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In front of Qin Yu’s eyes, a pair of incomparable gigantic wings hovered in front of him. The whole was black golden, extremely heavy, constantly releasing the strong sense of oppression from the Tiankun Shapeng Bloodline.

The wings are so thick and heavy, the black golden light flashes on it, but the black has an extremely sharp feeling, as if it is showing off one’s ability, just like two sharp blades.

“What a high grade Venerable Artifact!”

After a long time, Qin Yu said with a shock in his heart, and his eyes released a strong greedy rays of light. The wings of secretly thought have been trained into an exceptionally perfect high grade Venerable Artifact by him.

Every part, every material, is perfectly blended, and the heat is not bad at all. It can be called peerless treasure.

The seal of good fortune on Qin Yu’s body is a high grade Venerable Artifact, and it was practiced once by Qin Yu using the Vermilion Bird spirit blood sacrifice, but it was not as good as the wings in front of him.

The good fortune seal is not comparable. When Qin Yu helped Tiancangzong refine the Emperor Artifact, Xing Elder Zhuang produced countless high grade Venerable Artifacts, and none of them can compare to the pair of meat wings in front of them.

“The two materials of Tiankun Shapeng’s wings and Dageng gold were originally Peak’s materials. Coupled with the perfect fusion of the owner, the refined things are naturally extremely powerful.” Chi Rong said with a smile.

Qin Yu grinned, nodded satisfied.

Of course, Qin Yu also knew that without Chi Rong’s guidance, even if he could refine high grade Venerable Artifact with his strength, he would not be able to achieve this perfect state.

“Many thanks to your support in this matter, so your contribution is equally great, and it is indispensable.” Qin Yu said with a smile.

Chi Rong didn’t mean to claim credit. He turned around and said with a smile: “Why don’t the master refining this thing into within the body now and try its effect.”

Under Chi Rong’s suggestion, Qin Yu bit his fingertips and forced 2 drops of blood essence into the two wings. At the next moment, Qin Yu felt that there was a strangeness between himself and the two wings. contact.

After this wonderful connection was produced, Qin Yu immediately wrapped the Spiritual Qi on it, stimulating the refining of the whole body, and refining it into his body.

At this time, Qin Yu had an extremely strong feeling, as if this pair of fleshy wings were originally part of his body, connected to him and interdependent!

“Go out to the hotel to try the formidable power of this thing.”

After refining the wings, Qin Yu walked out directly and quickly came outside the hotel, thoughts moved, and Tiankun Shapeng’s wings appeared on Qin Yu’s back in suspension.

On weekdays, Qin Yu can earn it within the body without affecting Qin Yu’s human form. Only when necessary, he can communicate with his mind and he can appear from the back.

Qin Yu grew out of two wings and looked like is a Dark Angel. Then, the two wings behind Qin Yu suddenly shook, and the whole person suddenly disappeared from the crowd.

“It’s so fast, it disappeared in an instant. What level of weapon is that?”

After seeing Qin Yu disappearing, all the people outside the hotel were taken aback, subconsciously looking for Qin Yu’s silhouette, but they were not seen in 4 places, as if they had seen a ghost.

“Look, he is above 1000 meters in the sky!”

When everyone was puzzled, a sound of horror suddenly came from the crowd, causing everyone to move towards the sky, and there was a black dot floating above their heads, and this black dot was Qin Yu.

“I stepped onto the height of 1000 meters in an instant, this…”

One of the warriors said in horror that the speed of secretly thought Qin Yu was so fast that the naked eye couldn’t catch it at all. It was too terrifying.

However, when he said this, an old man next to him slowly shook the head, his face solemnly said: “This height is not just as simple as 1000 meters, but has reached a distance of more than 2 1000 meters. .”

Cultivation fighters at their level have extremely sharp eyes, and a distance of 1000 meters is enough to see anything clearly.

But now, when they looked towards Qin Yu in the sky, they only saw a vague black shadow, and they couldn’t see Qin Yu clearly.

Therefore, the old man said that the height of more than 2 meters is not an exaggeration. Under this distance, only by stimulating the Spiritual Qi and blessing it can he barely see a clear outline.

Above the sky, Qin Yu hovered at an altitude of 2000 metres, looking down at the crowd on the ground, with a surprised expression on his face.

The original grandiose crowd is now in his eyes, and they have long been unable to see their appearance. On the contrary, it is black and crushed, like a group of weak ants climbing on the ground, constantly surging.

“I just stirred my wings once, and I have risen to this height. The power of Kun Shapeng this day is really terrifying.” Qin Yu said in surprise.

Although he knew the strength of Tiankun Shapeng for a long time, Qin Yu couldn’t help being moved after the actual use.

At this speed, it is possible to kill an expert who is 2000 metres away in an instant, making it impossible to react.

“Master, this is just one of the functions. You can try the formidable power of this pair of meat wings.” Chi Rong said with a smile.

Qin Yu hearing this, eyes shined, immediately moved towards Tiankun Shapeng’s fleshy wings and injected Spiritual Qi into it, two black golden kill lights immediately appeared on the wings, and moved towards the sky and shot out.

These two terrifying terrifying shots were so terrifying that the air was directly split at the moment they were shot out, forming two vacuum zones. Qin Yu was dumbfounded.

“The formidable power of this killing is larger than the formidable power of a sword floating in the snow and Aomei Winter. How is this possible?” Qin Yu said in a daze.

Chi Rong explained with a smile: “This is inevitable. Most of Tiankun Shapeng’s battle strength is concentrated on this pair of fleshy wings. When fighting, it is 2 big knives, relentlessly harvesting lives, and we are training them. After making high grade Venerable Artifact, this formidable power will naturally appear.”

After hearing Chi Rong’s explanation, Qin Yu realized that when he was at the Double Star Ruins, he saw with his own eyes the bloody scene of Tiankun Shapeng harvesting the lives of many warriors with his wings. It was indeed terrifying.

Now, this thing falls into Qin Yu’s hands, not only has terrifying speed, but also has a terrifying battle strength, which is simply invincible.

Afterwards, Qin Yu gathered his wings together, and the huge two wings were like a thick layer of armor, covering Qin Yu’s body, protecting Qin Yu from the wind.

“Good thing, you must give me a name for this thing. Since it is from Tiankun Shapeng, it will be called from now on

It’s finfish. “Qin Yu said with a smile.

Tiankun’s wings integrate speed, attack and kill, and defense. It is a perfect treasure.

Chi Rong did not oppose the name either, but said with a smile with a grin: “Master, your battle body has been strengthened a lot, and besides the celestial wing, I must have paid attention to the next thing. Right.”

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