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In the Island Lord’s mansion, many people watched this scene in astonishment. No one didn’t expect, but the realm who rescued Bai Susu was Qin Yu whose realm was not as good as theirs.

Qin Yu’s realm is indeed not high in the field. After all, Island Lord Fuguang is an expert of 8 Heavenly Layer Peak in the Tianhe Realm. There are as many as digits, but these people have not had time to shoot.

Of course, Qin Yu can shoot at the fastest speed, using his body to help Bai Susu block the blow, mainly relying on the speed of the fin.

Among the Tiankun wings, there is Kunpeng Bloodline, which is the fastest to shoot, and Qin Yu has already seen Gu Xiu’s mind and is defensive, even Tiecheng is slower than him.

Severe pain, constantly moved towards Qin Yu struck, Qin Yu felt as if he was about to be torn apart, just clenching his teeth and persisting.

“Tiankun’s wings are extremely strong, but my battle strength is too weak compared to Gu Xiu, so I was seriously injured and almost lost my life.” Qin Yu whispered.

Tiankun’s wings are high grade Venerable Artifact, and they have been trained to perfection by Qin Yu Festival, but they are not invincible because Qin Yu’s own strength is not strong enough.

However, being able to survive from Gu Xiu’s hands, the power of Tiankun’s wings and the power of Qin Yu are still remarkable. After all, the existence of Gu Xiu can’t even stop Bai Heng.

“Qin Yu, you are injured, are you okay.”

After Bai Susu came back to his senses, he stopped and hurriedly supported Qin Yu and asked with concern.

At this moment, she no longer looked down on Qin Yu’s thoughts, instead she had admiration for Qin Yu.

There are a lot of experts in the field, and they are all from their Island Lord’s Mansion. Qin Yu is the only one who may have sacrificed her life to save her.

“After taking a blow from Gu Xiu, do you think I might be fine? It’s just that I can’t die!”

Qin Yu didn’t know whether to cry or laugh, Gu Xiu’s attack was too powerful. If it weren’t for the guardian of the winged fin, and he had the powerful body guard of Nine Revolutions Divine Dragon Art, he would not only He died on the spot, and would be slapped into blood mist, even the corpse could not be left.

Listening to Qin Yu’s words, Bai Susu’s face turned pale again, and his eyes were full of concerns, but he didn’t know how to do it, and he was a little at a loss.

“You stand behind me, don’t walk 2 meters away from me, otherwise, I can’t protect you.”

Qin Yu indifferently said, grabbing Bai Susu’s arm, pulling Bai Susu behind him, and the sky fins spread out to protect Bai Susu.

Bai Susu was a little frightened by Qin Yu’s brutal actions, but there was no utterance. On the contrary, he stood close to Qin Yu’s back like a wounded bird, a little nervous.

Even, she could clearly feel the temperature from Qin Yu’s body, as well as the masculinity of Qin Yu’s body, and her face turned red. After all, she was the first time she approached a man so close.

After protecting Bai Susu, Qin Yu slowly turned around and looked towards Gu Xiu not far away. There was a dull expression in his eyes, extremely solemn.

Gu Xiu’s realm is stronger than Heavenly Demon Sect’s sect master, and is comparable to Bai Heng 2. In the face of such an existence, Qin Yu dare not have any fluke mentality. Even if he is fully prepared, he will be killed in one blow. Suspicion.

Even at this moment, Qin Yu has used the demon sword—hate the sky, this is the first time Qin Yu has such a mind.

The demon sword hates the sky low is obtained by Qin Yu from the sword mound of the sword Top Sect. It is one of Qin Yu’s strongest cards. Even in the battle against the Celestial Sect, Qin Yu did not use it, but now …

Gu Xiu looked at Qin Yu with a gloomy gaze. There was an extremely terrifying aura floating in his eyes. There was also a bit of anger in his expression. His good deeds were destroyed by Qin Yu.

“Hmph, even an ant dare to ruin my good deeds, or maybe you can still support it.” Gu Xiu said coldly snorted, with a bad expression, killing intent surging.

Qin Yu remained silent, his expression tense, but there was no expression of fear. At this time, Tie Cheng appeared in front of Qin Yu.

“Qin Yu, you are seriously injured, not the opponent of this guy, step back, let me temporarily block this guy.” Tiecheng said solemnly.

Moreover, with his strength, it seems that he did not dare to face the existence of Ancient Xiu’s this level, but now he can only brace oneself up.

“There is also the Island Lord, huh, Gu Xiu, do you really become the Island Lord?

Bai Heng’s silhouette flashed and came to Qin Yu, and said sternly: “Qin Yu, you first leave the Island Lord’s Mansion with Susu, this is not a place for you to stay now.”

Qin Yu pondered for a while, but did not object, but nodded and agreed.

Although he is arrogant and sometimes even young and vigorous, he is not stupid.

With his current strength, he couldn’t deal with the existence of this level of Ancient Xiu, if he stayed here, it would be a burden instead.

“Yulan Elder, commanded by Xu Sheng, you two will leave with me, and leave the rest to Baiheng Island Lord and Tiecheng Elder.” Qin Yu said in a commanding tone.

In front of Ancient Xiu’s expert at this level, none of them were very strong, and their relationship with Bai Heng was too close. Not only would they not be of much help if they stayed, but they would become Ancient Xiu’s target.

“But, my father…”

The two of Yulan and Xu Sheng had no opinion, but Bai Susu hesitated, seemingly worried about Bai Heng’s comfort.

“Don’t worry, even if Baiheng Island Lord can’t kill Gu Xiu, it will be fine. You should know the strength of your Island Lord Mansion better than me. After we leave, Baiheng Island Lord and Tiecheng Elder will completely release Open hands and feet, and hit ancient repair hard.” Qin Yu explained in a deep voice.

Bai Susu was nodded. Under the escort of Qin Yu and Yulan, he slowly moved towards the island Lord’s mansion and walked outside.

“Want to go?”

Gu Xiu saw that Qin Yu and Bai Susu wanted to leave, and he was very unwilling. His eyes opened and closed quickly, and the horrible aura erupted like a sea raging wave. The whole person was blurred, and he shot out.

However, Bai Heng and Tiecheng Elder would naturally not let him succeed. The two immediately stopped Gu Xiu, and they fought together in an instant, and the air continued to explode with destructive energy.

Qin Yu looked at the two fighting parties, hurriedly withdrew from the battlefield, appeared outside the door of the Island Lord’s Mansion, and quickly moved towards the Celestial Sect branch.

Currently, the Island Lord’s Mansion is not safe at all. Only the Heavenly Cang Sect branch still has a large number of experts, which can be regarded as a safe place.

The 4 people moved towards the Tiancangzong branch together. As long as there is no trouble on the road, they will be safe and sound, but Qin Yu just walked out of the Island Lord’s house, but his face suddenly sank.

“Oh, someone is following us.”

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