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Most importantly, the strength of 7 Yulan is extremely tyrannical. If Zi Ling has a great chance of winning against Shang Yulan, he may also fail. In order to obtain the ownership of this spirit stream, he cannot take this risk.

On the contrary, it is Qin Yu. Although it can suppress Zixiao, it is definitely not Zi Ling’s opponent. Once Zi Ling makes a move, he will definitely defeat Qin Yu, and fiercely will humiliate Qin Yu.

This is also what Zi Ling means. Zi Xiao is Zi Ling’s younger brother. Zi Ling wants to avenge his younger brother Zi Xiao and personally suppressed Qin Yu.

When the time comes, as long as they obtain the ownership of the spirit stream, they can not only gain benefits, but also use this as an excuse to taunt Qin Yu and the others and suppress the imposing manner of the Celestial Sect branch.

Han Song wanted to play with him, but didn’t know that this was what Qin Yu had planned. Yulan must have won the battle against Zixiao, and he was sure to defeat Zi Ling.

Zi Ling wanted to slap Qin Yu in the face, and Qin Yu also had the same idea, but whoever wins or loses, then maybe.

“Yulan Elder, you don’t have to be polite to the other party, just remember one sentence and beat the other party into a pig’s head.” Qin Yu said with a smile with a grin.

“You guy, you know that you have many sly plans. I listen to you and beat this guy into a pig’s head.” Yulan hearing this, covered her mouth with a smile, and agreed.

Although she is a little worried that Qin Yu is not Zi Ling’s opponent, the plan given by Qin Yu is the best plan so far, and she is settled against Zi Xiao in this battle.

Immediately, Yulan moved towards the center of the battlefield and said to Zi Xiao: “Zi Xiao, let’s do it.”

Zi Xiao looked at Yulan somewhat dreaded. Yulan’s strength was equally overbearing. Now he only asked Yulan not to shoot like Qin Yu, otherwise it would be extremely embarrassing to be slapped in front of everyone.

“Hmph, just shoot, really think I’m afraid of you.”

Although Zi Xiao was afraid of Yulan in his heart, the kung fu on his lips was not weak, coldly snorted, and the momentum moved towards Yulan was suddenly killed, and he had the strongest strength when he shot.

Li Weifeng, Zixiao, and Zi Ling are 3 Little Overlord of Heavenly Demon Sect. They all cultivation the big magic fist. After Zixiao came up, they directly used the big magic fist.

I saw Zixiao’s within the body, bursts of magical power gushing violently, and the majestic Spiritual Qi moved towards the peak of the fist gathered, forming a huge force, pressing in the air, although it did not reach the perverted level of Li Weifeng’s strength, Quite shocked, even the air burst.

“Big Demon Fist, kill!”

Zixiao shouted angrily, and the moved towards Yulan of Fiercely was suppressed, and that power made many people look scared.

Looking at the big demon fist that was killed, Yulan stretched out her thin hand, a purple brilliance bloomed in her hand, blooming like flowing water, to meet the big demon fist of Zixiao.

Zixiao’s big magic fist pays attention to fighting with force, but Yulan’s this move is extremely soft. After the two collisions, Zixiao’s big magic fist is like strikes on cotton, without arousing any fluctuations. .

Guanghua flashed, quickly venting the power of Zixiao’s fist peak, and then moved towards the ground, and a huge pit was immediately exploded above the ground.

“The strength of this woman is also really strong. I am not her opponent. With no difficulty, I solved my ultimate move, but I don’t need to be afraid. After fighting with 2 moves, I can imitate Yan Yuan even if I lose. , Quit the game.” Zi Xiao said with flashing eyes.

With this move alone, Zi Xiao felt that some were not opponents of the other party, but he was not in a hurry, and attacked again with the big magic fist.

In this battle, he can lose as long as he doesn’t lose face. Anyway, as long as Zi Ling defeats Qin Yu, he can win 2 games and obtain the ownership of the spirit stream. No one will blame him.

The fierce boxing peaks are powerful, and every time they make a shot, they seem to have a decisive and powerful force. The moved towards Yulan quickly pressed down, and dozens of punches were shot in an instant.

The lotus flower under Yulan’s feet quickly avoided the ultimate move of more than a dozen punches, moved towards Zixiao angrily, and immediately came to Zixiao’s eyes, blocking Zixiao’s eyes.

Yulan’s body is slender. Although she doesn’t have the powerful deterrent power of Mount Tai, when she bullies her to Zixiao’s eyes, she still has a strong pressure, and Zixiao can’t breathe. .

Zixiao’s complexion greatly changed at the moment, knowing that if he doesn’t beg for mercy, he is afraid that he will suffer a lot, so he immediately opened the mouth and said: “Wait, I will retire…”


Just when Zi Xiao wanted to quit, a fiercely slap fell on Zi Xiao’s mouth, and the last word that had not been spoken was directly taken back by Yulan’s slap fiercely.

Dēng dēng dēng !

The formidable power of this slap is not small, Zixiao’s silhouette was suddenly drawn by 2 to 3 meters, and a purple 5-finger palm print appeared on the cheek, which was clearly visible and quite shocking.


Zi Xiao was slapped in front of him, his face turned green, especially in front of so many people, let him put his face where, so he glared at Yulan, angry, and forgot to quit the game.

“Hehe, if you dare to glare at the great aunt, then the great aunt will reward you with a few more slaps.”

Being stared angrily by Zi Xiao, Yulan didn’t retreat, but smiled slightly, with lotus growing under her feet, and quickly came to Zi Xiao’s face, and slapped her again.

bang bang bang bang!

The strength of these slaps was also not light, and Zi Xiao was beaten up immediately.

What the hell is this? Why did the people of the Sky Cang Sect slap him in the face? How would he behave in the future?

Yulan didn’t care about this, she only remembered Qin Yu’s words, that is, she just beat Zi Xiao as a pig head, so she beat Zi Xiao hard.

Zi Xiao was almost slapped by Yulan, unable to fight back for a while!

Every time Zixiao withdrew a few steps, Yulan took a few steps forward, slap after slap on Zixiao’s face, chasing Zixiao, and Zixiao was quickly beaten with bloody nose and swollen face, with a broken head. Blood flow.

“Yulan Elder played well, this guy did not bully us less a few days ago.”

“Yes, I just want Fiercely to teach these guys, the shit Heavenly Demon Sect Little Overlord, I think it’s almost like a little pig.”

Seeing Yulan beating Zixiao like this, everyone in the Sky Cang Sect all cheered and cheered, with a wonderful smile on their faces, helping Yulan cheer.

Although Heavenly Demon Sect and Tiancangzong did not thoroughly put aside all considerations of face, two great influences had conflicted a lot a few days ago, and the most clamoring one was this purple sky.

Nowadays, Zixiao, a member of the Celestial Cangzong branch, was beaten, and everyone was unhappy that they were suppressed by Zixiao a few days ago, but now they have finally burst out heartily, and one is more happy than the other.

Some people are happy, naturally others are worried!

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