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In Danfang, 7 are all traces and corpses from the war, and the bodies of the 4 owners are also on the ground. It looks horrible to see, which makes people shocking.

You must know that Danfang is the foremost Great Influence in Heavenly Star Island. Even if Heavenly Treasure Pavilion is in front of Danfang, you have to bow your head, but right now, it is destroyed.

And the one who did all of this was Qin Yu standing in the air. When everyone looked towards Qin Yu, there was a deep awe in their eyes.

Presumably in the future within the territory of Double Star Island, as long as Qin Yu goes, everyone will acknowledge allegiance in front of Qin Yu.

Now, the Song Pavilion Lord of Heavenly Treasure Pavilion is called by Qin Yu, and the obedient acknowledge allegiance is in front of Qin Yu, discussing something with Qin Yu.

“Actually, there is nothing at worst. I came to you because I wanted to take advantage of your Heavenly Treasure Pavilion’s strength and manpower to occupy the land left by Danfang.” Qin Yu said with a smile.

Danfang’s incomparable gigantic site, the property left in it, is also greedy, and will become the flesh in the eyes of countless forces and will be robbed by everyone.

And Qin Yu naturally took a fancy to the piece of meat in front of him, besides, this piece of meat was originally beaten by Qin Yu himself, and now it has come to his lips, not eating is a waste.

“Let us Heavenly Treasure Pavilion occupy the ground left by Danfang?”

When Song Pavilion Lord heard Qin Yu’s words, his face was very excited, and he lost his voice in amazement: “Young Master Qin, are you true?”

Danfang was destroyed and Heavenly Treasure Pavilion became the most powerful force on Heavenly Star Island. When the time comes, it will naturally gain a lot of benefits. However, if you want to occupy all the sites and properties of Danfang, it is impossible.

But now listening to Qin Yu’s meaning, I want to send all the sites of Danfang to their Heavenly Treasure Pavilion, which makes Song Pavilion Lord completely tempted.

As long as Danfang can be occupied, their Heavenly Treasure Pavilion will become a more powerful existence than Danfang, might shaking the entire Heavenly Star Island.

“Naturally it is true. Of course, after you occupy Danfang’s site, you will give me 50% of Danfang’s property. I don’t think this condition is too high.” Qin Yu said with a smile.

“Not high, not high!”

Song Pavilion Lord hurriedly laughed, but soon a worrisome expression appeared, and said: “Young Master Qin, since you want us to occupy all the sites in Danfang, I am afraid you must come forward to frighten other forces.”

On the entire Heavenly Star Island, there is an incomparable complex. If there is a looting of Danfang’s site and property, their Heavenly Treasure Pavilion will not be able to suppress it.

Now, the only one who can suppress these forces is Qin Yu.

“This is simple!”

Qin Yu nodded, and then looked towards the crowd, and suddenly said: “From now on, Danfang is merged into Heavenly Treasure Pavilion. Everything in Danfang belongs to Heavenly Treasure Pavilion. Whoever wants to profit from somebody’s misfortune Danfang Property, the fate of Danfang today is their fate.”

A huge sound rang out in the sky, causing an uproar from the crowd. No one didn’t expect that Qin Yu directly included Danfang in the Heavenly Treasure Pavilion.

There was an uproar among the crowd, and many of the Great Influence powerhouse’s expressions were extremely blue, obviously not satisfied with Qin Yu’s arrangement.

As early as when they saw the destruction of Danfang, they had the idea of ​​a piece of the pie in their hearts, but now this idea has been directly shattered.

However, although everyone is extremely dissatisfied, they can only stay silent. After all, Qin Yu’s strength is here. If anyone is dissatisfied, it is a disaster of genocide.

Besides Qin Yu, there is also Heavenly Treasure Pavilion, such a powerful Two Great Powerhouses teamed up, wanting to trouble Qin Yu and Heavenly Treasure Pavilion, it is extremely stupid.

Seeing everyone’s acknowledge allegiance, a smile appeared on the face of the Song Pavilion Lord, and he immediately said: “Young Master Qin, wait a minute, I will deliver the things to you within 3 days.”

After all, Song Pavilion Lord immediately issued an order to let his people start to converge what was left over from Danfang, while Qin Yu himself, went away.

After Chen Lu and the others learned that Qin Yu had destroyed Danfang, shocked expressions appeared on their faces. Each and everyone was shocked and couldn’t believe their ears.

“Chen Lu, take them to help Song Pavilion Lord collect Danfang’s property. This can be considered a kind of experience for you. In addition, go to Danfang to take a look at Transmission Array.” Qin Yu instructed.

After dismissing everyone, Qin Yu went back. This battle seemed simple, but it was also very expensive. Qin Yu needed to digest the gains of this battle and replenish his strength.

After 3 days, Song Pavilion Lord delivered the things Qin Yu needed. Among them, there were not only the countless Grade 6 Medicine Pill, but also 1000 pieces, and nearly 500 million middle grade Spirit Stones.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Qin Yu moved towards the Song Pavilion Lord and asked for a lot of materials for repairing the corpse puppet, which consumed more than 200000000 million middle grade Spirit Stone.

When Qin Yu played against Tiankun Shapeng, many corpse puppets were destroyed. Now that with these materials, it is possible to restore the corpse puppets and advance the corpse puppets.

“Hehe, these things came really in time. Master, in addition to these materials, I also want a 160 million middle grade Spirit Stone to enhance the corpse puppet’s strength as much as possible. Array.”

Chi Rong said with a smile, seems to know Qin Yu’s current background is out of the ordinary, so when he speaks, he has the meaning of lion’s big mouth.

Qin Yu did not refuse, and now he has a rich background, and he does not need to use Spirit Stone to activate the Emperor Artifact. He now gave 160 million middle grade Spirit Stone to Chi Rong.

Although so many Spirit Stones have been consumed, Qin Yu still has nearly 400000000 million middle grade Spirit Stones left on his body, which is also a huge amount, enough for Qin Yu to splurge.

“Spirit Stone gave it to you, but you want to tell me what the Yin and Yang assassination is about?” Qin Yu curiously asked.

“Hehe, the master doesn’t know that this yin and yang assassination formation is a kind of ancient formation I got accidentally, which can transform the power of Spirit Stone into yang, and the power of corpse puppet itself into Yin Qi, and this Yin- The Yang Two Qi seats form a Formation, and the formidable power is extremely terrifying. When the time comes, the owner will know it.” Chi Rong explained with a smile.

Qin Yu heard it, and his heart moved slightly.

If this Formation can be portrayed in it, the overall battle strength of the corpse puppet will also be greatly improved.

“There is one more thing to tell the master. I have thoroughly studied the magic pattern on the black demon ant queen. This is the way to describe the magic pattern. The master can study it.” Chi Rong said with a smile, casually. Throw out a jade slip.

Qin Yu opened the jade slip and looked at the Formation recorded in it. There was a faint light flashing in his eyes, and he said in astonishment: “Your magic pattern is really amazing, and it can increase the battle strength of the body.”

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