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The sect was destroyed and the cultivation technique 7 was lost. This has always been a thorn in the hearts of everyone in the Sky Cang Sect branch. If it is on weekdays, no one wants to mention it.

A faint sadness hung on Yulan’s face, thinking that the sect where she had settled down had been destroyed once, and she was buried under the siege of Four Great Influences, making her heart more uncomfortable.

She wants to learn Xiaoyuefeng’s cultivation technique, but now she has lost her way and she will never be able to realize this wish.

“The sect is destroyed, we will get back this blood debt sooner or later, but the cultivation technique not at all of the 7th Peak of the Heavenly Blue Sect is lost, and I now have the cultivation method of Xiaoyue Peak in my body. You can learn at any time if you want. .” Qin Yu said with a smile.

Before the battle of Sect extermination, the Peak Masters of the 7 peaks visited Qin Yu one after another, and gave the Legacy Cultivation Art of each peak to Qin Yu’s hands, and also fought with Qin Yu, pointing to the Profound Truth among these methods of Qin Yu.

Therefore, Qin Yu not only has the cultivation technique of Xiaoyuefeng, but also the other 6-peak cultivation techniques are in Qin Yu’s hands. As long as Yulan wants to learn, he can learn it at any time.

“What, you have Xiaoyuefeng’s cultivation technique, how is this possible?”

Hearing Qin Yu’s explanation, Yulan’s beautiful eyes were wide open, and he couldn’t believe his ears. How could the 7-peak cultivation technique, which has never been passed on, fall into Qin Yu’s hands?

Qin Yu didn’t say much, but took out more than a dozen jade slips from the storage bag and handed them over, said with a smile: “The Legacy Cultivation Art of Xiaoyuefeng is here. If you don’t believe it, you can open it and read it. Look.”

Yulan took the jade slip in Qin Yu’s hand with some anxiety, opened it, and checked it carefully. The expression on her face became extremely complicated and surprised.

“Tian Shui Xin Jue, this is the Peak Master cultivation method of Xiaoyue Peak, it is really in your hands?” Yulan said in amazement, and both hands holding jade slip shivered.

According to what she knows, in the entire Tiancang Sect, only the Peak Master of Xiaoyue Peak is qualified to cultivation. This Tianshui Xinjue will not be spread at all. Didn’t expect Qin Yu to actually have it, which shocked her. .

On the other jade slips, there are also various powerful martial skills recorded, and the worst is the martial arts, and there are even several low grade martial arts and middle grade martial arts.

“Shui Xinjue will be handed over to you this day. In addition, you can comprehend these cultivation techniques. If you don’t understand anything, you can ask me, and I can give you pointers from the side.” Qin Yu said confidently.

Although the things on the jade slip are difficult to understand, there are the key points and cultivation points portrayed by the Peak Master of Xiaoyue Peak. Comprehend is not difficult.

Moreover, Qin Yu has also been instructed by Xiaoyuefeng Peak Master. Although there is no cultivation, he has some understanding of it and can give Yulan some help.

“Okay, I will comprehend this day.” Yulan said with excitement. She sat cross-legged and started to comprehend.

With this Tianshui Xinjue, she will not necessarily reach the level of Xiaoyue Peak Peak Master’s existence in the future, but she can also increase her strength, rejuvenate Xiaoyue Peak, and even contribute to the reconstruction of Tiancang Sect.

At the moment, Yulan started cultivation according to his comment. When he didn’t understand, he comprehend with Qin Yu and made rapid progress.

With the annotations and cultivation experience left by Xiaoyuefeng Peak Master, as well as the help of Qin Yu, Yulan’s cultivation was extremely fast this day, and he quickly reached the level of entry.

Seeing Yulan’s serious look, Qin Yu’s heart also felt warm, and the appearance of Xiaoyue Peak Peak Master couldn’t help appearing in his mind.

According to Qin Yu’s cognition, Xiaoyue Peak Peak Master is the second only to existence of giants like Hai Dongqing and Bei Lao. He is strong throughout his life, and the other Peak Masters can’t breathe. He has a fierce personality, commonly known as tigress .

But the final result was very tragic, the discipline betrayed, he himself died in battle, and entered the Yellow Springs underworld, fearing that he would not squint, making Qin Yu sigh incomparably.

Now, Qin Yu has passed this cultivation technique to Yulan, and it can be regarded as fulfilling an old woman’s wish. If the old woman knows about it, she will feel relieved.

As for the other 6 peaks, except for Sky Sword Summit’s Blue Moon who can take on the future Peak Master, the rest of Qin Yu has no suitable candidates.

But now, Lan Yue didn’t know what was going on, life and death were unknown, like a heavy stone, pressed in Qin Yu’s heart, making Qin Yu a little bit unable to breathe.

After 3 days, the spirit stream was completely absorbed by the Sky Cang Sect, and many warriors were promoted. It is also a great news for everyone in the now withered Sky Cang Sect branch.

The grandiose people returned to the house where the Tiancangzong branch was located, settled down and recuperated. During this time, many people came to ask about Qin Yu Cultivation Art and Martial Skill, not even Elder. exception.

Qin Yu can be regarded as polite, as long as he asks him, he will concentrate on answering, pointing out a lot of discipline cultivation, so that many discipline Elders have gained a lot.

On this day, Tiecheng suddenly found Qin Yu and said with a smile to Qin Yu: “Qin Yu, I have already inquired about the True-Spirit Blood you asked me to find out.”

“Oh, so fast?” Qin Yu said in surprise.

After Qin Yu came to the Celestial Cangzong branch, he entrusted Tiecheng to issue an order to find the blood of the 4 spirits that could increase the formidable power of the seal of fortune, and wanted to practice the seal of fortune again.

Although the seal of good fortune is a high grade Venerable Artifact, and the formidable power is tyrannical, but after only a four-spirit Bloodline training, there is no way to burst out all the formidable power.

However, this thing of 4 Spirit Blood is extremely rare. It is extremely difficult to find out about it. Qin Yu originally thought it would take a while, but didn’t expect it to be more than ten days before he got the news.

“Hehe, to tell you the truth, I was a little surprised when I got the news, but now it’s confirmed, the news is true.”

Tiecheng explained with a smile: “Yesterday, the Island Lord Mansion just issued a notice that an auction will be held at the City Lord Mansion 5 days later, and above this auction, there will be news about the blood of the 4 spirits. And it’s 1000 real 10000 real things.”

The Island Lord Mansion is the strongest power in the management of White Horse Island, aloof and remote, but the City Lord Mansion does not participate in the struggle of all influence, and has always stayed out of the matter, letting all Great Influence fight.

However, the Island Lord’s Mansion is not inadequate, but every 5 years, the powerhouse on White Horse Island will be gathered to organize an auction, and then get a lot of benefits from it to stabilize the Island Lord’s position and strengthen For the jurisdiction of other forces.

After all, Martial Dao World has the right to speak only with a strong fist. If City Lord Mansion was not strong enough, it would have been overthrown long ago.

“Is the auction of the Island Lord’s Mansion?”

Qin Yu’s eyes sank slightly, and he came and said with interest: “If this is the case, then this auction is worth a visit. When the time comes, regardless of whether you can get the news of the 4 Spirit Bloodline, you can get endless benefits.”

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