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Obviously, Yulan and Bai 7 Susu, including Xu Sheng on the side, saw that the steward seemed to be very hostile to them, so they were extremely worried.

Qin Yu naturally felt this clearly, but Qin Yu didn’t expose it face to face, indifferently said: “Steward is indeed a bit hostile, and I guess this matter should have something to do with Tie Xiong, who was defeated by me before. “

Tie Xiong’s resentment towards Human Race was too deep, even surpassing that of the Sea Jiao tribe, but was defeated by Qin Yu in front of many sea fish tribes. Under the anger of his heart, it was indeed possible to come to trouble again.

As for the others, after Qin Yu has shown strong strength, he does not have the courage to add obstacles to Qin Yu, otherwise he will be courting death.

However, what Qin Yu didn’t expect was that Tie Xiong’s revenge came so quickly. Before they entered the Chen Family, Tie Xiong had already come to the Chen Family to help.

“This Tiexiong is really a difficult thing. The hatred of others is passed on to us. It is really an unreasonable guy.” Bai Susu complained, a little speechless.

Yulan and Xu Sheng were silent at the same time. Tie Xiong was indeed making trouble out of nowhere, and it was a bit too much, but they had nothing to do. After all, this was the place of others.

“Hehe, rest assured, nothing will happen. If this steward wants to kill us, he won’t bring us here. As early as when they entered the Chen Family Palace, they killed us. “

Qin Yu smiled lightly and said confidently: “They brought us here. They should want to see if I am the real Refiner Master. I will decide after I figure it out.”

If Qin Yu is the real Refiner Master, the marine fish clan will not embarrass Qin Yu excessively, but if Qin Yu lied, then the Qin Yu 4 would be killed by the marine fish clan, and even die miserably.

At that time, even Chen Fei was afraid that he would stand on the opposite side of Qin Yu because of being deceived.

However, Qin Yu is above the refining device and has enough self-confidence, not worrying about the next thing at all.

Not to mention that Qin Yu can now refine the perfect high grade Venerable Artifact by himself, and there is also the existence of the Primordial Spirit Level of Chi Rong, another Old Monster. For Qin Yu, the refinement is just a trail.

“Qin Yu, you can honestly explain whether you know how to refine tools, but don’t lie because you got involved here, and instead be obliterated by the marine fish family.” Bai Susu asked with some worry.

Xu Sheng’s gaze also moved towards Qin Yu, his eyes full of doubtful expressions, a 20-year-old high grade Venerable Artifact Artifact Refining Grandmaster, he couldn’t believe it.

After all, the master who can refine high grade Venerable Artifact, let alone White Horse Island, even in the entire Black Demon Sea, is a well-known existence.

“Hehe, if I say that high grade Venerable Artifact is just a piece of cake for me, and I have participated in refining Emperor Artifact, I don’t know if you believe it or not.” Qin Yu said with a smile.

“What, have you participated in refining the Emperor Artifact?”

Xu Sheng was hearing this, with a pair of eyes staring like bull’s eyes, with an unbelievable expression on his face, and immediately shook the head of Fiercely, and said in disbelief: “Impossible, how old are you, how can you be so profound above Refiner Dao? Accomplishments.”

Refiner Dao, like Medicine Dao, requires a lot of energy. Some people can’t reach this height after exhausting their lives. Even most people have never seen the appearance of Emperor Artifact.

Xu Sheng has always maintained a strong skepticism that Qin Yu can refine the high grade Venerable Artifact. As for participating in the refining of Emperor Artifact and killing Xu Sheng, Xu Sheng is impossible to believe.

“Qin Yu, the matter is up to now, you guy is still boasting here, do you want to kill us?”

Bai Susu didn’t give Qin Yu a good look. She didn’t believe Qin Yu’s words at all, but she didn’t mean to target Qin Yu, and finally brace oneself said: “Forget it, although you guy loves boosting, it’s for our good , At worst when the time comes, we kill together, even if we die, we must die together.”

Thinking of Qin Yu dash on bravely with no thought of personal safety, giving up his life to block a blow for himself, Bai Susu had no response qi in his heart, and he would die with Qin Yu.

Seeing the two people who didn’t believe it, Qin Yu smiled slowly and moved towards Yulan Elder and said: “Yulan Elder still remembers the ancient battleship of Emperor Artifact I controlled during the Great Celestial Sect battle, right?”

“What, did you refine the ancient battleship?”

Yulan was a little surprised, because she had witnessed Qin Yu refining and using massive Spirit Stones, manipulating ancient warships, and killing enemies. The scene was quite shocking.

Qin Yu shook the head, explaining: “The ancient battleship was not entirely made by me. To be precise, I just repaired the battleship of the Ancient Youfeng Peak Master, but it was made by our Heavenly Blue Sect. Iron Bone Lance, but I guided it.”

“Ah, the iron bone lance was actually completed by you under your guidance, how is this possible?”

When Yulan heard Qin Yu’s words, she almost jumped up without surprise, Huarong paled and was completely shocked.

I originally thought that Qin Yu’s repairing the ancient warships was already a shocking thing. Didn’t expect the power of the Heavenly Cang Sect for decades, the refined Emperor Artifact iron bone lance has a great relationship with Qin Yu, and I dare not dare. Imagine.

In her life, or many powerhouses in the Celestial Continent, the only two low grade Emperor Artifacts she saw in her life were all made by Qin Yu.

“What ancient warship, what iron lance, it’s all rubbish, what are you arguing about here.”

When Yu Lan was extremely horrified, there was a coldly shouted voice from outside the secret room, and then a very familiar silhouette walked in.

“Tie Xiong!”

Seeing this silhouette, Qin Yu’s eyes narrowed a little. He knew that Tiexiong must be behind the scenes, and now he saw Tiexiong again.

In addition to Tie Xiong, more than a dozen experts came in. Many people’s realms are extremely powerful, especially the old men of the three marine fish clan who have a kind of supreme pressure on them.

This kind of pressure is not weaker than that of Gu Xiu and Bai Susu’s father Bai Heng. In addition, these three elders seem to be deliberately deterring Qin Yu and the others. The breath is slightly released, and Qin Yu and the others can’t breathe. Come feel.

It is worth mentioning that Chen Fei was also in the crowd, but he stood behind the crowd with an extremely gloomy expression. Obviously, he was scolded by fiercely after going out just now.

“Who among you is the Refiner Master?”

Among the three elders, one came out and looked at the four Qin Yu with a slightly indifferent look, just like one after another needle light, falling on Qin Yu and the others.

“Underneath is the Refiner Master!” Qin Yu stood up and said, not at all.

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