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Knowing that now is the best chance to kill Zhang 7 Leng and the other 3 people, Qin Yu no longer hesitates now, eyes flashing cold light, silhouette flashing, Nine Revolutions Divine Dragon Art 6th floor Perfection Realm’s powerful force, fiercely facing each other Zhang Leng’s head fell.

When this fist went down, dozens of fist peaks were shot out instantly, besieging Zhang Leng from all angles, making Zhang Leng unavoidable, unable to dodge at all.

Zhang Leng was not originally an opponent of Qin Yu. Now that Qin Yu’s realm power has improved, Nine Revolutions Divine Dragon Art has also reached the 6th floor Perfection. On the other hand, after Zhang Leng was seriously injured, the aura within the body fluctuated and was not in Peak state at all. .

Under this circumstance, even if Zhang Leng tried his best and took out all one’s strength, he couldn’t escape Qin Yu’s killing. He was scared to face deathly pale and desperate.

“Owner, save me!”

Zhang Leng was desperate, Roar said, a cold sweat was provoked behind his back, soaking the entire clothes, a very rich Death Aura, completely spreading in his heart.

Xu Haikong has been watching the fight of several people. After seeing Qin Yu breaking through the three people’s team, he felt a little agitated. He felt that Qin Yu was too terrifying, it was just a humanoid beast, and his spirit was a little tranced.

You know, he himself could not get any benefit from the cooperation of 3 deputy owners such as Zhang Leng, but Qin Yu defeated the cooperation of 3 people.

Now, Zhang Leng’s desperate roar voice finally awakened Xu Haikong from his trance. Xu Haikong immediately shouted and scolded furiously, “evil creature, you stop me, don’t kill my Danfang people.”

“Hehe, ridiculous, your Danfang people want to kill me and take my head, why can’t I kill your Danfang people.” Qin Yu said with a smile.

Immediately after Qin Yu’s thoughts move, the seal of good fortune that had been prepared a long time ago suddenly strikes Xu Haikong, who had been killed. Under the terrifying force, Xu Haikong was directly repelled by the seal of good fortune.

Xu Haikong’s power is indeed very strong, but with his strength, he can face at most 2 deputy owners, and if he faces 3 deputy owners, he will undoubtedly lose.

Now, with the strength of Qin Yu and the formidable power of Good Fortune Seal, Xu Haikong is naturally a bit invincible, and he was directly hit and flew several dozen meters away, leaving a afterglow on the sky.

After repulsing Xu Haikong, Qin Yu turned around and moved towards Zhang Leng and killed him. More than ten Fist Peak fiercely’s strikes fell on Zhang Leng’s body, instantly exploding Zhang Leng into blood mist.

The majestic blood-reeking qi was extremely pungent and spread quickly in the air, causing everyone to smell it, making their scalp numb.

“Zhang Leng was bombarded and turned into blood mist, terrifying, too terrifying!”

“Yeah, who would have thought that the deputy owner of Danfang who might shaking Heavenly Star Island would end in such a tragic end, not only was he extremely desperate when he died, he didn’t even leave his corpse.”

“Qin Yu’s methods are really terrifying. Even Xu Haikong is not Qin Yu’s opponent. He does have the strong strength of singles out Danfang. We have all seen it before.”

Everyone had a trembling expression, a throbbing heart rising from in the depth of one’s soul, spreading among them, and everyone knew that today’s Danfang was afraid that it would be completely finished.

After repelling Xu Haikong and killing Zhang Leng, Qin Yu didn’t mean to give up. Instead, he turned around and killed the other 2 deputy owners, killing them one after another.

As a result, the three chief deputy owners of Danfang were all obliterated by Qin Yu and sent to hell, leaving only Xu Haikong, the deputy owner of Danfang.

Xu Haikong saw that the 3 chief lieutenants were killed, and he was not Qin Yu’s opponent. Complexion is gloomy, and said with bitterness: “Qin Yu, today you destroy my Danfang, even if this Eminence desperately died, I will give it to you. A bloody lesson, come here, set up an array for me, trap this guy first.”

After hearing Xu Haikong’s secret order, many Elders and disciplines of Danfang moved quickly as if they were actually trained, forming a large array, emitting terrifying power fluctuations!

A huge beam of light appeared in the center of the Formation. In this beam of light, there seemed to be an extremely strong imprisoning force, who wanted to confine Qin Yu inside.

As soon as Qin Yu silhouette moved, he immediately avoided it, moved towards Seeing it now, this Formation was exactly what Huagu commanded the crowd to trap Tiankun Shapeng’s imprisonment.

Moreover, Huagu had only brought more than 30 people at that time, and the cultivation base was not very strong, so he could temporarily trap the Tiankun Shapeng at 8 Heavenly Layer Middle Stage in the Tianhe Realm, which restricted his movements.

There are more people in Danfang now, and there are many other experts of Elder level among them. The array is more powerful when arranged, and there are extremely strong horror fluctuations, which makes Qin Yu feel an unusually dangerous smell.

It seems that as long as you fall into this Formation, it is like falling into hell!

“According to the formidable power of this Formation, I am afraid that the expert of 8 Heavenly Layer Peak can be trapped for a short time. Master, you must be careful for 10000000, so that nothing happens.” Chi Rong hurriedly warned repeatedly.

Qin Yu nodded, he is not afraid that this Formation will imprison him.

After all, he is not the kind of reckless guy like Tiankun Shapeng, and Qin Yu also has attainments beyond the level of Wheel Sea Realm on Formation, and can completely crack this Formation.

Using Formation to deal with Qin Yu is a big mistake.

However, once he is caught in the Formation and his actions are blocked, Xu Haikong will bring a group of people to wait, which can also cause a lot of trouble to Qin Yu, which Qin Yu doesn’t want to see.

“Tiankui cage formation, trap him for this Eminence, this Eminence will kill him alive.” Xu Haikong said angrily.

At this point, whether it was him or Qin Yu, both sides were red eyes. There was no possibility of reconciliation. Both sides wanted to put each other to death and beat each other to death.

As the Tiankui cage formation urged, the beam of light of several dozen meters spread out immediately, covering the entire sky, moving towards Qin Yu as quickly as a tsunami and drowning away, seeming to want to completely imprison Qin Yu, let Qin Yu can’t escape with wings.

“Hmph, the shit Tiankui cage formation wants to trap me with gadgets, ridiculous!”

Looking at the imprisoned rays of light, Qin Yu was coldly snorted, and a huge pair of black and gold wings suddenly appeared behind him.

This pair of wings spread out quickly, covering a full length of more than 30 meters, covering the sky. It is the celestial wing trained by Qin Yu. A super terrifying and powerful force radiates from it.

When the terror wave of Tiankui’s cage formation was about to envelop Qin Yu, the wings of Tiankun spread out instantly, driving Qin Yu silhouette to disappeared directly from the spot.

Oh la la !

The terrifying brilliance fell on the mid-air where Qin Yu was standing, but it rushed into the air, let alone catching Qin Yu, even Qin Yu’s silhouette was not seen.

It seems that Qin Yu disappeared like a ghost, never appeared before, completely disappear without a trace.

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