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Song Pavilion Lord has been in business for 7 scenes, and his eyesight is quite vicious. Naturally, he can see what Qin Yu means at a glance. I don’t care about it at the moment. Said with a smile: “Okay, then do it according to Qin Xiaoyou’s meaning. Wait, let me check it out a bit.”

More than ten minutes later, Song Pavilion Lord counted the treasures, and then quoted a price to Qin Yu according to their respective values, said with a smile: “What do you think of 40 million middle grade Spirit Stone?”

“40 million, the price is not low, so let’s do it!” Qin Yu nodded said with satisfaction.

The quality of these things is not very high. Qin Yu is quite satisfied with the price of 40 million.

Therefore, the previous scruples were dispelled and the remaining treasures were taken out.

“In this storage bag, there are materials of equal value. In addition, there are some materials from the Tiankun Shapeng in the 8 Heavenly Layer Middle Stage of the Tianhe Realm.” Qin Yu indifferently said.

“What, Tiankun Shapeng, and also the realm of the 8 Heavenly Layer Middle Stage of the Tianhe Realm, this…”

Hearing Qin Yu’s explanation, Song Pavilion Lord was taken aback. His realm was nothing more than 7 Heavenly Layer Peak of the Tianhe Realm, but now he saw the Demon Beast material of the 8 Heavenly Layer Middle Stage of the Tianhe Realm.

Moreover, Tiankun Shapeng also has the Kunpeng Bloodline, presumably the general Demon Beast material can be doubled in price, which is simply invaluable.

Excited, Song Pavilion Lord hurriedly moved towards the storage bag and looked in, and found that there was indeed a complete skeleton of the sky kunsha peng, and a large number of feathers.

“Xiaoyou Qin, can you tell me the specific origin of Kun Shapeng on this day? Otherwise, the old man would not dare to accept this thing. The reason for this, I would like to come to Qin Xiaoyou to understand.” Song Pavilion Lord said solemnly, but did not directly agree.

Regarding the general treasure, no matter how large the number is, the Song Pavilion Lord dare to accept it, but Kun Shapeng is different today. He must ask the source of the material.

This is because Kun Shapeng is too expensive this day, and being able to kill such realm Demon Beast warriors is bound to be extremely powerful. If the opponent finds him and comes to the door, this is not easy to handle.

“Song Pavilion Lord is afraid of getting into trouble, but you can rest assured that Kunshapeng came from the double star ruins this day. You will know after a little inquiries.” Qin Yu said indifferently.

Song Pavilion Lord hearing this, his eyes lit up a little, he naturally heard about the double star ruins, including the killing of Tiankun Shapeng and Huagu and the others.

“Putting it that way, you took advantage of Tiankun Shapeng’s serious injury, and then risked killing him?” Song Pavilion Lord speculated in a low voice, his eyes filled with a thick look of shock.

To know that even if Tiankun Shapeng was seriously injured under the siege of Huagu and the others, it was extremely difficult to kill him. He could hardly believe that Qin Yu did it alone.

Regarding Qin Yu’s strength, the middle aged big man just now also reported it, but even so, it is somewhat unlikely.

“This is not troublesome for Song Pavilion Lord to guess. As long as Song Pavilion Lord knows the origin of Kun Shapeng this day, it will be absolutely clean. No one will trouble you Heavenly Treasure Pavilion in the future.” Qin Yu indifferently said, not at all The answer is clear, but rather ambiguous. 2 Yes.

The so-called defensive heart is indispensable. Some things, if they are too thorough, will make the other party guess Qin Yu’s true strength.

“Hehe, this is the old man who is talking too much, but since there is no problem with this material, our Heavenly Treasure Pavilion will not give up.”

An awkward smile appeared on Song Pavilion Lord’s face. Knowing that he was talking too much, he no longer asked Qin Yu, but said with a smile: “Tiankun Shapeng’s skeleton and feathers, I will give you 20,000,000 middle grade Spirit Stone, As for the remaining materials, I will exchange them for you at the price just now, which adds up to 200000000 million middle grade Spirit Stone.”

Although he didn’t ask any more, Song Pavilion Lord couldn’t help but look at Qin Yu a little bit higher. After all, it is not something ordinary warriors can do to kill the existence of Tiankun Shapeng.

There are two possibilities. First, Qin Yu’s strength is not Qin Yu true strength, but playing the pig to eat the tiger.

Second, there must be a terrifying existence behind Qin Yu!

Regardless of the two possibilities, Song Pavilion Lord has an expression of jealousy towards Qin Yu. Such a person should not be offended.


Qin Yu pondered for a while, and nodded agreed: “Well, 200000000 is 200000000, and I need something here by the way, see if you can help me find some.”

Immediately, Qin Yu handed a jade slip to Song Pavilion Lord. The jade slip not only recorded various medicine ingredients for refining thunder white jade pill, but also various materials used to practice Tiankun Shapeng’s pair of meat wings. Of course, there are materials for repairing corpse puppets.

“Well, Pill Recipe and materials for training weapons?”

Seeing the material on the jade slip that Qin Yu handed over, Song Pavilion Lord immediately noticed that this is a Pill Recipe and a method of sacrificing weapons.

However, there are only medicine ingredients and materials on this jade slip, but no other information, so even if Song Pavilion Lord knows it, it will not help. I don’t know what Qin Yu practiced.

But Song Pavilion Lord’s heart still inevitably shocked.

The purchase of these items by Qin Yu is enough to prove that behind Qin Yu there is a Spirit Flame division above Grade 6 and a super Artifact Refining Grandmaster.

Regardless of which of these two types, they are extremely powerful and arrogant characters, and now there are two people behind Qin Yu at the same time, which is terrifying.

“This person is young, but possesses such a powerful strength. He must be supported by an extremely terrifying expert in the future, otherwise it is impossible.” Song Pavilion Lord speculated in his heart.

Even Song Pavilion Lord is even more biased. Qin Yu is not a person behind, but a huge force that he cannot imagine.

The thoughts got to this point, Song Pavilion Lord’s attitude changed again. Not only did he lose his previous arrogance, but he was extremely respectful. He explained: “Little friend, I have most of the materials on the jade slip. Only Dagengjin has never owned it. As for the pill concocting materials, I can help you buy some, but it will take some time.”

“You don’t have a big gold?” Qin Yu frowned slightly.

Dageng gold is one of the most important materials for cultivating the wings of Tiankun Shapeng. If there is no such thing, even if the ritual is successful, the possibility of advancement will be lost.

Therefore, Dagengkin must be found!

“We used to have Dageng gold, but it was bought some time ago, so it is gone now. I’m really sorry. If we can collect medicine ingredients in half an hour, you see…” Song Pavilion Lord despised .

“Oh, so that’s how it is!”

Qin Yu’s eyes sank slightly, but there is no other way. He can only say: “Then please help me collect other materials and medicine ingredients. As for the Spirit Stone, it will be deducted from my 200000000 million.”

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