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The air was mixed with the smell of blood and murder, which was extremely strong, and everyone’s eyes were all focused on the eleven corpse puppets beside Qin Yu.

Every corpse puppet showed an extremely terrifying aura, and the black skin, as if cast from black heavy iron, released a dazzling black light.

There are also the blooming magic patterns, making the eleven corpse puppets appear more powerful, just like the eleven killing machines.

At this moment, no matter who it is, they feel the horror and toughness of the puppet.

The black clothed leader looked at the terrifying corpse puppet, his eyes shrank fiercely, and he felt an extremely dangerous smell in his heart, which he could not deal with.

If you continue to stay here, not only will Qin Yu be helpless, but even he will be planted here. Violent death will not be possible, so a retreat will emerge in my heart.

“Do you want to go now, hehe, when you came, you didn’t say anything to go, so now you stay here.” Qin Yu said with a smile indifferently.

Today, the identity of the other party is not important at all.

On the contrary, the black clothed leader was extremely cold and arrogant and cruel when he came to kill. He also wanted to occupy and insult Yulan. He was extremely frivolous and regarded killing and insulting as a pleasure.

But once he feels that he is in danger, he wants to retreat calmly, but Qin Yu will not give him such an opportunity.

Hey, hey, dong!

Qin Yu’s Divine Sense moved slightly, and the eleven corpse puppets suddenly stepped out of Qin Yu’s side. The magic lines on the body flashed brightly, and the murderous aura was boiling intensely, completely covering the black leader.

“What do you want to do?”

Seeing this, the leader of Hei Yi coldly shouted and did not forget to threaten Qin Yu and said, “You should be able to guess who I am. Now that you kill me, are you really afraid that we will do something to your Celestial Sect branch, when the time comes, you want to regret it, but it’s too late.”

“Threat me? It’s a pity that you don’t have the qualifications to let the two old dogs of Chang Sen and Han Song come. By the way, I will tell you that you Heavenly Demon Sect will disappear from the White Horse Island sooner or later, and I will not survive for you. Opportunity.” Qin Yu said coldly.

Under normal circumstances, Qin Yu would not kill to the last one, but Heavenly Demon Sect has already touched Qin Yu’s bottom line.

Not only to kill, but also to kill it to the last one, even a dog of Heavenly Demon Sect, it will not be let go in the future.


The leader of Hei Yi, hearing this, immediately stared his eyes and became very angry. Realm’s power spurred him. Fiercely slapped one of the corpse puppets away, trying to shake it back and escape from here.

He could tell that Qin Yu didn’t fear their Heavenly Demon Sect at all, and there were people from the Island Lord’s Mansion here, which would put a lot of pressure on them.


The black clothed leader moved towards the corpse puppet and slapped away, but the corpse puppet didn’t mean to retreat. It also exploded with a strong punch, and the straight moved towards the black clothed leader strikes.

Under everyone’s eyes, the two fist peaks collided with an extremely fierce attitude, and a dull sound erupted.

This one corpse puppet was not at all knocked out as imagined. Instead, it was a fight between fierce and unafraid of death and directly forced the black clothed leader back to the original place.

Hey, hey, dong!

After the fight started, the remaining ten corpse puppets also quickly besieged and killed, one after another black shadow flashed, and landed in front of the black clothed leader, moving towards the black clothed leader with an extremely domineering attitude. .

The black clothed leader is extremely powerful, but in the face of such horror and the fierce and unafraid of death fight, there is no resistance at all, and he is directly beaten by fiercely.

The terrifying fist peak power, coming one after another, all fell on the leader of Hei Yi, and the roar of the black clothed leader immediately rose to the sky.


Seeing the leader Hei Yi being beaten around the center like a sandbag, with an extremely tragic look, Xu Sheng’s eyes shrank fiercely, and secretly thought: “Is this the background of Qin Yu? Don’t you do it yourself? Can kill, Sect extermination.”

The opponent is invincible at the 8 Heavenly Layer Middle Stage of the Tianhe Realm. Even if he goes up, he can’t get the slightest benefit from the black clothed leader, but now, he has fallen to such a tragic end.

With the fall of one after another Fist Peak, the screams mixed with a large amount of blood splashing, it was extremely cruel.

Bai Susu was also shocked by this scene. Although she had killed people, they were all done under the protection of guards. Now it is the first time that she has seen such a tragic end for herself.

“Father told me not to underestimate Qin Yu, is that because of this? After all, this guy once owned the Emperor Artifact. I will never look down on him again.”

Bai Susu Fang heart in chaos trembled, thinking of Bai Heng’s warning to him!

The screams only lasted for a while before they completely disappeared. As for the leader of Hei Yi, he was directly beaten to death by eleven corpse puppets on the spot.

After obliterating the opponent, Qin Yu controlled eleven corpse puppets, picked up the storage bag on the opponent, and stripped off their black clothed veil.

“Qin Yu, your guess is right. These guys are all from Heavenly Demon Sect. The black clothed leader is Heavenly Demon Sect’s Eighth Elder. As for the others, they are not Elders, but also deacon-level existences.” Yulan said in shock. .

Although people from Heavenly Demon Sect had previously guessed and killed them, Yulan was still deeply shocked after seeing the true colors of these people.

“We have a grudge with Heavenly Demon Sect because of the spirit stream. The purple ling horror of Heavenly Demon Sect is still lying on the bed. How could it not be them.”

Qin Yu had a look of contempt in his eyes, and said coldly and mockingly: “They were really willing to start, and they sent more than a dozen Elders and deacons to kill me, but they were still a little stupid, thinking that I was seriously injured, Kill me completely, ridiculous!”

More than a dozen Elders and deacons, placed on White Horse Island, are definitely an extremely powerful force. This force is sufficient even for Sect extermination and extinguish sect.

The only thing they didn’t calculate was that Qin Yu possessed eleven extremely rare corpse puppets. All of these people were destroyed by the corpse puppets.

“Heavenly Demon Sect’s people are too courageous. When I was there, they even dared to attack us. I must tell the father about this and ask him to take care of Heavenly Demon Sect. Otherwise, I will swallow this bad breath.” Bai Susu Said angrily.

Thinking of Heavenly Demon Sect’s incomparable flattery to her on weekdays, like a running dog wagging for pity, and now secretly assaulting them, a anger came directly in his heart.

“We don’t know the situation in Island Lord’s Mansion. Don’t tell your father about this matter, and if you don’t get it right, you will force Heavenly Demon Sect to Gu Xiu’s hand. When the time comes, Island Lord Mansion can’t move Heavenly. Demon Sect, on the contrary, will be more passive.” Qin Yu said solemnly, so Bai Susu would not disturb Bai Heng.

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