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The huge 50 animal bones of more than 7 meters are suspended above the auction platform, like a hill, horizontally pressed in the sky. The powerful aura of Wheel Sea Realm, accompanied by the extremely biting cold, slowly fluctuates out, making this The temperature in the auction room has suddenly dropped a lot.

For many powerhouses in the auction house, the Wheel Sea Realm is already the existence they look up to, but compared to the coercion of the Wheel Sea Realm, the gloomy and cold aura emanating from the bones of the beast is what makes them The most fearful existence.

It is hard to imagine what kind of terrifying posture this animal bone has achieved when it is still alive, but it is also the kind of might shaking powerhouse.

Even, many warriors with weak realm, under the gloomy and cold aura exuding from this huge beast bone, can’t even lift their heads, and dare not look directly at the huge beast bone, even if the opponent is just a dead thing. That’s it.

The cold breath, like a sharp blade, hits everyone’s throat, making everyone feel a dangerous smell from the soul, like a foot is on the edge of hell.

Even if they don’t know the origin of this animal bone, many people know that this thing must be a shocking existence after seeing this animal bone, and it is their unprovoked overlord during their lifetime.

“Everyone, this thing is a Yin Beast, named Nether Bull, and it gave birth to a skeleton of flesh and blood. As for its role, I don’t need to say more about it. I believe you will naturally know that the auction is now starting and the reserve price is 50,000,000 middle grade Spirit Stone. “Bai Heng explained with a smile.

Everyone is nodded. Even if Bai Heng doesn’t say anything, they also know the usefulness of this animal bone. If appropriate, they can use it to create a high grade Venerable Artifact weapon.

In the face of high grade Venerable Artifact, everyone is extremely envious. Of course, in addition to the materials, it is necessary to build a Refiner Master of high grade Venerable Artifact, otherwise, don’t even think about it.

Moreover, everyone can feel the Bloodline Strength on the bones of the beast. If it can be extracted and refined, it is also a rare treasure, enough to make countless experts crazy.

“50,000,000 middle grade Spirit Stone, the price is too high, but it is reasonable, after all, things at this level are peerless things, and ordinary people will hardly touch them for a lifetime.” A warrior sighed.

Experts like Chang Sen, Han Song, and Yuan Hong all looked at the animal bone with greedy eyes, and their eyes were full of surprises. They began to stir and wanted to auction the animal bones in their hands.

“Hehe, this thing finally appeared, the reserve price is also surprisingly high, and the final price, I am afraid it will more than double, reaching 100000000 million Spirit Stone.” Han Song licked his lips, said with a smile.

Chang Sen also deeply held breath cold air and said: “We have prepared a lot of Spirit Stones this time, and there are more than 200000000 million. But fortunately, we didn’t compete with Qin Yu just now for blood and spirit. Otherwise, there is no price to buy. This thing.”

Speaking of which, Chang Sen still has a faint expression of gratefulness in his heart. If it weren’t for Qin Yu who had just paid a big price and bought the spirit of blood, the Spirit Stone he brought this time might be insufficient.

“Hehe, this time you have to buy this animal bone, even if you lose your fortune.” Yuan Hong said with excitement in his heart.

Facing such a divine object, and still the beast bones of the Wheel Sea Realm level, Yuan Hong couldn’t conceal the joy in his heart, and he couldn’t wait to dance, ready to bid at any time.

“200000000 middle grade Spirit Stone!”

Suddenly, an indifferent voice came from the first floor of the auction house, which made the extremely excited people all startled in amazement and moved towards the first floor.

What fell into everyone’s eyes was a warrior with a black robe hat, who directly reported the huge number of 200000000 million middle grade Spirit Stones, which shocked everyone.

“What, 200000000 million middle grade Spirit Stone, who is this person, the first time he bid for 200000000 million middle grade Spirit Stone, he is crazy.”

Although knowing that the bones of the Nether Bulls are very valuable, they will inevitably exceed the reserve price, or even double, but the middle age person of this black clothed cloak is directly called 200000000 million middle grade Spirit Stone, which still drives countless people crazy. .

“Who is this person and shouting at what price, is he going crazy?”

Even people like Chang Sen and Yuan Hong were shocked and shocked when they heard the price of 200000000 million middle grade Spirit Stone. The auction increased the price slowly, and no one would double the price as soon as they came up.

“It turned out to be him!”

Qin Yu’s gaze also fell on the warrior in the black clothed cloak. This person is the suspected “Asura” expert that Qin Yu and Tiecheng and the others encountered outside the Island Lord’s Mansion.

Moreover, this person’s bid was completely unreasonable, and he didn’t wait for everyone to bid. He directly doubled his bid, making the atmosphere in the entire auction hall completely weird.

“This guy is not a messy guy. Judging from the aura on his body, he has been evenly matched with Bai Heng, and he appears here as Asura. I am afraid that there is still a strong hole card in his hand.” Chi Rong said solemnly, There was some anxiety in the voice.

Although he is another powerhouse of Primordial Spirit Level, now only Primordial Spirit is left, and there is no battle strength at all. Therefore, after seeing this person, he is quite jealous and unwilling.

If you miss the opportunity at this time and can’t get this thing in your hands, then the loss can be too great.

Qin Yu thought for a while, said solemnly: “It’s really strong, but I’m not going to give up this thing. Even if the king I, your father is here, I still have to bid.”

If the person cannot be offended, it is naturally a good thing, but if the other party’s flaws must be reported, then Qin Yu has no way, when the time comes, he can only find a way to deal with it.

“Since the master has the intention to bid, he will double it directly and let him retreat. If it is a little by little increase, it will make the other party target him and anger the other party.”

Chi Rong said solemnly: “This person came here this time, I’m afraid not only for this nether bull, but also for other purposes. I don’t care about our best. If you really do it to us, I will arrange it in the corpse puppet. The yin and yang in the assassination of the Great Array, also not to be trifled with.”

Qin Yu nodded, Nether Bull, which has the greatest potential to increase the formidable power of the corpse puppet, he naturally didn’t want to miss it, so he directly bid: “200 million!”

Oh la la !

With Qin Yu’s bid, the whole auction house went crazy again. Countless people all gathered on Qin Yu. They looked at Qin Yu in shock. It was crazy to secretly thought Qin Yu.

I originally thought that the warrior of the black clothed cloak bid 200000000 million middle grade Spirit Stone, which was enough to deter everyone, but didn’t expect Qin Yu to double the price again, directly raising it to the huge price of 200 million middle grade Spirit Stone.

At this moment, everyone is not calm anymore!

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