorbing the Thunder Element in the thunder sea, and standing tall, obviously incomparably magical.

On the Yingyu Spirit Tree, there are more than a dozen white jade-colored fruits. These fruits exude a strange fragrance. You can tell at a glance that this thing is not ordinary.

“Between Heaven and Earth can absorb a lot of Thunder Element, but not many can be born in this sea of ​​thunder. This thing should be the legendary thunder white jade fruit.” Qin Yu said in horror, his eyes revealed A touch of sharp edge.

The thundering white jade fruit is a legendary spiritual fruit, and it is extremely difficult to cultivate. There is actually a plant here, and after these years of growth, it has reached a mature stage and can be picked.

Similarly, this thundering white jade fruit is also one of the main materials for refining thundering white jade pill.

If you can find other materials, refining the thundering white jade Danlai, Qin Yu’s Nine Revolutions Divine Dragon Art, will reach the 6th floor Perfection Realm.

However, Qin Yu did not rashly go up to pick, but looked towards another direction. There are many people here, in addition to Qin Yu and the others, there are Chen Lu and others.

Especially an old man in the crowd, with his hands folded and a proud face, leading a few of his subordinates, standing there unbelievably, facing Chen Lu and Du Yuanguang.

Moreover, Chen Lu and Du Yuanguang and the others have some scars. Obviously, the two of them have already fought with these people, but because of the wind, the expressions on their faces are not only gloomy, but also a little embarrassed.

“Young Sect Master, you are finally here!”

After Chen Lu and Du Yuanguang saw Qin Yu and the others, a deep joy immediately appeared on their faces, and they even hurriedly moved towards Qin Yu and the others moved closer.

Qin Yu looked at the injuries on Chen Lu and Du Yuanguang, frowned slightly, and solemnly asked, “What’s the matter with you?”

“Young Sect Master, it’s like this. We came here to find these mysterious spiritual fruits and were ready to pick them, but they appeared afterwards. It’s all if we didn’t let us pick the spiritual fruits, and they also stopped us and injured us. “Chen Lu hurriedly explained. indignant.

Du Yuanguang nodded, also said: “It is true. If I hadn’t had the finger bone you bought me, the formidable power was strong, and the blood stab of Chen Lu was in my hand, they would have killed us if they were afraid of us. Up.”

“Oh, is there such a thing?”

Qin Yu hearing this, his eyes narrowed a little, looked towards the old man next to him, there was a cold light in his eyes, with a hint of indifferent killing intent, slowly said: “The two of them said, you have no opinion Right.”

“Hehe, both of them are right, but what about this?”

The leading old man sneered and said disdainfully: “Not only that, we have to kill two of them, and take the blood stab and finger bone in their hands. That kind of treasure is not something that two wastes can have.”

The old man’s own realm was in the 7 Heavenly Layer Middle Stage of the Tianhe Realm, but was blocked by two warriors of the 2th Layer Initial Stage of the Tianhe Realm.

Therefore, he was extremely certain that Chen Lu and Du Yuanguang were holding Supreme’s Supreme Treasure, so that they could be stopped.

It can span 4 small realms to deal with his Supreme Treasure. Whatever you say this time, you have to get it, and don’t leave any thoughts to Qin Yu.

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