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In the hotel’s cultivation room 7, Qin Yu opened the few storage bags he had just obtained. The plain expression on his face gradually changed, and a touch of joy appeared.

Obviously, he has gained a lot this time.

The three Huagu people killed by Qin Yu were all Elders in Danfang, with a very high status. Second only to Vice Fang advocated coldness.

Therefore, the three people’s background is quite rich, and some are beyond Qin Yu’s expectations.

For the middle grade Spirit Stone alone, Qin Yu got more than 3000 and 10000 from it, which just made up for his previous losses in the acquisition of materials and medicine ingredients in the Heavenly Treasure Pavilion.

Therefore, the middle grade Spirit Stone accumulated by Qin Yu now has reached 160 million terrifying numbers. For Qin Yu, such a middle grade Spirit Stone is enough for Qin Yu to splurge in a short time.

The huge Spirit Stone of 160 million, whether it is placed on the warrior of the 7 Heavenly Layer of the Tianhe Realm, is an enviable treasure.

“Spirit Stone alone, the harvest this time is not small, and there are more than 30 bottles of medicine pill, which are used as a cultivation base. These guys are indeed from Danfang.” Qin Yu said with a smile.

Many of these medicine pills have not been seen by Qin Yu, but through the professional judgment of Qin Yu’s Medicine Refining Master, the effect of these medicine pills can be determined.

Ordinary warriors, with 2 or 3 bottles of medicine pill, are already considered good, but these guys, medicine pill, add up to more than 30 bottles.

From this point of view, Danfang is indeed rich and imposing, and this foundation alone may be the envy of countless warriors.

In addition to medicine pill, Qin Yu also harvested some spiritual medicines, all of which are extremely rare, with good vintages, and a small amount of materials.

Danfang focuses on medicine pill, so there are a lot of medicine pill, but the quantity of materials is extremely rare. The quality of these materials is also ordinary. What good things can’t be considered.

“Well, what are these two things?”

When Qin Yu was counting the materials, his eyes suddenly fell on two unusual things and let out a surprised expression.

One of them is a golden iron stone the size of a basin, and the other is a fist sized blue spirit.

Qin Yu picked up the golden iron stone, looked at it carefully, and immediately showed a strong surprise on his face, and lost his voice: “It turned out to be a big gold!”

The iron and stone of golden is soft and releases a darker golden light. It has good spirituality, which is the great gold that Qin Yu is looking for.

Dageng gold is a necessary thing for cultivating Tiankun Shapeng’s wings. Only by integrating this thing, the Tiankun Shapeng’s wings can be advanced to the Emperor Artifact in the future.

When Qin Yu went to Heavenly Treasure Pavilion, he was mainly looking for Dagengjin, but Song Pavilion Lord told Qin Yu that Dagengjin had been bought long ago, and he was from Danfang.

It now appears that this is Huagu who bought Dageng gold. Qin Yu got Huagu’s storage bag. After the thing was removed, it fell into Qin Yu’s hands, and Qin Yu picked up a huge one. Cheap.

“Hehe, it is indeed a big gold, and it is such a big piece, enough to sacrifice the wings of Tiankun Shapeng. It’s really traveling far and wide looking for something only to return and find it easily.” Chi Rong couldn’t help but smiled and opened the mouth and said.

Qin Yu nodded, as long as the Tiankun Shapeng sacrificial training is completed and refining it into within the body, his speed can exponentially increase.

World martial skill, only speed can not be broken!

In the face of speed, the effectiveness of all defenses will be greatly reduced, and after having the ultimate speed, the lethality will exponentially increase.

After putting away the Da Gengjin satisfactorily, Qin Yu’s gaze finally fell on the blue spirit, and he looked carefully.

Dagengjin Qin Yu studied it carefully, but realized it, after all, this thing is an excellent thing for practicing Tiankun Shapeng, but this blue spirit, Qin Yu has no clue.

Qin Yu tried to move towards it with a hint of Spiritual Qi, and a faint blue light appeared above the blue spirit, which looked like a strange force.

And this strange power is something Qin Yu has never seen before.

“this is……”

When Qin Yu was puzzled, Chi Rong spoke, and was a little excited in his words, saying, “Master, you can inject more Spiritual Qi and try.”

Listening to Chi Rong’s excited words, Qin Yu’s heart moved a little. Since getting along with Chi Rong, it was the first time Qin Yu saw Chi Rong’s anxious expression.

You know, even in the face of Emperor Artifact, Chi Rong’s face has not changed a bit, sometimes even to disdain as beneath contempt, calling Emperor Artifact as rubbish, but now Chi Rong…

With doubts in his mind, Qin Yu moved towards the blue spirit once again injected some Spiritual Qi, and these Spiritual Qi was ten times as much as before.

Oh la la !

With the infusion of Spiritual Qi, a clear blue rays of light floated above the blue spirit again, and covered Qin Yu’s whole body.

An incomparably strong, oppression from the soul suddenly fell on Qin Yu.

“What is this thing, it will give me pressure from the soul.” Qin Yu lost his voice in amazement.

At the moment, he felt that his soul was going to be crushed. It came from an oppressive force that surpassed Qin Yu’s current level.

“It’s the power of Primordial Spirit, and it’s still a very strong Primordial Spirit Force.” Chi Rong explained hurriedly.

“The power of Primordial Spirit?”

Qin Yu asked in surprise. According to Qin Yu, if you want to condense the Primordial Spirit, you must reach the strongest level of existence.

But what didn’t expect was that such a majestic Primordial Spirit power was contained in this blue spirit.

“This thing has the power of Tiankun Shapeng. It is for this thing that Tiankun Shapeng is chasing and killing Huagu.” Chi Rong said with a smile.

Qin Yu nodded, although I don’t know how much effect this thing has on Tiankun Shapeng, it does have the breath of Tiankun Shapeng, but it is difficult to find.

“Your current Primordial Spirit power is very weak. Since this thing contains Primordial Spirit level power, I will reward you with this thing. You can use this thing to restore some Primordial Spirit power.”

Seeing Chi Rong’s greedy look, Qin Yu said with a smile, and threw the blue essence into the corpse soul orb and handed it to Chi Rong.


For the blue spirit, Chi Rong was very greedy. He was not ready to ask Qin Yu for it, but Qin Yu seemed to see through his mind and threw this thing to him.

You know, this thing contains other powers of Primordial Spirit Level. Even if the Primordial Spirit powerhouse comes, it will be very greedy for this thing, and its value is unimaginable.

Qin Yu threw such a valuable thing to him without even blinking his eyes. On the contrary, it made him feel a little bewildered, and the many rhetoric prepared before were useless.

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